You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Mu Fangfang didn't hold the broken porcelain pieces firmly in her hand. She scratched her neck, and the blood gurgled out. She reached out to cover it in a panic, but found that the heart of her hand was full of blood.

"Ah Mu Fangfang cried out in horror.

It was Huo Liancheng who hit Mu Fangfang with the lighter in his hand. At this time, Huo Liancheng also stood up. He was filled with the spirit of killing. He was as cold as a Shura who came out of hell.

"If you dare not have a clean mouth, your neck will be broken next time!" Huo Liancheng's tone is very calm, but in everyone's ears, no one will think that he is joking.

Just because Mu Fangfang scolded a slut, she almost had her carotid artery cut off. All of them were shocked by Huo Liancheng's ruthlessness, and his heart was filled with a chill.

Mu Fangfang's pain was unbearable, and the blood in her hands made her afraid. For a moment, she shrank on the ground and did not dare to move. She just kept repeating, "you will regret it! You will regret it! "

"Give it to you, three days later, I want the result!" Huo Liancheng said without emotion. He looked down at the lighter in the bloodstain. His brow was almost invisible and disgusted.

Dirty, no more!

"Go Huo Liancheng arranged his overcoat and lapel and walked towards the gate.

However, even though he was so slighted, general Liao, who once dominated the army, did not say a word, and his momentum was completely suppressed.


Only after hearing Cheng Muze mention it a week later did Jian Yun know what the Liao family had done to Mu Fangfang and Liao Keyu's mother and daughter.

Because Mu Fangfang secretly carved seals and used the status of general's wife to seek welfare for the Mu family, XX state-owned enterprises suffered huge losses and seriously damaged the national interests and military image. Liao Shigong exterminated his relatives and provided evidence to the police. The police have approved the arrest of Mu Fangfang. Just three days ago, Liao Shigong filed for a divorce.

This is not over. After Mu Fangfang was arrested, the last glimmer of hope of the collapsed Mu family was broken, and the once prominent and powerful family no longer exists.

Seeing the fate of Liao Keyu and Mu Fangfang, mu Wanru fled to Europe all night for fear of revenge. However, he was arrested at the turn of the plane and was also arrested a few days ago. He was accused of embezzling huge amounts of public money.

As for Liao Keyu, life is even more difficult now. It is said that no one knows who sent a letter to Liao Shigong. The letter contains DNA test proof, which proves that Liao Keyu and Liao Shigong are not biologically father daughter relationship.

In other words, Liao Shigong has been a father for 20 years and has been helping Lao Wang raise his daughter next door.

It's a matter of man's self-esteem. It's a huge blow to Liao Shigong, especially a man of extraordinary origin, who has been in high positions since he was young.

Cheng Muze said that when Liao Shigong got the news, he was furious and smashed the furniture of a whole room. Then he went to the detention center to find Mu Fangfang. As for what happened in the detention center, no one knows. Cheng Muze only said that after Liao Shigong came back from the detention center, the whole person seemed to be in a rage.

Of course, Liao Keyu is not Liao Shigong's own daughter. Naturally, such a scandal will not be publicized. Even in the Liao family, only a few people know about it.

Liao Keyu was seriously injured by Huo Liancheng that day. Although his chin was connected, his bone was cracked. Now it is difficult to swallow. What's more, half of his teeth have collapsed and almost his face has been destroyed.

But for Liao Keyu, this is not the cruelest. When she learned that she was abandoned by her father, who had always been a pet, and sent her abroad directly without giving her anything, it was obvious that she was going to let her own life and death.


At that time, Jian Yun was having dinner. Today Huo Liancheng was not in. He had been staying in Qinghu for a long time, but he still had to take one or two days a week to go back to the emperor to deal with some company affairs. Therefore, when he was away, Cheng Muze accompanied Jian Yun all day.

After hearing Cheng Muze's words, Jian Yun bit his chopsticks for a long time without making a sound.

"Sister Jane, do you think that the fate of Mu Fangfang and Liao Keyu is very miserable? Do you feel sick? " Cheng Muze took a sip of the soup, and then he looked at Jian Yun.

Jian Yun thought for a while, nodded honestly, then shook his head again, "it's hard to talk about, just feel a little uncomfortable."

She really feels cruel. The fate of Mu Fangfang and Liao Keyu may never be able to turn over again in the next life. This is a fatal blow to women who have always lived at the top of the pyramid and have been well respected since childhood.

However, Jian Yun did not show sympathy for them. She admitted that Mu Fangfang had hurt and humiliated her, but it was only a matter of one's upbringing, not a serious criminal act. The reason why the Liao family has punished Mu Fangfang so heavily is in large part because they want to show Huo Liancheng. Of course, Mu Fangfang died himself.

Liao Shigong would not have hated her so much if she had not helped her mother's family to seek benefits without principle and let the political enemies of the Liao family seize the handle.

As for Liao Keyu, Jian Yun was more different. Huo Liancheng would hurt her because she knew that Liao Keyu had been cruel to kick her pregnant. That day, in the tea room, Liao Keyu wanted to do something. If she was still alone, Liao Keyu would bring a helper. Jian Yun did not dare to think about the consequences."Everyone's road is their own choice, and what kind of results can be achieved in the end is the result of their own choice." Cheng Muze put down his chopsticks and said quietly.

Jian Yun looked up at Cheng Muze, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

After drinking the soup in the bowl, Cheng Muze saw Jian Yun staring at him with two eyes. He couldn't help laughing and said, "sister Jane, if you have any questions, please ask me. Don't look at me with such eyes. It's strange to see people!"

Jian Yun pursed the corner of her mouth and her eyes flashed, "is Liao Keyu really not the daughter of general Liao?"

She felt that there was something strange about it. How could it be so clever? josei

"What do you think?" Cheng Muze pushed the gold wire glasses and did not answer the question.

With her chin in her hand, she squints at Cheng Muze's formulaic smile. She is not sure what he is trying to express.

"Well! Sister Jane, if you want to know, ask the fourth elder brother. He knows the whole story of that matter better than anyone else. I'm just hearsay. I can't do it right! " Cheng Muze looks at the corner of Jian Yun's suspicious eyes, and the smile of his mouth is bigger.

When Jian Yun heard Cheng Muze mention Huo Liancheng, her eyelashes trembled. She quickly lowered her eyes, picked up the soup bowl and took a sip of the soup.

Speaking of it, after the incident between mu Fangfang's mother and daughter, her relationship with Huo Liancheng has eased a little bit. Now she has begun to adapt to his presence. These two days when he went to the imperial capital, she felt that there was something missing in her life.

However, although the main contradictions and misunderstandings between them have been resolved, Jian Yun still has no confidence. Can she and he go back to the past?

#####No more today. It's raining heavily in the afternoon. I dare not turn on the computer. So I'm late. Hold you.

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