You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Jian Yun was shocked. How did Huo Liancheng say so shamelessly?

Huo Liancheng gave Jianyun a kiss on his pinched lips and let go of his hand. He watched the expression on her face change from one to another, and his mood changed very well.

"Huoliancheng, we don't seem to know each other well!" Jian Yun finally recovered her voice from the shock. She put her hands on Huo Liancheng's chest to stop him from approaching again. Her face turned serious.

"Why not?" Huo Liancheng picks eyebrow, "kiss also had, embrace also held, do not have to sleep to calculate ripe?"

"I said, I was drunk that night, those You can't count it Listening to this fallacy, Jian Yun quickly went mad. However, she gritted her teeth, avoided Huo Liancheng's deep eyes, and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry if you misunderstand anything because of this." josei

"You don't have to tell me I'm sorry!" Huo Liancheng's eyes were filled with displeasure. He stretched out his hand to hold Jian Yun's chin and forced her to look up at him. "Listen, I didn't misunderstand anything."

"I don't understand!" Jian Junding looked into Huo Liancheng's eyes and sneered, "don't tell me that you are fascinated by my beauty."

"What if I say yes?" Huo Liancheng lip angle rises, "you are so charming, is a man can heart."

Jian Yun suddenly called a punch in Huo Liancheng's abdomen. She squinted and grinned grimly, "what about this? Are you still excited? "

"Poof!" Huo Liancheng was hit by surprise. He bent down exaggeratedly and covered his abdomen with one hand. He lowered his head, and his face was just at the same level as Jian Yun. He looked miserable.

Jian Yun curled her lips and said, "don't pretend, I didn't exert myself!"

Huo Liancheng breathed out a breath, pinched Jianyun's face and pulled, "bad girl, don't you know that I had a stomachache in the middle of the night? Are you still here? "

"If you do something again, I will not only fight here!" Jian Yun slapped Huo Liancheng's hand.

"Bad girl, go to the cinema with me tonight." Huo Liancheng did not mind Jianyun's rudeness to him. He straightened up and put his hands on the wall, trapping Jianyun in his breath.

"No time!" Jian Yun looks down, sees the vacancy and plans to get out of Huo Liancheng's armpit.

"Again Huo Liancheng reacted very quickly. He directly put his arm around Jian Yun's shoulder and took her into his arms. He asked with some displeasure: "why? Going out with that lawyer again in the evening? "

"It's none of your business!" Jian Yun pushed him hard.

"Do you like that hypocritical man so much?" Huo Liancheng's tone gradually cooled down.

"Who I like and who I don't like seems to be my freedom. It's not up to you to interfere!" Jian Yun retorted.

"You Huo Liancheng was choked by Jianyun's words and hit the wall with a blow to vent his anger.

Jian Yun was shocked by the sound of the blow. She suddenly remembered that she had a very dangerous feeling when she saw him for the first time. Forget it, she should not offend him too hard.

Thinking of this, Jianyun also shut her mouth. She saw that Huo Liancheng had not locked her any more, so she quietly moved aside and ran towards the door.

"Are you not willing to accept me because of the man named Xu Haiyang?" Huo Liancheng did not stop Jianyun, but said to her back.

This sentence, or Xu Haiyang's three words, also successfully stopped Jian Yun.

"Do you really want to ask how I know that?" Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun's stiff back in an instant. His cold eyes narrowed, and a chill flashed through the corners of his eyes.

Jian Yun still did not turn around, but her hands hanging on her side suddenly clenched.

"Do you like him?" Huo Liancheng asked again.

"Shut up!" Jian Yun seemed to be fed up with it. She suddenly turned around and glared at Huo Liancheng. Her big beautiful and flexible eyes were filled with coldness. "I don't care how you know, but please don't inquire about my privacy in the future."

"Why do you react so much when you mention this person?" Huo Liancheng lean on the edge of the table, arms around, squint said: "this man has hurt you?"

"No more!" Jian Yun almost screamed. She never knew that it would make her feel so angry when she said it from Huo Liancheng's mouth.

Huo Liancheng did not go on. In silence, Jianyun fixed his eyes on him. His eyes were cold, but he seemed to have some complicated worries.

Jian Yun turned her head and closed her eyes. The anger just passed away from her heart. After a long time, she said softly: "do you have so much money, do you want any woman? Why do you have to pester me? Is it because I'm not infatuated with you like other women? Hurt your noble male self-esteem? "

"Why do you just don't want to believe me?" Hearing this, Huo Liancheng's eyebrows suddenly frowned. He stood up and walked toward Jianyun.

"Believe in you what? Believe you want to pursue me? " Jian Yun sneered, "Huo Liancheng, I'm no longer a dreamer. I never believe in love at first sight! Besides, he can marry me. How about you? You're just looking for a gun, friend"You want to get married?" Huo Liancheng picked a sword eyebrow, it seems that Jian Yun will give such an answer.

"Yes, I want to get married. If you don't have this plan, don't mess with me!" Jane Yun didn't have a good airway. As soon as the voice dropped, the mobile phone in her pocket rang. It was Zhou Shaolong.

"Hello?" Jian Yun didn't pay any more attention to Huo Liancheng. She got through the phone.

The office is quiet. Huo Liancheng has gone to Jian Yun. He can hear Zhou Shaolong asking where Jianyun is. Jianyun doesn't want to see Zhou Shaolong, so he says he has something to deal with.

"Are you free in the evening? How about going to the movies after dinner Zhou Shaolong obviously liked Jian Yun very much and wanted to meet him all the time.

After hearing this, Jian Yun hesitated, but she agreed, "OK."

As soon as the good words were finished, Jian Yun saw that Huo Liancheng's whole face was black. She just remembered that Huo Liancheng had just asked her to accompany him to watch a movie, but she did not hesitate to refuse.

But what about that? She didn't want to develop with him, so it was natural to refuse him.

Jian Yun thought Huo Liancheng was going to get angry, but she didn't listen to him again until she hung up the phone. Jianyun turned and walked outside the door.

However, just when Jian Yun's hand had already caught the doorknob, Huo Liancheng opened his mouth.

"Are you going out like this?"

Jian Yun originally wanted to ignore him, but she felt strange when she heard his tone. She turned her head unconsciously because she was eager to speak but stopped.

Huo Liancheng lowered his head slightly and touched his nose with his right hand. Seeing Jianyun look back, he pursed his mouth as if he was enduring something. Then he stretched out his index finger and motioned Jianyun to go to the mirror in the rest area.

"What have you said? Why are you hesitating?" Jian Yun looked in the mirror, but did not find any difference. She frowned and glared at Huo Liancheng.

"Turn around!" Huo Liancheng drew a circle on his index finger.

Jian Yun really wanted to know what Huo Liancheng wanted her to see. So Yiyan turned her back and looked into the mirror. First she saw her face. It was no different. Then her eyes slipped. Jianyun was stunned. Then she burst out a scream and immediately covered her face. #####

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