Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: New Stay

Aniela and Masami felt a slight bit of joy as they identified one of the presences walking up to them. They both began to smile, but a question did pop in their minds.

'Wasn't it just seconds ago he started it?' Both Aniela and Masami thought. 

And as both girls sensed the two presences, they both had quickly appeared in their vision.

And of course, it was Darcel and the now Darkness Servant Kyrha. 

"Fuuu~, so quick, Darcy! Quite literally a few seconds before you got here, Sami had just arrived here. Your conversion is at lightning speeds now!" Aniela whistles in eager excitement. 

The faster Darcel could do the conversion process on these women, the wider their control can breach, and more things can get done. It made Aniela genuinely curious about the opened possibility of Darcel having the ability to possibly one day do an instant conversion.

"If you were just going to be this quick, then I would've just waited for you," Masami remarked, feeling a similar rush of excitement on the constant approving abilities of Darcel's conversion powers. 

She had then trailed her eyes over Kyrha's face, who had a small kind smile curving up her lips. Masami slightly nodded and said, "Hm, at least she appears obedient."

Kyrha was trailing six feet behind Darcel, slightly lowering her head dutifully at Aniela and Masami before even getting close to them. 

Darcel nodded to the girls, feeling a bit of pride swell in himself at their compliments, and told them, "It's all thanks to Yin Pleasure. And those chaotic shards our souls absorb. In fact, without that, I really wouldn't be nearly as fast." 

"Those chaotic shards, huh? Mnnn….those shards still seem even more special than just overpowering our attacks." Aniela thought out loud. 

She, Darcel nor Masami didn't care that Kyrha was listening in on a great secret like this. Darcel's Darkness Soul link is permanently engraved into Kyrha's soul core, and she'll never leak out or betray the trio ever.

"Alright, alright, we can think about that later. For now, with all four Snow Angels Leaders under us, we basically control the entire group. What devious plans do you have next, Darcel?" Masami's tone turned increasingly mischievous at the end.

And Darcel was sure that Masami had an equally mischievous smile on her face while talking. 

Wryly smiling to himself, Darcel told the girls, "Now, we won't have to deal with anything troublesome if we want resources or intel. But before we continue onto the next group, we should rest up to properly digest everything that happened these last couple of days. With that Crystalline Shard broken, it's no use to us now; we'll come back for it later."

While they had waited for Kyrha to come, Darcel had already attempted to take the last Crystalline Shard. Unfortunately, though, even at his full power, that last Crystalline Shard didn't budge a single bit.

As Darcel's finished talking, Kyrha's eyes suddenly lit up. 

She boldly began talking, asking her Darcel, "Master. Mistresses, may I make a suggestion?" 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami snapped their attention over to her. Aniela and Masami didn't particularly want to hear Kyrha's suggestion.

But Darcel didn't mind at all. "Go ahead and tell us then." 

"You see, Master, I can get you all without being seen at all at our Snow Angel's base. Because of your Masked presence abilities, you'll practically be invisible, and I have a route to get in that isn't known to people. In our base, I have a suitable room that can make cultivation much smoother." Kyrha smoothly explained.

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami paused for a moment and look over at each other. They contemplated where they should stay, and Aniela was the first to arrive at a swift conclusion. 

"I say, let's go! We should get to know the base we essentially took over. Plus, it'll be better than that small inn."

"That, and it will also be easier to ring up these servants." Masami approvingly nodded her head also. 

Darcel also saw far more advantages at staying with the Snow Angels. So he nodded his head, telling Kyrha,

"Alright, we'll make the next step of our plans there." 

"Oh? Would you look at this? Our number one Snow Angel Leader is finally here, and she's joining us." The lazy voice of Bella echoed out the cave as she was the first one to arrive at the entrance.

"I guess now, the whole gang of Snow Angels Leaders can maybe get along better this way. Welcome to the servants club." Bella continued on, offering Kyrha a lazy wave and relaxed smile. 

Any formalities Bell would have about Kyrha being the strongest Snow Angel Leader was getting quickly dropped because of Darcel's presence. 

Kyrha simply had a slight smirk as she stared past Bella's relaxed face. And as she expected, Melea, Karis, and Zillah were all walking out of the cave.  josei

The four Snow Angels Leaders' eyes met, and a hint of amusement danced in each of their eyes. 

"Well, well. Looks like things will get a lot more interesting now."  Kyrha said with a hint of amusement lacing her tone. 

Karis and Zillah only crossed their arms at her, smirking all the while. And only Melea had a big welcoming smile as she said,

"Indeed. You don't even know the half of it, Kyrha. Master and Mistresses truly are that extraordinary. But now that we're linked up and together, shall we head on over to the base?" 

"Right. You take the lead, Kyrha." Darcel directed, and Kyrha promptly turned around and began slowly rising up in the air. 

Masami had grabbed both Darcel and Aniela's hands and began rising up in the air with them, following right behind Kyrha. 

Melea, Karis, Zillah, and Bella were right behind them as well.


A while later. 

Darcel, Aniela, and Masami stood still as their gazes roamed up and door a big white door. The trio was currently in a pure white design hallway, and on the walls were elegant artsy designs.

"Heey….seems like you weren't full of hot air, Kyrha. I can already feel the purified Qi opening up my pores!" Aniela genuinely praised as small waves of pure Qi emitted from being so close to the white door.

In Aniela's honest opinion, she was indeed impressed by the Snow Angel's massively interconnected building. But she could really just say she was a sucker to the all-white aesthetic these Snow Angel women coated themselves in.

Aniela assumed it probably has a bit to do with how she has Light Essence nestling inside her soul, but the color white was always pleasing to her eyes. 

Like how Darcel can feel warmth with Darkness, Aniela felt the same with any pure white color.

"I'm glad you think Mistresses. Out of most Mercenary groups and even some powerful Sects Qi Haven spaces, we have a high quality that even they would praise." Kyrha stated as she was right beside the trio.

"Hm." Masami remained impassive, only giving a slight shrug of her shoulders. She compared the pure Qi here to the Crystalline pure Qi, and the Crystalline was obviously far superior. 

Although even Masami could admit to herself that it wasn't an entirely fair comparison to compare these two. 

Other than that, in contrast to how Aniela felt warm about the pure white color. Masami only found the constant white as drooling. 

'Seriously, how don't these women's minds just burst from constant white eyesore color.' Masami slightly shook her head, not even wanting to understand what went on in these Snow Angel women's minds.

Darcel remained neutral but was nodding his head in approval. His mind began to briefly recall just how easy it was to get up here. 

And Indeed, Kyrha did have a secret route to get into the Snow Angel's building.

A very secret route that not even Melea, Karis, or Zillah knows about. 

Before they even got here, Melea, Karis, Zillah, and Bella have split off to take the standard route and await Darcel's further instruction.

Once the trio was alone with Kyrha, they naturally weren't noticed by anyone's Spirit Sense as the three had already masked their presence. 

Kyrha had then led them on the secret route, which led to the very top of their building.

And with just a snap of Kyrha's hands, she disabled the protective formations for a few seconds, allowing Darcel's group to enter undetected. 

Darcel felt mild amusement thinking about it since it was almost like a Sunday stroll he took with his girls. So easily did he invade a massive Mercenary group and right under the noses of the City Lords of New Branch City.

Darcel returned his attention back to reality and turned his gaze over at Kyrha, telling her, "We'll be staying the night here. During this course, I want you and the other Leaders to gather the most useful intel you have on the other Mercenary group and that Mage's Mercenary group. I'll ping for when you to come and give us the intel. Also, don't forget to cultivate masking your presence with your Darkness Soul link."

During their travel here, Darcel had already received Kyrha's contact ring. 

"Right away, Master." Kyrha dutifully nodded, turned around, and left the area, heading straight towards the only staircase in the hallway.

Once alone, Masami boldly strolled up to the door and smacked one of her palms on it. "Come on. Let's see if this place is what she cracked it up to be." 

Masami clenched her hand and swung the large white door wide open.

A burst of pure Qi swept right past Darcel, Aniela, and Masami. Their eyes curiously trailed over the pure vast white space that was the Qi Haven room. 

"Mnnn….not bad….not bad at all!" Aniela remarked out loud.

She, Masami, and Darcel all had similar sentiments. This Qi Haven is nowhere near the Crystalline level of pure Qi, but it's certainly was better than the general outside world. 

Without a moment to waste, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami filled into the Qi Haven space.

A loud slam echoed out from behind them as the large white door had automatically closed back up. 

Now inside the Qi Haven space, Darcel, Aniela, and Masami felt their bodies loosen up here. Some slight tensions they had quickly disappeared within mere seconds of just standing in this Qi Haven space. 

Darcel felt it was like standing in a relaxing spa. 

'Now then-' 

Suddenly, before Darcel could even think of something else, his body went stiff.

This went unnoticed by Aniela and Masami as they started to walk ahead of Darcel. Masami began to talk while curiously trailing her gaze around the Qi Haven space, "Now that we're here, what should we start off with? Cause I'm thi-"

Aniela suddenly interrupted Masami by slinging her arm around her shoulders. 

She began to talk in a sweet, teasing tone. "Now, now, after a day of battle, we should be properly relaxing! And I'm sure you also know the perfect way for that, right Sami~?"

Aniela's voice began to turn a mix of slight sultry and naughty at the end. She didn't bother to be subtle about her desires. 

And Masami couldn't deny her words. She felt a rush of passion as a burning desire ignited her whole body.

Her two foxtails curved and started to quickly swish in eager anticipation. However, Masami still managed to keep her cool despite her own body betraying her excitement. 

"Hmph, and I'm just sure you would agree…?"

When Masami turned her gaze to Darcel, she became a bit confused. Aniela had also snapped her attention towards Darcel, tilting her head as she stared at him. 

Out of nowhere, Darcel just abruptly stopped moving.

They didn't notice it at first, and seeing it now, they both could tell something was off about him. 

Darcel didn't know what was coming over him. He took off his mask, revealing his eyes that looked utterly drained.

Darcel gazed over towards the girls, feeling this overwhelming exhaustion sensation just get stronger and stronger. He could only utter out then, "Sorry, girls. As much as I would love to do it, you two will have to hang out on your own a bit. I'm just feeling…."

Darcel couldn't even finish his sentence before his eyes promptly shut and his body began to slowly fall over. 

"Darcel/Darcy!!" Masami and Aniela simultaneously shrieked as they instantly flashed right over to Darcel.

Masami and Aniela instantly caught Darcel, their minds in increasing chaos, entirely unprepared for this situation.

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