You Boys Play Games Very Well

Chapter 37

Chapter 37

Chapter 37
That night, Ling Meng sent another red envelope of 200 to Shan Zhu. After he finished, he spat on himself; this was like giving a kickback.

The opposite side received it as before, but he also returned a “thank you, boss” expression.

Shan Zhu: What would you like to eat tomorrow morning?

Ling Meng: Meat pie…

Shan Zhu: What did you say, the second canteen completely ruins the stuffed buns by kneading and the meat pies by burning?

Ling Meng: Right…

Shan Zhu: Clever boss, got it, boss.

Shan Zhu: Next time, you don’t have to send a red envelope, you can just sing a song.

Ling Meng: Didn’t I sing enough today? I sang until I lost my voice.

Shan Zhu: Then I’ll bring you some pang da hai tea tomorrow.

(t/n: seeds of a plant typically taken as treatment for hoarse throat)

Ling Meng facepalmed; the Mang Group takeout service was still well-established.

What he didn’t know was that as he was sending WeChat messages to him, Shan Zhu was still talking privately with the second housekeeper.

Mangosteen: Classmate Teddy.

LittleFlyingTeddy: ?

LittleFlyingTeddy: Mang God, you spoke!

Mangosteen: Your art is very cute.

LittleFlyingTeddy: You said that before, ah, which expression do you want?

Mangosteen: No, just in case someone else wants you to draw something…

LittleFlyingTeddy: ?josei

LittleFlyingTeddy: I ​​see what you mean! Don’t worry!!

LittleFlyingTeddy: If that Guava really does look for me, I’ll say that my English isn’t good and draw a banana for him!

1. 篇甜 vs 包养: Sweet (Fluffy) vs Cultivating (Sugar Daddy) genres ↩
2. sharp (犀利): slang for incisive, used for a sharp-witted person ↩
3.turn over (翻篇): to turn the page, put unpleasant things behind you ↩
4. harmony (合体): euphemism for sex, previously translated as sharing intimacies ↩
5. on the scene (在现场): phrase used by live stream audiences when a gamer is rewatching a game, if they witnessed the recorded moment live, they’ll say they were “on the scene” ↩
6. 吹: means to brag or to blow (to brag for one year also means to blow for a year) ↩
7. mechanical dance (械舞): popping aka robot style break dancing, example here if you need one ↩
8. Dove by Song Dong Ye: (鸽子 by 宋冬野) ↩
9. yard…inch: idiom meaning to be insatiable ↩
10. lead rhythm (带节奏): gaming term for the chief strategist in a game team, now slang for someone who instigates fights online and/or misleads others ↩
11. 舍身取义: idiom meaning to choose honor over life; someone who would rather sacrifice their life than their principles ↩
12. reference to a poem called Lin Jiang Xian by Yang Shen, the opening to Romance of the Three Kingdoms about how heroes come and go and fade into history as stories ↩
13. crowd control (控场): gaming terminology for skills that effect all enemies in an area of effect, usually to stun or damage them ↩
14. to reverse the rotation of the sky (无力回天): to save a desperate situation ↩
15. Cold Leaves Drifting Across My Face by Ye LuoLuo ↩
16. no corner…: saying there’s no marriage that can’t be broken as long as the 3rd party works hard ↩
17. Gua-baby (瓜娃): also is a term for fool (guawa), there is no “va” sound in Chinese, so Guawa is the closest to Guava; will be Guawa from now on. Gua is melon. Guava is actually fan shiliu (番石榴) ↩
18. comradery (同志友谊): also slang for gay friendship ↩
19. 没sei了: slang expression for nobody can beat that; used ironically to comment on controversial behavior ↩

btw in case you were wondering, the game they’re playing is essentially StarCraft

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