Yama Rising

Chapter 728

Chapter 728: The Great Sale (2)

Chapter 728: The Great Sale (2)

The golden curtain of light before them rippled wildly. This was none other than the Array of the Nine Gods that sequestered Cathay from the rest of the world. This was a barrier that was often said to be rigid as an unbreakable wall, and yet it flowed as soft as a curtain. Just then, a giant hand appeared to push gently on the other side of the curtain.

It was almost as though a rift had opened in the sky. The curtain tore open, sending a flurry of Yin Talismans shimmering into the night sky around. Meanwhile, dense Yin energy poured out from the crack, followed closely by the emergence of a massive hand blazing with blistering netherflames.

“What the hell is going on? What terrifying monster is this?!” Ivantov’s lips quivered wildly as he lay prostrate on the ground, “I-I’ve seen the Tsar in person, but… the breath of this monster is even more t-t-terrifying than the Tsar himself!”

Dead silence.

“You may enter, but anyone who leaves the designated areas will be killed without trial.”

“Anyone who attempts to spy on the internal affairs of Hell, or does anything beyond your designated tasks, shall be killed without trial.”

The hair on the nape of their necks stood on end, yet nobody said a word. Three seconds later, the voice boomed once more, “Understand?”

“Get up.” At once, the oppressive weight on their shoulders lifted at once, and the lingering traces of the voice chuckled softly like a departing god, “The fact that you’re here means that you’re our friends and partners, so long as you play by the rules. Now, follow me through the Array of the Nine Gods. You have 10 minutes.”

How terrifying… He hadn’t dared to look up for a single moment. Terror crept through his heart like a brood of maggots, and it was more gut-wrenching than death itself. The netherflames in his eyes had even been stifled so greatly that they were on the cusp of being completely extinguished.

When the Tsar first informed everyone of the war reparations, the entire Council erupted into an uproar, incensed by what the Tsar was forced to agree to. This was why it was the Pyotr that came, rather than any other merchant fleet.

But he didn’t dare do so now.”

Ivantov’s mind went numb at once. Everything was going wrong. He gritted his teeth and rushed out of his cabin once more, where he immediately barked through gritted teeth, “To hell with that blasted--...”

Retreating. They were retreating rapidly! So fast that it was even kicking up waves that were over 10 meters high! Anglo roared from underwater as it retreated desperately for its life!

Ivantov could swear that he was seeing stars right now, and he barked orders without hesitation, “Stop it at once! Hold it steady! Where’s our beastmaster? What the hell are they doing?! Where the hell are they?!!!”

After all, he was controlling a mothership bearing war reparations, and they were departing almost as soon as they were granted entry. What would Hell think?

Damn it… damn it!!! How did things come to this!

He started out incredibly loud, but then soon trailed off to a soft murmur, “P-p-p-please f-f-forgive us…”

The Alkebulan fleet passed through the Array of the Nine Gods like insects under their human master, and not a single sailor on board those ships dared to even look up. Everyone kept their heads bowed low with incomparable reverence and awe, as they took a brave step into the mystical lands that had remained closed to the world for the last hundred years.

Overbearing might, and overflowing grace.

“My god!!!” It was as quick as lightning. A split second later, the colossal hand was already directly over the Russian flotilla. Ivantov screamed at the top of his voice, and immediately clutched his head and crouched down onto the ground. Many of the other Yin spirits likewise braced themselves and lay prone on the ground.

Then, in the next moment, he felt himself… flying. josei

They were flying.

The Pyotr - a beast that was tens of kilometers large, had been lifted right off the surface of the seas, leaving the Anglo’s colossal body struggling in mid-air as water poured off its body.

I mean… what the hell is going on here?!

“Blessings of the ancestors…” One of the Alkebulan Yin spirits lowered his head and began to chant a prayer in his heart.

It was merely a flick.

“Is this what the might of a top underworld is like…” The Alkebulan Yin spirits gazed blankly at the skies as the Anglo soared through the air. A dark shadow swept right over the Alkebulan fleet, rushed straight through the Array of the Nine Gods, and then finally landed on the sea on the other side with a terrifying crash.

Completely silent.

Back in the mortal realm. Yan Capital, inside the conference room. Lei Jun immediately shot to his feet and stared intently at the screen.

“Director Lei?” The other leaders gathered in the room looked up at Lei Jun at the same time. They weren’t daft. After all, daft people couldn’t possibly rise through the ranks like the leaders did. One of the old men exclaimed, “How powerful does that Emissary of Hell have to be to be able to do something like that?”

That was almost akin to a large island.

Yet who would’ve thought that it would be flicked right out of the sea with such great ease and precision?

Lei Jun didn’t respond.

“Very strong.”

The eyes of the leaders flickered wildly, as they turned back and stared aghast at the screen of Yin energy.

That said, there wasn’t a modicum of fear in their hearts. All they felt was immense anticipation.


He shivered wildly as he chuckled.

He finally understood it all.

This is… beyond the gods of death…

He finally understood why the Anglo had desperately sought to retreat earlier. It was because the Anglo had instinctively detected an existence that could instantly crush it. The disparity in their strength was far too apparent. Right now, Ivantov had only one thought in his mind - It’s a good thing I didn’t comply with the orders of the Russian Underworld back then. Otherwise, had I sailed the Pyotr at top speed into the Ashmound Port, my soul might not even be intact right now!

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