Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: Waves

As Darcel's consciousness faded back to him, he felt an increasing warmth shroud around his head. The warmth was nearly soothing enough to lullaby him back to a dream state.

But Darcel persisted in waking up, knowing he can't sleep for long. Plus, he actually felt good about waking up now.

Instead of the state of chaos, he woke up in the yellow space; Darcel felt truly tranquil now. The warm sensation he felt was akin to a secure safety net that he knows he can rely on.

This was a true sense of a homey feeling.

Under this calm state of mind, Darcel took his time coming back to consciousness. As he did so, Darcel heard the soft mumblings of two sweet voices he always loves to hear. 

One was brightly energetic, radiating a mesmerizing charm. While the other had a charming snappy attitude that was positively cute to listen to. 

Of course, Darcel identified these voices as Aniela and Masami. On instinct, Darcel felt his body twitch upon his awakening.

And doing so, Darcel felt the girl's conversation died down, presumably with them focusing all of their attention on him. 

Even for small moments like this that may seem so inconsequential, Darcel can't deny he liked having all that concern on him from Aniela and Masami.

Slowly Darcel's eyes open. A great big loving smile graced his lips at the beautiful sight presented before him. 

The first thing he saw was Aniela's gorgeous, broadly smiling face, peering right down at him.

As their black eyes met, Aniela quickly began to talk. "Quite a nap you had, eh? Hopefully, you'll be well-rested now!" A burst of joy swells into Aniela's chest from just being able to talk to Darcel like this again.

It may seem odd to some, considering that they were literally talking mere hours ago. But Aniela couldn't but have concerns after seeing Darcel had just spontaneously passed out without any warning.

Darcel felt a burst of joy from leaving a nightmarish hell dream to the loving smile of his brightly cute girlfriend. 

Before he spoke, Darcel could now fully perceive the warmth spreading throughout his entire body. He looked down past Aniela and saw Masami's smiling face, revealing a small cute canine in her teeth.

As her vertical slit eyes matched with Darcel's black eyes, Masami joyously said, "It's about time too. We were thinking you were about to take a full course of eight-hour rest." 

As she humorously chided, Masami couldn't stop her two foxtails from swirling in excitement. She, too, felt the same burst of joy from having the same concerns as Aniela.

Darcel had now noticed he was in true bliss. 

He was being held up on two amazing beauties laps. Aniela's lap was incredibly soft, akin to a soft, warm cushion. 

While Masami's had an equally soft, warm lap for his lower body.

There was a lot of perfect ways Darcel could wake up with his girlfriends. And this was definitely up there as being the best.  josei

A slight warm smile curved up Darcel's lips as he explained to the girls, "Sorry about that, girls. I just don't know what…." 

Towards the end of his sentence, Darcel began trailing off. An odd distance look suddenly swirled in his eyes. 

Aniela and Masami raised their eyebrows, yet they didn't speak up.

From the way, Darcel had spontaneously passed out and now his odd thinking look, the girls knew he was about to tell them something significant. 

Darcel didn't even notice the girls' concerning looks. His mood had instantly soured. The cause for his worsening mood was his mind quickly recalling that nasty yellow nightmare space. 

His bright smile from meeting the girls morphed into a small frown. A short sharp pang of pain streaked through Darcel's head then.

It only caused him to furrow his eyebrows though. 

The head-splitting headache in that nightmare was far superior to this small lit of pain. 

Still, everything about that nightmare, Darcel could vividly recall. It was like it was mere moments ago he experienced it. And Darcel realized it technically was mere moments ago, at least for him. 

"Darcy….are you ok?" Aniela softly asked him. After a moment of Darcel not responding, she had to ask.

It was a mildly surprising situation for both Aniela and Masami. When he was sleeping, Darcel's face was utterly indifferent. They would never be able to tell he had undergone a head-inducing nightmare. 

The only relief they had was that Darcel is up now. 

The warm, gentle voice of Aniela smoothly slinked into Darcel's ears like a fairy song. It quickly got Darcel to snap his mind away from recalling the dream and on to Aniela and Masami. 

The rising chaotic state of his mind calmed down, refocusing on their concern-looking faces. 

Darcel didn't leave his comfortable spot on their laps, took a slight deep breath, and began to talk.

"I'm ok….but the dream I had." Darcel starred directly into Aniela's deep black eyes, asking her, "Aniela….do you remember that moment, the one before we got teleported out of the organization? That yellow-eyed woman?"

Aniela paused for a long moment. When Darcel mentioned it, her mind vividly recalled that life-changing moment. 

The most vivid detail she remembered, however, was that chilling, yellow-eyed woman.

Aniela's eyes began to glow up, specifically recalling that frighteningly powerful woman. "That woman… .there's no way I can ever forget about her! I honestly still think about her some nights." 

Her eyes began to widen a bit as she excitedly asked Darcel, "Don't tell me….did you have a fate dream about her?! Just like those old dreams?!"

Masami's face was plastered with mild confusion for a second. But she quickly connected the dots just from the specific points the duo briefly mentioned. 

A thought entered Masami's mind as she asked, "So this 'yellow-eyed woman' who is she? Or, do you know what she is? I'm amusing; she's the one that teleported you both to this realm?" 

Darcel and Aniela took a brief glance at one another. They honestly never really cared about their past that much considering their future is so much brighter. 

This is why they ended up neglecting to tell Masami certain aspects about them. 

To clarify it for the fox girl, Darcel told her, "Indeed, Masami. You see, somehow, during our last experimentation at that place, I had dripped a drop of my blood into her, which mysteriously caused our teleportation to work—no idea how that happened. But from what we can tell, that yellow-eyed woman is outrageously powerful. Even when she was completely restrained, near death with nearly zero energy, she still made those powerful scientists and doctors tremble in their boots. And now….I'm pretty sure I just had a dream about her."

Darcel took a moment to collect all of his thoughts as that nightmare scrambled his mind every time he thought about it. 

Aniela and Masami patiently waited, feeling a slight rise of anticipation.

After a brief moment, Darcel started to explain his dream. "Basically, the dream took me to an entirely yellow space. In it, I had a raging headache, my soul ached, and my bloodline rumbled. But something kept pushing me forward. Eventually, I floated far enough in the place to encounter it—a huge full yellow eye. A yellow eye that I know belongs to that woman. When staring at it, I got the same sensations I felt the first time from her."

Masami's reaction was to curiously tilt her head. She had never directly asked, but she had assumed that the duo had been on this Mortal Planet for weeks now. 

She further questioned Darcel with, "So, let me get this straight. This yellow-eyed woman kick-started off well, essentially everything. And only now, after all this time, you have dreams about her?"

Aniela and Darcel traded curious glances with each other. Pointing it out like that does seem very strange. But both Aniela and Darcel could only helplessly shrug. 

Aniela explained to Masami, "That pretty much sums it up. I mean, as far as we know, Darcy's blood is obviously connected to her. Don't know anything beyond that. Everything that has to involve that damn organization is just too puzzling."

Darcel thinks for a moment, recalling back to the yellow dream. There was one other thing he was sure of now. 

He spoke up to the girls, saying, "There is one other thing I can confirm now. In that dream, that yellow-eyed woman knows my name."

Aniela and Masami furrow their eyebrows in mild thought. Although, a second later for Aniela, her eyes began to brightly twinkle. 

"You're connected by blood, and she knows your name. Why….all of this is none other than a sign! We may be close to an inevitable reunion!"

"It may be a sign, but what kind of sign?" Masami brought to attention. "Even if she is contacting him, who knows what kind of intention this woman has. I mean….she was restrained by so many powerful people for a reason, right? She sounds just a bit worrying, in all honesty."

Aniela didn't have such a pessimistic belief about the yellow-eyed woman as on their very first meeting, Aniela felt a strange connection to her. Although she did see Masami's point.

Darcel as well didn't disagree with Masami's opinion.

He shook his head, telling the girls, "You're also right, Masami. In my dream, I had to deal with that constant head-splitting headache. Plus, when I saw that yellow eye, I felt a mix of danger. Either way, we can't really do much about this. It's all just dreams and feelings at the end. We'll just take extra precautions just in case anything unexpected happens.'

"Alright/Alrighty then." Masami and Aniela readily agree. 

All three of them were immensely confident in their strength. No Heavenly King can match them, and they weren't even afraid of half-step Grand Sages.

Darcel continued on to say, "Let's just push this thought down for later. For now, let's call up Kyrha and gather more intel on these Mercenaries groups."


Meanwhile, in the vast New Branch City, various storms and waves were affecting other Mercenary group districts. 

And in the White Demon group district, they were taking some hard-hitting news.

At the White Demon District, they had a similar multi vast interconnected building holding as their base. They were even in a matching color of an all-white design like the Snow Angels. 

Though, unlike the Snow Angels, their white color wasn't stainless or exuded a pure vibe.

Currently, if anyone were to go to their district, they would see White Demon group members in a rare state of panic. The news that caused a frenzy of uproar within them was that Demon Mikal and his whole squadron was wiped out!

All members, no matter their rank or seniority, were fraught with distraught. 

Demon Mikal is one of their powerful backbones! Losing him was a monumental loss that just can't be recovered for a long time for them.

Furthermore, this wasn't even discussing the fact they also lost several eighth-level Heavenly Kings and numerous seventh-level Heavenly Kings. All were severe losses that will undoubtedly impact their performances in the Mercenary Exchange Event.

At the very top of the White Demon's group vast building, a crucial meeting was taking place. 

The meeting occurred between four immensely powerful men. Each man all had fiercely intimidating appearances, matching their dangerous auras.

These men were the rest of the Demon Leaders in their group. 

And only one ninth level Heavenly King remained. The only ninth-level Heavenly King was titled Demon Percy, a chilling-looking bald man.

The other three men were all eighth-level Heavenly Kings, spouting numerous scars etched on their faces to further enhance their frightening vibes. 

These men were titled as Demon Jude, Tomas, and Lee.

The news going around of them losing a Demon Leader heavily impacted them all, that they all hoped this was all a cruel nightmare that they'll soon wake up from.

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