Yama Rising

Chapter 989

Chapter 989: First Meeting of the Resurgence Team (2)

Chapter 989: First Meeting of the Resurgence Team (2)

No one offered a response.

It was a very simple question, but the implications were very severe.

Essentially, Qin Ye was asking for a volunteer to become the main architect of the entire project.

Who didn't want such a prestigious title? If this project ended in success, the name of the main architect would most definitely be recorded in the history books directly above everyone else involved.

However, similarly, if the project were to go awry, the main architect would definitely be the first to be blamed. Risk and reward had always come hand in hand, and in exchange for the potential for greater glory, one had to take on more responsibility.

This was a long road with no light at the end of the tunnel, and someone had to lead the way, even though no one knew whether the road led to nirvana or the abyss. Thus, this was a grueling test of resolve and courage.

This was a task of unprecedented gravity, and even Zu Chongzhi and the others, who had participated in the research and development of forbidden arts, didn't say anything. After a long while, Deng Ruifeng, Xu Chengyang, and Pang Hai stood up almost in perfect synchronicity as they said, "We're willing to give it a try."

"We are also willing." Zu Chongzhi and Lu Ban stood up almost immediately thereafter. They also wanted to prove themselves and didn't want to be outdone by these newcomers.

Qin Ye maintained a serious expression as he looked into their eyes one after another. "Are you confident in your ability to succeed?"

"Not at all," Xu Chengyang replied with a wry smile. "I had no confidence back when I was researching and developing nuclear weapons, either. It was just a case of taking blind stabs in the dark until we hit gold, and no one can predict what the ultimate outcome is going to be."

A carefree smile appeared on Zu Chongzhi's face as he said, "I've already lived for far longer than anyone has the right to, and in return, it's only right that I take on the most difficult of duties. If no one steps up, then how is the nation going to advance? Yanluo Qin, please appoint me as the main architect!"

"Senior Zu..." Deng Ruifeng wanted to say something, but Zu Chongzhi raised a hand to cut him off.

"You're still too young to take on such a responsibility."

Xu Chengyang's trio wanted to vehemently object to this, but they couldn't say anything.

Zu Chongzhi was a pioneering figure in the history of Cathayan science, and he absolutely had the right to say something like that.

"If you fail, you'll face such heavy criticism from all of the officials and citizens of the nation that your futures will be ruined," Lu Ban said. "In contrast, our names have already gone down in history, and even if they criticize us, it won't be as severe. Perhaps we'll still be given a second chance by the nation even if we fail, but that same courtesy definitely wouldn't be afforded to the three of you."

Deng Ruifeng opened his mouth to say something, but remained silent in the end, and a few seconds later, he nodded in response with a complex expression.

In the face of such an important duty, everyone had cast aside their own interests to think for the greater good.

Qin Ye exchanged a glance with Zhao Yun and the Harken in silence before also rising to his feet.

He then smiled as he said, "I'm very pleased to see your resolve. The invention of a new energy resource will have a far greater impact on the underworld than you can imagine. It'll be a momentous occasion comparable with the past industrial revolutions of the mortal realm, and it'll propel the Cathayan Underworld all the way to the top of the world!"

Indeed, the impact was going to be far greater than they could imagine as no one knew exactly what type of monster was sealed in the Australis Underworld. However, the fact that even the second King Yanluo had to guard it in person was a clear testament to just how formidable it was.

If that entire place could be equipped with weapons powered by the new energy resource, then the Cathayan Underworld's status in the world would reach unprecedented heights!

"The first industrial revolution was in Europa, while the second one was in Usonia, and now, it's finally our turn."

Qin Ye took a deep breath before continuing, "In that case, the main architects will be Lu Ban and Zu Chongzhi, while Xu Chengyang, Deng Ruifeng, and Pang Hai will serve as the vice architects. Are there any objections?"

No one said anything.

Even Qin Ye didn't know whether he had chosen the right people or whether this was even a feasible path, but he could only assign these duties to the people that he trusted the most.

Qin Ye declared with a solemn expression, "From this moment onward, the Resurgence Team is officially founded with Xu Chengyang, Deng Ruifeng, and Pang Hai taking on the roles of team leader and vice team leaders."

"Yes," the trio replied with a collective bow. They knew that the heaviest burdens had been taken by Zu Chongzhi and the others, leaving them with no time and energy to take care of anything else. As such, the three of them would be responsible for all of the other logistical matters, including the all-important human resources arrangements.

Before they had a chance to think about this any further, Qin Ye continued, "There's no need to request permission for any personnel changes in the Resurgence Team, just report the changes to me after the event. No matter who you want on the team, you can take them without any exceptions. There's also no need for the Resurgence Team to request any resources, just take them and report to me after the event. All municipal governments and the central government will prioritize your needs above all other departments, and I'll make sure that all of the provinces, cities, and counties are aware of this. The Resurgence Team will answer directly to me and is not under the jurisdiction of any departments. As long as I approve of its operations, no one is allowed to impede the Resurgence Team."

This string of orders was met by complete silence from everyone.

The excitement on the faces of Zu Chongzhi, Lu Ban, and the three professors from the mortal realm had already been replaced by serious expressions, and several seconds later, Zu Chongzhi said in a slightly trembling voice, "Rest assured, Yanluo Qin, I'll be sure to fulfill my duties, even if it costs me my life!"

They had been given the power to transcend beyond all of the administrative departments! If they couldn't make anything out of this opportunity, not only would the other departments be extremely displeased, they wouldn't even be able to live with themselves!

It was clear that they were being asked to dedicate everything they had to creating this new energy resource, and they had to see this through to the very end!

"The specific details will be sent to all of you by Assistant Wang later." Qin Ye finally sat down. A new era was beckoning, and in the face of such a monumental shift in history, the responsibility of having to make these decisions was weighing on him like a massive mountain.

You're not the ones who'll have to bear the brunt of the consequences, that'll be me... He couldn't help but give an internal wry smile as he swept his gaze across everyone present.

Without the resolve and courage required to take on these responsibilities and the potential for nationwide criticism, he wouldn't be fit to be the ruler of the Cathayan Underworld.

As for how he was going to eventually be evaluated in the history books, that was not something for him to consider for now.

"Seeing as the team has already been assembled, the Human Resources Department will be presenting a list of political achievements of all of our underworld emissaries during their lifetimes and their time in the underworld to you. All of the underworld emissaries of the North Yin Pavilion will help you sift through the list, but this is only a temporary arrangement."

During this past month, he had already discussed these points with Zhao Yun and the Harken countless times.

He continued, "Following the establishment of the team, all matters taking place within the team must be reported to me as soon as possible. Also, I want to see a finalized list of names of all of the underworld emissaries you want within a month."

He leaned back in his chair as he smiled and said, "Don't look so glum and serious, this is a good thing. At the very least, we have a chance to grasp the key to the next era, and none of the other underworlds even have this opportunity. Now that the direction of the team has been confirmed, let's discuss what we're going to do next."

Perhaps less seasoned individuals would be confused to hear this. After all, hadn't Qin Ye already organized everything? However, having had similar experiences to this in the mortal realm, the three professors immediately knew what Qin Ye was referring to.josei

He was asking what the team should do as its first step following its founding.

At the same time, this was a good opportunity for him to examine whether any of the people in the team only had resounding reputations but no actual skills to back them up, even though the possibility of that was virtually negligible. As a ruler, it had become second nature to him to keep his subordinates on their toes. The only exceptions to that were the likes of the second King Yanluo and Zhao Yun.

Xu Chengyang's trio didn't say anything. They were relative newcomers, and they still weren't sufficiently familiar with Hell's core regulations to speak here.

Zu Chongzhi exchanged a glance with Lu Ban before the latter rose to his feet and cupped his fist in a salute as he said, "I think our top priority should be to stabilize."

"Oh?" Qin Ye raised an eyebrow in response.

Zu Chongzhi explained, "I'm not saying we should stabilize the situation. Instead, we should stabilize our international standing."

He gestured toward the door, and Wang Chenghao immediately made his way over to his table with a stack of documents. Zu Chongzhi picked up one of the documents with a serious expression as he said, "Currently, most of the world's top consortiums have already gathered outside the Array of the Nine Gods. Alongside them are envoys sent from all underworlds, and they're using whatever excuse possible to try and find out whether the new energy resource project is authentic or not."

He placed that document back onto the table as he continued, "I've traveled for hundreds of years to further my knowledge, and in that process, I became quite well versed with the unspoken rules of the international community, one of which is that super projects than can define an era like this one must be displayed to the public. Setting aside the fact that it's very likely we'll have to use resources from other nations during our future research and development, the status of the Cathayan Underworld alone makes it unfeasible for us to hide everything as it is our obligation to be open, honest, and transparent. According to international regulations, the four pillars must release white papers on their financial, military, and economic situation once every 10 years, and no major decisions can be hidden. After all, any decision made by one of the four pillars could affect the entire world. As such, we have to hold a press conference, but it can't be held within our borders. With General Zhao's powers, it won't be difficult to create a temporary island, but that's only a temporary solution. During our research and development, we have to display some parts of our progress to the public."

All of the nations in the world were interconnected, and no one could truly stand alone. Qin Ye heaved a faint sigh as he massaged his own glabella.

The Cathayan Underworld could choose to withhold all information, but the new energy resource was going to have to be promoted to the rest of the world eventually. They had to let the rest of the world know the rules and method of operation of the new energy resource, as well as how to construct the base stations required for its operation.

Otherwise, if they were to only release everything only after all of it was complete, all of the other nations would have to take a few more years to set up everything, and that would incur international dissatisfaction.

All of the major consortiums and nations in the world had their eyes focused on the Cathayan Underworld, and for it to withhold this information was to neglect its international duties. Perhaps all of the other nations would swallow the bitter pill one time, but the limits of their patience was not to be tested.

However, this also brought about another problem.

"A press conference is not out of the question," Qin Ye said. "But every single word that we release will be scrutinized under microscopes, and we'll have to face constant attacks and doubt from the international academic society. This is something that's inevitable for every significant new breakthrough that has ever been made in history. Are you all prepared for this?"

He cast a meaningful gaze toward everyone as he spoke.

"Rest assured, Yanluo Qin, we're more than ready!" Zu Chongzhi replied with a serious expression. "Give me two months, one to recruit the people we want, and the second month to familiarize ourselves with the notes. In two months, we'll directly face all of the journalists and scholars of the world and answer their questions one by one!"

"All seven members of the Argosian Underworld's round table will most likely be there," Zhao Yun cautioned. "As well as the Borobudur Temple of the Hindustani Underworld, the Aegyptian Underworld's Pyramid of Truth. No Yin spirit from the academic society is going to be willing to pass up this opportunity to gather information on the new energy resource. Are you sure you'll be able to stand up to them?"

Without enduring trials and tribulations, a new piece of innovation could never reach the top.

What they had to do was to accept the challenge and directly face these trials and tribulations!

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