Yin & Yang Pleasures of Cultivation

Chapter 218

Chapter 218: Lovely Transformation

A crossed expression of puzzlement was plastered on Masami's face behind her mask. The thought of Kasai being a girl sometimes crossed her mind, but everyone in the sect, including herself, wasn't wrong about his gender.

Masami curiously tilted her head at Darcel, thinking he was just a bit confused. 

She briefly turned her gaze back to Kasai. Though she found it odd that Kasai's eyes began to spasm, Masami regarded that he didn't like to be called a girl.

Masami shifted her foxtail a bit down to see that adam apple on Kasai's neck, signifying he was indeed a 'boy.' 

Masami turned back around to Darcel, asking as he got close to her, "Ehh? I know that he looks so much like a girl, but he's truly a boy, you know?"

When Darcel finally neared Masami, Kasai's pupils were heavily dilated. This went unnoticed by Masami, but Darcel picked up on it. 

Before Darcel could talk, Aniela suddenly chimed in her opinions.

"Weeell….even I wouldn't believe that at first, Sami. His resemblance to being a female is simply too much to just be a mere feminine guy." She shrugged her shoulders, partially believing the undeniable proof Masami showed.

But she also partially believed Darcel may just have something to prove that he's right. It certainly wouldn't be the first time Aniela witnessed Darcel doing something out of the norm. 

Darcel smirked at Aniela before turning his attention to Raven Sako. "Sako, wait for my further orders after this. I have something for you to do." 

"Yes, Master." 

Raven Sako dutifully nodded, and Masami finally noticed the Raven Mage. Her eyes roamed up and down the Raven Mage, taking note of her particular presence.

Masami compared her to Zara, noting that she has the same annoyingly calm eyes. 

Though Raven Sako seemed to be a bit more of a thinker as she appeared to be profoundly analyzing the situation occurring before her.

"Hm, I suppose she isn't terrible. Anyways," Masami turned her focus back on Darcel, a hint of amusement dripping in her tone next. "Just how are you going to show me this pretty boy is actually a pretty girl?"

Darcel felt his competitive spirit rise up at Masami's proactive words. 

"Just watch this." 

Under the girl's eyes, Darcel got within a few inches of Kasai. He stared directly into Kasai's dilated spasming pupils, knowing exactly why his reaction was being so intense.

Darcel lifted his palm, instantly coated it in his Darkness Essence, and without warning, roughly slammed his palm square on Kasai's chest! 

'Pa!' A loud slap reverberated in the area. 

And what happened next genuinely surprised Masami.josei


A real womanly moan blared out Kasai's mouth. 

Masami stared with great interest at Kasai as a deep Darkness glow briefly shrouded his whole body. Now Masami's thoughts were getting turned over.

Although Kasai did have a more feminine voice, he always had a clear voice pitch that sounded like it belongs to a man. 

But that moan, there was simply no trace of that in his shout. 

The Darkness glow encasing Kasai's body lasted for all of a couple of seconds. And when Kasai was revealed, Masami's confusion only surged. 

Now it was like she was looking at the same person, yet this version of Kasai was entirely different at the same time. 

The first thing she noticed was Kasai's skin complexion.

Previously he always had a lovely clean-looking skin complexion. But now, it was enhanced by several degrees. His skin complexion is now far lighter, more creamy smooth, almost like a pure maiden woman.

Kasai's facial features as well became far more gorgeous. There was zero traces of any masculinity in his face, appearing exactly like a beautiful woman. 

However, what truly cemented the deal was when Masami gazed at Kasai's neck.

His….or as Masami fathomed now, her, Kasai's adam apple was gone! 

Masami began to scratch her twitching fox ears, being thrown for a small loop. She stared back at Darcel, asking him, "Uhmm….what? For as long as I knew this guy, he was always a confirmed boy. Moreover, how did you even know he was….well….a she?"

Even for the many crazy feats cultivators and Mages can achieve, Masami never once heard of someone changing their entire gender! 

Plus, even if wasn't changing genders, she never heard of masquerading transformation skill being so good it fooled an entire Sect of powerful cultivators.

Darcel didn't respond just yet. He tilted his head a bit while his mind found a way to accurately answer her. 

When he didn't promptly answer, Darcel didn't even need his Darkness Soul link to feel Masami's rapid impatience and growing anticipation.

However, all the answer Darcel gave Masami was, "Well… .it's simple really. I sensed her true gender through Yin Pleasure and revealed it through Yin Pleasure." 

"Simple, my ass! That doesn't explain anything to me." 

Masami was rolling her eyes as she could tell Darcel was finding amusement in her confusion and annoyance. 

Darcel didn't chuckle out loud, keeping his enjoyment to the back of his mind. He evenly replied to Masami, telling her, "It's the shortest explanation I can give, honestly. You would need to cultivate Darkness to understand Yin Pleasure. And not just any Darkness Energy, my specific Soul Darkness Essence. Not even our Darkness Soul link can achieve this….I think."

"Haah….whatever. It's not that much important to me anyways." Masami easily relented, showcasing she had just that much trust in Darcel's words. 

Plus, there wasn't a lie in his words either since it is known that nobody can simply steal from another cultivator's Soul's Essence.

Masami turned her gaze back to Kasai and asked without even looking at Darcel, "So what now? Is what I would genuinely ask if I couldn't guess what's about to happen next." Her tone was a bit snappy.

Darcel felt a wry smile etch on his lips while he casually shrugged his shoulders a bit. "I know, you know that this is an actual good idea. She will have very good uses for us." 

"Hmph." Masami lightly snorted but still complied.

She uncoiled her foxtail from Kasai's neck, making her drop onto her knees. Staring down at her, Masami couldn't honestly have such a huge issue with her like she did with Zhaun and Cui. 

They were a part of the same Faction, as little that mattered in the long run. Moreover, Kasai was one of the few that never really went out of her way to make her life a damn hell. 

All the while Masami and Darcel lightly discussed, Kasai was experiencing a new sensation she never underwent in her life.

Kasai's whole body couldn't stop quivering as Yin's Pleasure coursed throughout her entire being. Along with Yin Pleasure's bliss was a soothing warm sensation that relaxed Kasai's mind, even the burning pain previously flaring her body.

For all of her life, Kasai never once thought she would experience something so good like this! 

Her mind became warped with Yin Pleasure and this soothing warm sensation. Without even much effort on Darcel's Yin Pleasure, Kasai couldn't stop thinking about Darcel's presence.

Darcel had finally crouched down to get a full view of Kasai's face. 

'Always beauties.' 

He mused to himself as Kasai was a gorgeous lovely woman. She radiated a more gentle, pure vibe out of the beauties Darcel came across.

Even as her face was becoming warped with Yin Pleasure, the bright blush covering her cheeks emitted a more innocent charm from her. 

Appreciating this kind of gentle beauty, Darcel was about to touch her forehead.

Halfway through the motion, he abruptly paused. 

Darcel tightly knitted his eyebrows as a stronger strain discharged from his Soul. Inside his Soul's core, Darcel could feel his Darkness Soul link increasing in a tight strain, even though he's only going to do two conversions today.

Darcel briefly closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Fuuu….this will be the last until I can break through again." He let his body release the straining tension, and he pushed down the slight Soul straining pain.

Initially, Darcel believed he could do several more conversions before hitting the ceiling of his limit. 

However, it appeared he underestimated just how much power he truly needs from his Soul to sustain all these Darkness Soul links.

Plus, there was also the fact he just got done doing a conversion process on Mage, which Darcel assumed took more energy than a cultivator. 

Getting back on task, Darcel gingerly lifted up Kasai's head, staring into her changing eyes.

As per usual, Darcel could spot the faint green hue nestling deep within her pupils. Furthermore, Darcel also felt Kasai shiver pleasurably to his soft touch. 

Smiling at the cute reaction, Darcel ignited his fingertip with Darkness Essence and touched Kasai's forehead, making his and her eyes go nearly all black.

While he did that, Aniela had already walked over to Masami. She was cracking her knuckles, saying, 

"We got a few seconds now. Time to make sure these two have a looong rest without killing them."  At this point, Aniela wasn't phased at all, with Kasai being a girl and Darcel doing the conversion on her. 

As Aniela appeared to be gearing up, Masami curiously tilted her head at her, asking the energetic girl,

"I know I said we have the means. But….just what are you going to do with them?" 

Towards Masami's question, Aniela raised her palm high, coating it with brightly luminous Light energy. "I'll be sealing their minds up!"


Darcel was feeling surprisingly warm and toasty as he stayed rooted in his spot, staring into a true womanly face. He was currently inside Kasai's soulscape space, basking in its particularly lovely atmosphere. 

With most of the Snow Angels and Raven Sako, their soulscape space didn't have a specific atmosphere. 

Most of the time, they just ended up feeling a bit cold before his Darkness Essence took over. Bella was the only one who had a slightly warm atmosphere in her soulscape space.

However, right now, none of that applied to Kasai's soulscape space. 

Even when he first steps foot in her, a wave of comfortable warmth washed over Darcel's soul form body. And when it combined with his Darkness Essence, Darcel felt nicely toasty here.

This wasn't the only surprise Darcel received. He was observing Kasai's beautiful face, studying the deep green hue in her eyes. 

Unlike with all other conversions, Kasai wasn't wrapped up in any Darkness Tendrils.

And yet, Kasai's expression wasn't fearful, confused, angry, or warped with pleasure. Her expression was absolutely tranquil, as if this was the most natural thing in the world for her. 

When her eyes peered into Darcel's gaze, there was a sense of warm affection that Darcel admittedly found cute.

Darcel wasn't even here for a long time. Yet, he is already making rapid progress and prodding good information from Kasai.

He began asking the tranquil Kasai, "So your real name is Kassidy, huh? And just from your desire, you honestly value Masami's grandmother a lot. That mysterious woman certainly has my interest….how come you value her so much?"

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