You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

No. 142

although she knew that it was useless to struggle, she still felt uncomfortable. When her mother was lying there, her life and death were uncertain, he did such a thing to her!

However, to Jianyun's dismay, Huo Liancheng did not kiss her as deeply as before. He did, but he touched her, and then looked into her eyes and chuckled, "don't be nervous. I'm not that bird and beast yet."

Jian Yun pursed the corners of her mouth and looked at him with her eyes wide open. "Don't you go back?"

I don't know whether he was used to being frivolous or not. Jian Yun didn't feel as disgusted with his intimate contact as before.

"No, I can't. It's three or four o'clock when I get home. I'm too tired. I'll stay and sleep with you." Huo Liancheng releases Jian Yun, and he begins to unbutton his shirt.

"But there is only one bed here..." In addition to the patient's bed, there is a small bed near the wall for accompanying people to sleep in. However, the bed is not big, so she can only sleep alone. Jian Yun thinks about it and says, "either you sleep in bed, I sleep in sandy hair." josei

With that, she went to the cupboard to hold the quilt and planned to spread it on the sofa for one night.

"The quilt on the bed has changed!" Huo Liancheng takes Jianyun.

Jian Yun looked back at the messy quilts on the nursing bed. She immediately realized that President Huo, who had a habit of cleanliness, would not use other people's quilts, and Jianyun did not say anything. She took out clean and detoxified sheets and quilts from the cabinet and replaced them on the nursing bed.

When she finished, Huo Liancheng came out of the bathroom.

Jian Yun put the quilt she had changed from the nursing bed on the sofa. She also went into the bathroom to wash her face. Although Huo Liancheng's stay made her feel strange, she couldn't refute what he said. Moreover, he helped her a lot today, and she couldn't say it again if she refused.

A few minutes later, Jian Yun came out of the bathroom with a basin of hot water. She got wet with a towel and wiped his face and hands with Ouyang Fei, who was lying in the hospital bed with pipes all over her body.

Ouyang Fei closed her eyes and did not move. Jianyun looked at her beautiful mother who was tortured into this way in her memory. Her eyes became sour.

Huo Liancheng stood behind Jian Yun and looked at her quietly. At this time, she was so weak, like a kitten who had lost her mother's protection. Her whole body was full of cherished breath.

Jian Yun found Huo Liancheng looking at her. She quickly reached out to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes and whispered, "my mother used to be very beautiful."

"I can see it!" Huo Liancheng stares at Jian Yun's face and says.

"But what's the use of beauty?" Jian Yun turned her mouth and sneered, "Lin Rong can't compare with her mother in anything, but her father is still out of the way. And since before I was born, illegitimate girls are older than me. For more than 20 years, my mother was hidden in the drum. She was so strong that after knowing everything, the whole person collapsed. She couldn't forgive her father, but my father didn't repent at that time Waiting for divorce... "

Jian Yun couldn't go on. She put the towel in the sink, straightened up and carried the basin to the bathroom. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you that."

Jian Yun couldn't help tears. She had been strong for so many years, but she shed all her tears in these days.

Jian Yun stayed in the bathroom for a long time before coming out. As soon as she came out, she saw Huo Liancheng sitting by the bed looking at her.

"Come here!" Huo Liancheng held out his hand to Jian Yun.

"What are you doing?" Jian Yun just sat down on the sofa and saw Huo Liancheng reach out and look at him alertly.

"Come here to sleep." Huo Liancheng patted the bed.

"No!" Jianyun immediately refused, she quickly lying on the sofa, wrapped herself into a silkworm baby with a quilt, closed her eyes, "I fell asleep."

However, the next second, Jian Yun found that her quilt had been lifted, and her whole body was held up. She opened her eyes and saw Huo Liancheng's malicious smile in her mouth. She walked to the bedside and put her down.

"Hello Jian Yun was angry and anxious. She wanted to struggle. She was afraid that Huo Liancheng would do something worse than a bird or a beast to her.

"Don't worry, I can't do anything!" Huo Liancheng sent out a cold hum from his nose, "I said I'm not interested in you, so I won't do anything to you!"

"Then why do you want me to sleep with you?" Jian Yun was angry.

"You took me to sleep last night, and now I'll bring it back!" Huo Liancheng deceives her and hugs Jian Yun on her side. He drags the quilt with his big hand and covers them on them. He also puts more in the middle to separate them from each other. It seems that he is not interested in her.

"I want to ask you about last night. I don't have sleepwalking problems. How could I run into your bed?" Jian Yun felt so close to Huo Liancheng that she felt uncomfortable. Facing the wall and facing him, she felt ants crawling on her back, itching and numb.

"Ask yourself, I don't know!" Huo Liancheng pushed everything. He smelled the natural fragrance of Jian Yun, and his big hand crossed her waist and held her plain hand.

"Well, don't you think you contradict yourself? Don't you mean you're not interested in me? Why do you want to hold me so tightly? " Jian Yun has never tried to be so intimate with a man. She tries her best to arch into the bed, and the whole person almost sticks to the wall."You can't sleep without holding something at night! You are soft enough Huo Liancheng stretched out her long arm and brought Jianyun back. From his perspective, you can see her red face and her eyes turning constantly, which all indicate that she is nervous and embarrassed.

When Jian Yun heard this, he immediately felt a black line. He took her as a human pillow.

"Do you have to hold a baby every night?" Jian Yun was so cold that she couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a plush toy in his arms when he was sleeping.

"Nonsense, I'm not a woman!" Huo Liancheng is dissatisfied and pinches Jianyun's nose.

"So you're holding a woman? What else is soft? " Jian Yun squints at Huo Liancheng. Thinking that he holds a hot beauty every night, she suddenly feels a little uncomfortable in her heart and shrinks in her body, which shows her rejection of him.

"Nonsense again, I'm not polite to you!" Huo Liancheng Jun's face was black, he completely lifted a stone to hit his own feet, nothing why pull those.

"Hum!" Jian Yun turned her head and decided to ignore him. She didn't think for a long time that how could a man like him clean up? Not a day to change a woman has been very pure.

"What are you thinking?" Huo Liancheng saw that Jian Yun had been silent for a long time. He could not help but pull her soft ear beads and asked.

"I'm thinking, a man like you, who doesn't change a girlfriend one day, is already very innocent!" Jian Yun said truthfully.

"What is a man like me?" Huo Liancheng finds that every time she talks with Jianyun, she can get angry. What is the girl thinking in her mind?

"Go to bed. If you don't sleep, it will be light." Jian Yun quickly closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. #####

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