You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 630

Chapter 630

Luo Yanyan said, while lowering her head to reach Jian Yun's stomach, she looked gentle, "little darling, listen to me. You're not obedient now, and you don't even take umbrellas under heavy snow. What if you have a cold? Why don't you kick her for being so disobedient

"Hello, Luo Yanyan, you are trying to teach the bad little girl. How can you be such a mother?" Wu Wenjing curled her lips and said solemnly and solemnly. Then she got close to Jian Yun's stomach and said with a smile, "come on, little darling, listen to the dry Ma Ma Ma. If you want to kick, you can kick your feet. I'll see if you dare to disobey next time!"

"Are you two childish - ah!" Jian Yun couldn't help but roll her eyes. She just wanted to say that these two goods were so childish and terrible that she suddenly exclaimed.

"What's the matter?" Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan see Jian Jun's face change, think that she is not comfortable. They are so scared that they support her like two Dharma protectors, "do you want to go to the hospital?"

"It's OK!" Jian Yun waved her hand, pretended to be angry and patted her stomach, "who in the end is your numbness? You really kick me! Oh, and kick

"Ha ha ha..." Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan smell speech, immediately smile can't contain, "call you disobedient, now have little darling tube you!"

"Don't you both have to work?" Jian Yun is helpless to the little guy in her stomach. She is in charge of her affairs before she comes out. When she grows up, will she still get it?

Wu Wenjing looked at the time, "it's only 7:30, it's still early, and I'm going to run clients this morning, so I can't go to the company. What about Yanyan?"

Luo Yan Yan Yan smile, "I have no class in the morning."

"Let's go for a walk. It's snowing today. Ah, it's so beautiful. Let's go and take photos. We'll go shopping and stock up for little darling." Wu Wenjing said happily.

"What about you, Jane? How's the school? " Luo Yanyan turns her head and asks Jian Yun.

"I had a fancy to a piece of land. The location was good, but it was too expensive. Our budget was not enough. So Monica and I discussed that we should rent a house first and then slowly try to build our own school after the school was set up." When Jian Yun talked about it, the gloom that had just accumulated in the teahouse had just faded away, and her eyes were bright.

"Well, this Monika is also confused about people, so powerful women are cheated by men..." Wu Wenjing can't help but sigh, "men don't have a good thing!"

Luo Yanyan poked Wu Wenjing for a moment. Wu Wenjing was not happy, "Yan Yan, why did you twist me? I didn't say anything wrong? It was, you see, our three sisters have been cheated by men

"Say it Luo Yanyan stares at Wu Wenjing and signals her to see Jian Yun with her eyes.

Wu Wenjing realized that she had said something wrong. She covered her mouth and apologized to Jianyun, "Jianjun, I'm sorry."

"Why say I'm sorry?" However, Jian Yun smiles slightly. Her beautiful and smart eyes do not see the haze. She reaches for a snowflake and focuses on watching the snowflake melt in her hand. "Look at how beautiful these snowflakes are when they float in the sky, but they soon disappear after landing, and they are trampled into sewage. Therefore, things in the world have never been absolute! If there is beauty, there will be ugliness; if there is cleanness, there will be filth; if there is good, there will be bad. There are many bad men, but many good men! "

Jian Yun turned her head and looked at her two best friends. She could not help but pursed the corners of her mouth and said with a smile, "why do you look at me like this?"

"Jian Yun, what you said is very reasonable. We have nothing to say." Wu Wenjing touched his chin, "it seems that you really figured it out. There are thousands of good men in the world. Why do you love a scum alone?"

"Ha Jian Yun just chuckled, reached for a snowflake and looked down. Her smile did not change, but her eyes covered by long eyelashes were full of loneliness like the dark night.

Have you figured it out? no How can you think, so deep love, doting on the bones of the deep love, and how can it be said that broken can be broken?

It has been more than four months since she came back from the imperial capital. She changed her mobile phone number and took all her belongings from the two houses. She did not surf the Internet or read the news. It seems that she has cut off all contact with that person in the past. However, only Jianyun knows how painful it is to make such a decision.

She deliberately does not think about it. She does a lot of things every day to make herself busy. However, Huo Liancheng's face always appears in her dream. His appearance is so haggard and his eyes are painful. It is like the last time I saw him, he took her arm and begged her not to leave him

No, no more!

Since the decision can not regret, at least, she has the most precious baby will always accompany her.

Jian Yun reached out to touch her bulging abdomen, closed her eyes and dispelled the figure in her mind. When she looked up again, her beautiful face had returned to calm. Even Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan, who were standing beside her, did not notice what kind of ups and downs Jianyun experienced just now.

"Let's go, eat a little bit more, and go for a walk." Jian Yun said with a smile.

Looking at Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan, she can't help but feel that they have experienced such a tortuous fate in just half a year.Two months ago, Luo Yanyan and Qin Dong agreed to divorce. Luo Yanyan went out of the house and didn't want anything. On the day she came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qin Dong cried like a child.

Luo Yanyan's character also changed. After Ming's resignation, Luocheng went to open a shop again. As a result, the store closed down a few months before it opened. He owed a fart and stock debt. He came to luoyanyan to help guarantee the loan. Luo Yanyan refused, offending Luo Cheng and Zhang Xiaojing.

Luocheng quarrels with Luo's mother at home, and Luo's mother comes to luoyanyan again, crying with tears and snot, and asks Luo Yanyan to help Luo Cheng for the sake of her brother-in-law.this time, luoyanyan is no longer soft hearted, she only says that she has no ability. If Luo's mother forces her again, she will cut off the relationship with the Luo family. josei

In the end, luoyanyan naturally did not sever her relationship with the Luo family, but she was basically the same as the passers-by. She hardly moved around. Luocheng still refused to let Luo's mother see her. Luo Yanyan was also cold hearted about the family.

However, although the result upset Luo Yanyan, who valued her family relationship, it was better than being exploited as an ATM. Luo Yanyan has the ability to work and work. Slowly, her life is on the right track. Her personality has become as cheerful as before, at least on the surface.

As for Wu Wenjing, she went back to work in the Ming family after she finished her first month. The old man of Ming Dynasty basically didn't take care of her affairs. She spent every day in the sun at home. Now, the second eldest of the Ming family is in charge of the Ming family. Although she is not competent enough, she is also conscientious. After two major layoffs, she has been able to basically maintain it.

I don't know where mingleixuan took the wrong medicine. In recent months, he has been making advances to Jian Yun, and even promoted Wu Wenjing to the vice manager of marketing department, which not only doubled his salary, but also greatly increased his power.

Wu Wenjing basically broke off contact with her classmate. The man didn't know whether he had found his conscience or not. Later, he paid back some money to Wu Wenjing. With the help of Jian Yun, Wu Wenjing paid off the usury. His fickle heart was also precipitated. Now he is full of work and doesn't want to worry about the messy love affairs.

It seems that the fate of the three of them has returned to the original calm state, and Jian Yun likes the present life very much.

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