You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

The next morning, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan drove her mother to the mall again. After lunch, Jianyun bought clothes for her mother and aunt Qin. After lunch, they sent Jane's mother back to their residence. Then they returned their rental car and took the train to Qinghu.

It was already more than three o'clock when she got to Qinghu city. She wanted to go back to her residence and put back the things she had brought from home. However, as soon as she got out of the car, she received a call from Mrs. Bernard.

"Jane, can you come now?" Mrs. Bernard's voice sounded urgent.

"What happened?" Jane Yun spoke to her in fluent French.

"Do you remember what I told you last week that an old friend was coming tonight? I'd like to ask you to make some Chinese dishes for me Said Mrs. Bernard.

"OK, I'll be there in half an hour." Jian Yun agreed.

Luo Yanyan is going to school and Wu Wenjing is going to a dance class, so the three are separated.

When Jianyun arrived at Bernard's house, Mrs. Bernard had already bought some dishes and waited for her. After a brief look, she had an idea. However, she found out the problem immediately. Bernard's family did not cook the oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar commonly used in Chinese food, so Mrs. Bernard had to drive to the supermarket with Jianyun.

On the way back, Mrs. Bernard received a call from Mr. Bernard to tell her that the guest had arrived.

After hanging up, Mrs. Bernard's eyes glowed with excitement. "Jane, I can't wait to introduce you. Our old friend is very charming. You'll like him."

"Good!" Jane Yun had known Bernards for more than three years. She knew that the French couple were hospitable and had introduced their friends to her before, so she was not surprised.

After entering the villa garden, Mrs. Bernard stopped the car and went to the house with a bag of things. As soon as we got to the door, Chloe had already rushed over, "Jane! Here you are

"Chloe!" Jian Yun took Chloe around and looked at Chloe's smiling face. Her mood also changed.

"Chloe, where are our distinguished guests?" Asked Mrs. Bernard, smiling.

"In the study upstairs with dad." Chloe took Jane Yun's hand and walked into the room. "Jane, I'll take you to see my baby rabbit."

"Chloe, wait a minute. Let's introduce the guests to Jane first." Said Mrs. Bernard.

"All right! Oh, here comes my father Chloe agreed, turned around and saw a middle-aged man with brown hair and blue eyes. He immediately broke away from Jian Yun's hand and rushed to him, "Dad."

"Mr. Bernard!" Jane Yun also said hello to the elegant Frenchman with a smile. Then her eyes turned and fell on the tall man standing side by side with Mr. Bernard.

What, it could be holliancheng?

At present, this handsome man in a dark shirt and long black trousers is not the president of Huo that Jian Yun avoided.

Huo Liancheng did not seem to expect to see Jianyun here. His eyes suddenly became hot and locked with Jianyun.

It's clear that Hollen city is the guest of the Bernard population tonight.

Jian Yun was very hot when Huo Liancheng saw her. She lowered her head and quietly pulled Mrs. Bernard's sleeve. She asked in a tangled voice, "Sophie, didn't you say that the guest tonight is a woman?"

"Ha ha, Jane, I'm joking with you. Now tell me, don't you think it's surprising? Are our old friends charming? " Mrs. Bernard grabbed Jian Yun's shoulder excitedly, pushed her to Huo Liancheng, and then winked at him. "Huo, isn't Jane very good-looking?"

"It's really nice!" Huo Liancheng looks at Jian Yun with a smile in his voice.

Mrs. Bernard was even more proud. "I've always wanted to introduce you, but you're always too busy! If you have a chance now, it depends on whether you can seize it! "

“Sophie!” It was too late for Jianyun to hide from huoliancheng. However, Mrs. Bernard pushed her to Huo Liancheng. At the moment, she was about to die of embarrassment when she heard this again.

"Well, let's sit down and talk." Mr. Bernard, seeing Jane Yun's embarrassment, said very kindly.

Jian Yun looked at Mr. Bernard gratefully, but then she was silly again, because there was a long sofa and two single sofas in Bernard's living room. At this time, Mr. Bernard and his wife sat on the single sofa respectively. If she sat down now, she could only sit on the sofa with huoliancheng.

"Jane, what are you standing for? Sit down Mrs. Bernard waved to Jianyun. "How many women want to sit with Huo and never have this chance!"

Jane Yun wants to cry now. Why does Mrs. Bernard want to make a fuss about it? She doesn't want to sit with Huo Liancheng at all, OK?

However, it was not easy for Jian Yun to brush Mrs. Bernard's kindness to her face, so she had to walk over and sit on the edge of the sofa, trying to keep herself away from Huo Liancheng.

But the sofa is so long, and Huo Liancheng is sitting in the middle, so in fact, there is only a fist distance between Jian Yun and him, which can be touched by a little movement.Jian Yun doesn't know why she gets nervous when she sees Huo Liancheng. She always thinks of her "kissing" him that night unconsciously. Moreover, he has such a strong aura. Sitting next to him, his breath is full of the lethal male hormone breath in Wu Wenjing's mouth. Jianyun has a kind of breathless feeling.

However, his words are so good!

"Jane, why don't you talk? Are you so happy to see Huo? " Mrs. Bernard found Jianyun in a daze and couldn't help joking, "but I really didn't expect that you two knew each other for a long time."

After hearing the speech, Jian Yun subconsciously looked up at Huo Liancheng. It happened that he was also looking at her, so their eyes collided. His eyes were still hot, and there seemed to be two whirlpools in his black eyes to attract her in.

"Happy to see me?" Huo Liancheng also asked in a low voice, in Chinese.

Jian Yun felt the heat on her face and turned her head to avoid his eyes.

Fortunately, Chloe ran over and picked up Jian Yun and said happily, "Jane, I have been practicing the homework you left me last time. Would you like to listen to it?"

"Good!" Jian Yun almost ran away. She thought Chloe was a little angel to save her.

Although Chloe's piano is placed in the living room, as long as Jian Yun can stay away from huoliancheng.

However, Jian Yun was obviously too happy because she was sitting in front of Huo Liancheng. She found that his eyes had not been removed from her that night. She was so nervous that she made several mistakes in teaching Chloe to play the piano. josei

Even Chloe found Jian Yun's abnormality. She looked at Huo Liancheng, quietly pulled Jian Yun, and made her bend over. Then she whispered in her ear, "Jane, do you like Uncle Huo?" #####

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