You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 603

Chapter 603

Even though the picture is very fuzzy, as long as people who recognize Jian Yun can still see that it is her!

There are more than one picture of Huo Liancheng getting out of the car with Jian Yun in his arms; there are also pictures of Jian Yun fighting with Huo Liancheng in the ward; and even the appearance of Jian Yun when she is pushed into the operating room. Even though her face has been treated, it still makes people feel frightened.

The accompanying text describes in great detail what happened that day. Then, with the tone of an insider, Jian Yun coerces Huo Liancheng into giving up marriage with Miss Mojia, but is rejected by Huo Liancheng. He forces her to induce labor and refuse to have her first child born by such a humble woman, and then speculates the fact that she is about to go down to court and make way for her new wife.

This report has been wildly reprinted millions of times. Of course, it's not because Jian Yun is too famous, but because Huo Liancheng and Mu's family have come so close recently. His identity is special, and there are Liao's family behind him. Although the rumors of the Huo family's internal strife have stopped for a while, anyone with a little analytical ability can see that the economic situation of the imperial capital is so delicate that it is absolutely inseparable from the Huo family Department.

Of course, some people question the authenticity of the disclosure. Frankly speaking, if it is a rumor or or defamation, it will be detained if it violates the law.

Then, just when Jian Yun started to open a microblog, the informant once again revealed the evidence. This time, he directly pasted a remake of the hospital discharge summary record, which clearly wrote the name of Jian Yun. The record clearly stated that induction of labor, delivery of a stillbirth, 12 weeks

This discharge summary is no different from the most powerful evidence, and the person who can produce such evidence must be the person inside the hospital.

This time, the doubters were gone. This remake of the discharge summary was immediately topped the top of the hot search. The microblog was almost full of gossip about the induced labor of Jian Yun, and all kinds of speculation poured in.

Jian Yun is not a movie star, nor is she an Internet star. She is just an ordinary person. Even if she married Huo Liancheng, she only thinks about her own life in a low-key way.

She never thought that one day, she would become famous in such a way

"This woman is not a good bird at first glance, but she is a hot chicken who clings to the power!"

"I must have taken a fancy to Huo husband's money, and then rely on his body. I didn't expect that the shelf life was so short that he was kicked so quickly. Finally, even his own children could not be saved. Poor!"

"Poor what? I don't feel sorry for her at all! Who knows if she used any means to get to the top, but now I look at the man's change of heart and delusion to tie him with a child. As a result, I despise such a woman

"I feel uncomfortable when I look at her, and she doesn't look very good either. She comes out of a small family at a glance. She doesn't have the temperament of Miss Mojia. That's a real lady!"

"It's said that her father is a bad gambler. He swindles and swindles in the name of Huo Liancheng's father-in-law all day long, and his true appearance is revealed."

"Fortunately, Huo Liancheng woke up in time. It's not too late to stop the loss. Otherwise, if she really gave birth to a child, she still didn't know how to be proud. Maybe she would use her child to do something shameful! What's more, the children born by such a low quality woman are certainly not the genes of good birds and inferior people

"She deserves not to have children in her life!"


Jian Yun looked at those comments one by one. She really never thought that she would be ridiculed by the whole network one day.

Those vicious comments and speculations were like sharp poisonous needles stabbing her heart, with cool air rising from the bottom of her heart. After the sharp sting, the toxin gradually spread, and she couldn't breathe. The scenery in front of her seemed to be shaking. Her hands were shaking and she could hardly hold her mobile phone.

Jian Yun never thought that such network violence would be imposed on her one day. Those keyboard warriors hiding behind the screen threw all their malice on her without knowing the truth, even the children who were too late to be born.

Jian Yun couldn't imagine how sad, painful, sad, even heartbreaking despair would be when she saw these vicious comments and curses if she really lost her child.

Just because she was born in a low family, her father was not a power man or a rich businessman, so she deserved to be attacked maliciously and cursed maliciously?

How many of these keyboard warriors are more noble than her?

For a moment, Jian Yun felt desperate. What made her despair was that she suddenly realized that all the unfair treatment she received now was due to her marriage to Huo Liancheng.

Because she married such an excellent and extraordinary man, but she was as vulgar as cattail grass, so everyone said that she was not worthy of him, and his promise that he would protect her and give her a warm and safe harbor all the time became empty words at this time.

He even wanted to deprive her of her most precious treasure for a ridiculous reason.

Jian Yun put her forehead against the steering wheel, sending out an irresistible sense of despair.

She really didn't know whether she could hold on. Even if she reluctantly insisted and believed him, how long could this persistence and trust last?Really, I'm so tired josei

Jian Yun couldn't stand it any longer. Her good mood for seeing the baby had disappeared because of these malicious comments. She left her mobile phone aside and took a deep breath to drive home, regardless of the ringing mobile phone ring.

However, Jian Yun's hands were shaking, and she was shaking all over her body. She turned the key several times and failed to start the car. She suddenly realized that her current state was not suitable for driving. Moreover, she was not alone now. She had to consider the children in her stomach. She could not let it have any mistakes.

Jian Yun took her mobile phone and bag and got ready to get out of the car. She couldn't drive and had to take a taxi back.

The mobile phone is still ringing. Jian Yun's hand is shaking too much. She doesn't know how to get through the phone.

"Hello, Hello, Jianyun. Where are you?" The familiar voice rang out, and it was Zhang Yong.

"I, I'm on my way." Jian Yun's voice is a little erratic. She feels that her reaction has slowed down. She just wants to find some change in her bag to take a taxi, but she can't even open her purse.

"Are you driving? Pull over and stop and give me a seat. I'll pick you up right away Zhang Yong said in an urgent voice.

"Oh, good." With trembling hands, Jian Yun opened wechat and sent location information to Zhang Yong.

"Don't move there. I'll be there soon." Zhang Yong hung up.

Jian Yun felt dizzy in front of her. It was summer, but she kept sweating.

Her stomach felt uncomfortable again, and Jianyun suddenly woke up. She quickly found out that Bai Ze had given her a tocolysis drug, took out a cup and drank some warm water, then leaned back on the back of the chair and closed her eyes for a rest.

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