Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 206

Chapter 206: The Last One

It was at the Snow Angel's District multi interconnected building. 

There exist an extraordinary special room at the very top of this massive building that reached several miles high into the sky.

It was an immensely unique room very, very few had access to, and barely anybody knows about this room. The staircase leading to this top floor area was heavily protected by several formations, allowing only four certain people to come up here.

The top area didn't contain anything remarkable in design. 

It was simply the usual pure white coat of paint that the rest of the Snow Angel's building painted on their walls.josei

The only thing the top area contained was that distinctive hidden room. 

Even before one would go up to the white doors that contained this special room, anybody would feel positively refreshed on this top floor area. 

Permeating the air here was a different quality of Qi energy that wasn't available to the outside world. It was incredible purified Qi energy, a quality of Qi energy any cultivator would lust over.

And beyond the white doors, here was a room entirely fitted for closed-door cultivation. 

Inside, this room contained the most purified Qi the Snow Angel's group had to offer. There was seemingly an endless amount of purified Qi here.

These kinds of purified Qi spaces were called Qi Haven Doors.

And inside the Snow Angel group's Qi Haven Door, it was a massively expansive area. This Qi Haven space could fit up to hundreds of people at the same time. 

Following the aesthetic of the Snow Angel group, this Qi Haven space is entirely pure white.

There wasn't any furniture, walls, or any unnecessary design in this Qi Haven space. It was entirely for cultivators to enlighten themselves and experience bouts of incredible growth.

Despite how far and wide this Qi Haven space was, there was only one long figure inhabiting the place. 

It was a woman who floated a few feet off the ground, sitting still in a focused meditative position.

This woman was a beauty that surpassed even top-notch beauties. 

She exuded a pure fairy-like presence with glistening creamy white skin that could shine bright even in the darkest of nights.

This woman had a peerless beautiful face that looked perfectly sculpted, radiating a sexy magnetic allure. She had dazzling light blue hair that elegantly danced down to her waist like a natural flowing waterfall.

Completing her near hypnotic appearance was a flawlessly bodily figure. She had a bewitching figure-eight body that burst with raw sexiness and stole the souls of anybody daring enough to stare at her.

Her pure white robe dress perfectly nuzzled on her sexy body, accentuating her pure fairy-like maiden aura. 

This woman was the strongest out of the whole Snow Angel group. She was the Snow Angel Leader, Kyrha!

One of the first ninth-level Heavenly Kings that everyone in their group believed will lead them to achieve glorious feats! 

After Leader Melea, Karis and Zillah briefly met up with her, Leader Kyrha promptly went back to cultivating.

Even as she achieved a significant level in the Heavenly Transformation realm, Leader Kyrha didn't let it go to her head. She knew she had to take the extra time to stabilize her foundation after this massive breakthrough. 

And quite some time has passed since then. 

With Leader's Kyrha exceptional talent, she was just nearing the edge of stabilizing her ninth-level Heavenly King aura. 

As she neared closed, a sudden blue glow flashed from within Leader Kyrha's robes. When the illuminating blue flash sparked, Leader Kyrha's eyes immediately swung wide open. 

Despite being in a literal Qi Haven right now, Leader Kyrha was sensing an aura far, far purer than the Qi energy here. A wave of incredible refreshing energy washed over Leader Kyrha's mind, nearly clearing away all of the tension in her mental state.

Her eyes snapped down into her clothes in slight disbelief. 

Leader Kyhra didn't think twice and snappily took out the blue flash, which was a contact ring that had the initial 'KI' signed on it.

She immediately began talking into the contact ring, saying, "Leader Karis….this aura….is this what I think it is?!" 

Several old tales began running through Leader Kyhra's mind with each passing second she spent under the contact ring aura. For rare moments like this in her life, she legitimately couldn't keep her excitement down. 

"Indeed it is Leader Kyrha. Just some time ago, Leader Melea had called us out here as she had found a Heavenly Crystalline treasure! Unfortunately, though, we can't get past the barrier blocking. It's all three of us, Melea, Zillah, and I, yet we can't make a dent into it. We need your help, Leader Kyrha." Leader Karis's voice echoed from the contact ring.

Leader Kyrha ponders it for a moment. 

To be able to gain an incredible treasure like this is a dream come true. Although Leader Kyrha did have one question. "Did you have to fight anybody to get it? Were there signs of people there?"

"Well….we didn't have to fight anyone. But there were signs of a great fight here, though it seemed like it ended in mutual destruction. We've been here for quite some time, yet nobody still hasn't shown up. And even if they did, there's not much that can seriously threaten us." Leader Karis seamlessly explained.

Leader Kyhra thinks all of this over once again. 

It was basically impossible to give up on a treasure as great as this. And Leader Kyrha also began to recall the specific Mage requirements needed to even open up the cave.

On that note, Leader Kyrha's mouth began to slightly curve up as she knows the perfect thing for this little barrier. 

She told Leader Karis then, "Ok. One of you will come back over here to watch the place while I'm gone. I'll be there shortly."

"Ok, Leader Kyrha. And I think Zillah will be the one that goes back." After Leader Karis finished talking, the contact ring lost its luster, going silently dead. 

'Hmm….with how I am now, I nearly have an early perfected foundation. It's enough.'

Leader Kyrha went over several possibilities in her mind. But out of everything, she was assured no immediate danger will befall her or her group while traveling. 

With her prowess and her Spirit Artifact, Kyrha didn't even fear tenth-level Heavenly Kings. 

A bright blue glow suddenly shrouded Leader Kyrha's body, and she had then vanished from sight.


Sometime later. 

Leader Kyrha was briskly sailing through the skies. She didn't take any caution at all and was blasting through the air at top speeds, becoming a blur that split apart the clouds.

As she traveled, it was almost like what Leader Kyrha expected. 

Nobody was daring enough to follow a powerful ninth-level Heavenly King. Even for how reckless some Mercenary groups can be, they all clearly know their limit.

Leader Kyrha also had her Spirit Sense spread out for dozens of miles around her, being prepared for any unexpected situation. 

However, the most strange part of this all was the fact there wasn't a single being to where she was heading.

Although she expected no humans to come because of her realm, Leader Kyrha didn't even sense somebody attempting to come near her range. 

In fact, she barely sensed anyone outside of New Branch City.

This lack of appearance fell on the Spirit Monsters as well. There weren't any feral, savage beasts trying to claim her life. 

Despite the strangeness of it all, Leader Kyrha didn't have the time to sit back and contemplate why.

She continued on through the air, crossing tens of miles in a short while. 

It wasn't until Leader Kyhra made it within several miles of the spot Kari's contact ring pinged her did a change happen.

As Leader Kyrha got close, and incredibly foul stench whiffed into her nose. It was the putrid odor of death and blood. An odor she was all familiar with. 

Although, this odor smells even more rancid than usual. Leader Kyrha scrunched her nose but didn't stop flying.

However, right then, Leader Kyrha's eyes burst wide open, her body completely froze up as a frantic of overwhelming fear boomed into her mind. 

An immensely powerful aura that was causing the air itself to freeze had crushed down right on her body.

To her body and into her soul, this tremendously powerful aura completely constricted her entire being! 

Her ninth level Heavenly aura and Heavenly Qi was utterly vaporized, leaving Leader Kyrha entirely powerless under this terrifying unknown figure.


A high pitch moan of pure pleasure squeaked out Leader Kyhra as a Darkness tendrils had blitzed down towards her from the sky and tightly wrapped around her waist, all in the span of half a second.

Leader Kyrha only saw her vision going slightly dark before the instant surprised attack. 

She barely felt a slight flare of pain from how tightly the Darkness tendril crushed her waist. But, that flare of pain, her initial fears all pales in comparison to this sudden intense sensation of overwhelming pleasure! 

Leader Kyrha couldn't focus on anything else. Her tongue drooped out of her mouth, and her eyes began to water over from the pleasure.

Right then, Leader Kyhra blinked her eyes as a figure coated entirely in Darkness blasted past her like a missile. 

The Darkness figure shot straight towards the ground, and Leader Kyrha felt an intense tug around her waist.

"Ahh~!" Leader Kyrha's shouted in a mix of pleasure and surprise as her body was pulled towards the ground like a helpless child. 

There simply wasn't anything she could do in this situation. 

This Darkness figure completely suppressed and destroyed her ninth level Heavenly aura and Heavenly Qi. Furthermore, the pleasure sensation taking over her mind, body, and soul made her not even want to struggle free.

Leader Kyrha's unfocused eyes helplessly watched as the gray mixed snowy ground quickly approached her. 


Leader Kyrha was violently slammed into the ground, causing a mini crater to form beneath her impact.

"Nnng~! Ahhh…." 

However, instead of any squeals of pain, there were only moans of pleasure leaking out of Leader Kyrha. 

Somehow from that impact, the pleasure only got better!

Leader Kyhra felt as if her whole being was lit ablaze with desire. Her loins were moist and had a burning craving there. But all Leader Kyrha could do was convulse her body in pleasure as she couldn't move her arms.

Leader Kyhra slowly lifts her head up, realizing that it may be over for her. 

That violent impact not only made the pleasure increase but also dispersed the Spirit Artifact power that was attempting to surge within her robes.

The impact from the ground released a mere small percentage of the tremendous aura power and easily overwhelmed the Spirit Artifact power. 

A power that had risen to be equal to tenth level Heavenly King power was absolutely nothing against this Darkness aura.

As Leader Kyhra's body writhe in pleasure, her pupils began to dilate. 

She spotted that same Darkness figure that zoomed past her, slowly walking up to her. Though her eyes were a bit unfocused, she could make out the appearance that the figure was a man wearing a black mask.

Of course, this masked man was Darcel. 

And he was delightfully smirking behind his mask as he walked over to Leader Kyhra's body. When he made it right over her body, Darcel heard something faint come from her.

In just a barely audible tone being a vague faint whisper, Darcel heard, 

"So-so warm…." 

Leader Kyrha's face was back down in the snow as these words subconsciously leaked from her mouth.

Darcel's very presence brought about a warming, soothing sensation that mixed in with her burning lustful desires. 

'Hmm….seems like I don't even need to directly touch them now.' Darcel had hypothesized in his mind as both his Yin Pleasure skills and his green shade Divine Property were only growing stronger. 

Darcel had then crouched down, slowly lifted Leader Kyrha's head up, and expectantly saw a faint green shade hue nestling within the depths of her eyes.

'Now for the finale.' Darcel remarked to himself and touched Leader Kyrha's forehead with one finger, making her and his eyes go nearly all black with a hint of a green shade within them.

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