You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 71

Chapter 71

Jian Yun's eyelids suddenly jumped, and immediately heard Huo Liancheng's mobile phone to upload their own voice, "feet ache, embrace."

At this time, Zhou Shaolong's phone was also connected. His voice sounded very happy, "Xiao Yun, are you finished?" josei

Huo Liancheng's eyes narrowed dangerously when he heard Zhou Shaolong calling Jianyun so affectionate.

"Oh, just after work." Jian Yun's mind was not on the phone at all. It took a long time to reply. Her eyes have been staring at Huo Liancheng's mobile phone. As soon as her phone is connected, he pauses the video, but the picture is still there.

"Then I'll pick you up, eat first and watch a movie later, OK? It's said that the hot pot hero is on. It's very good. " Zhou Shaolong said excitedly.

Jian Yun opened her mouth and didn't speak. Huo Liancheng shook her mobile phone again. The people on the video began to move. Jianyun's eyelids immediately trembled. She gritted her teeth and glared at Huo Liancheng. Then she took a deep breath and said to the phone, "sorry, I'm not feeling well today. I'm afraid I can't go."

As soon as the words came out, Huo Liancheng immediately had a smile in his eyes.

"What's the matter, isn't it all right at noon?" Zhou Shaolong's voice sounded very disappointed. He didn't seem to want to miss the opportunity to date Jian Yun. He quickly added, "I'll pick you up and take you to the hospital."

"No, I'll just go home and have a rest." Jian Yun's tone was very polite.

"Well, then, are you free tomorrow evening?" Zhou Shaolong asked again, "let's go to the cinema tomorrow night."

"Well, tomorrow." Jian Yun saw that Huo Liancheng's face was already showing impatience, and she also reached for her mobile phone. She was afraid that he would say something to the phone, so she said goodbye to Zhou Shaolong and quickly hung up the phone.

"Mother in law, it's so wordy!" Huo Liancheng was very cold.

"Can I go now?" Jian Yun put her mobile phone in her pocket and went to get her bag.

"Have you had dinner?" Huo Liancheng suddenly asked.

"No Jian Yun glared at Huo Liancheng angrily. If it hadn't been for him, she would have eaten and been watching a movie.

"Well, I didn't eat either." Huo Liancheng naturally held Jian Yun's hand and seated her at the round table in the lounge.

As soon as Jian Yun sat down, she stood up again

"Eat with me!" Huoliancheng answers more naturally.

Cheng Muze has a smile will bring things out of the bag, is seven or eight heat preservation lunch boxes, one by one open the lid on the table.

"Why should I dine with you?" Jian Yun twists and turns in the chair, trying to get rid of Huo Liancheng's big hand on her shoulder, but she can't get rid of control.

Huo Liancheng ignored Jianyun, only looked at Cheng Muze, who was sitting down with the old God. He raised his eyebrows and said, "what are you still doing here?"

"Eat!" Cheng Mu Ze's answer is more natural than Huolian city.

"Go back and eat for yourself!" Huo Liancheng did not hesitate to ask for leave.

"Fourth brother, you can't be so heterosexual and inhumane! I drove all the way back to get it for you. I'm starving. I'm sticking my chest to my back Cheng Mu Ze see Huo Liancheng is not like a joke, immediately called Qu.

"What do you think?" Huo Liancheng squinted.

"No problem! Goodbye, fourth brother. Goodbye, sister Jane! " Seeing that Huo Liancheng had changed his face, Cheng Muze was not hungry immediately, so he quickly smeared oil on his feet.

Looking at Cheng Muze's back and Huo Liancheng, Jian Yun couldn't help asking, "why did he call you fourth brother?"

"Interested in my business?" Huo Liancheng sits next to Jian Yun, looks at her and laughs.

"No, no, no! I just ask Jian Yun quickly waved her hand. She was really afraid of him. Why did she smile at her when she had nothing to do with her? Even though she hated Huo Liancheng, she had to admit that the man was too good-looking, and those who did not laugh at ordinary times would be very lethal once they laughed.

Huo Liancheng didn't mind. He pushed a thermos bucket to Jian Yun and said, "my grandmother and his grandmother are sisters."

Jian Yun's mind turned for a moment, and then she realized that Huo Liancheng and Cheng Muze were cousins. Really, it would be nice to say that Cheng Muze was his cousin. He had to turn around and say that.

"Then why does he give you special help?" Jian Yun asked again. In fact, she was really curious about Huo Liancheng. She was curious about why he left his own company to be a professional manager and took his cousin with her.

The Huo family is rich in assets and has a huge family. As a cousin of the Huo family, Cheng Muze's family background should not be bad. Why is he willing to give Huo Liancheng special help and run around with him?

One question for one day Huo Liancheng shaved Jian Yun's nose and frowned and said, "why do you always ask about Cheng Muze? Are you more interested in him than in me? "

Jian Yun shrunk her neck and decided not to speak.

Because President Huo's words sounded sour, she really didn't know what to say. Jian Yun felt that it seemed that from last night when she was bitten by his words, he kicked him and adjusted him, the relationship between them seems to be less unfamiliar than before, and she and Huo Liancheng are not as serious as before.Jian Yun can't help but wonder if Huo Liancheng has a tendency to be abused.

"Aren't you hungry?" When Huo Liancheng saw Jian Yun sitting there with her hair askew, he gave her a funny knock on the head.

"There's too much rice. I can't eat that much." When Jian Yun regained consciousness, she found that there was a bowl of white rice in front of her. She subconsciously picked up the bowl to put some back.

Jian Yun knew that she couldn't leave, so she didn't worry about it. Anyway, she had to eat at night, so it was the same here.

"Give it to me." Huo Liancheng naturally handed his bowl to Jianyun and asked him to put rice in his bowl.

Jian Yun suddenly felt as if something was strange.

Especially when Jian Yun found out the dishes on the table, she couldn't help but tangled with them: Braised mutton in brown sauce, angelica black bone chicken soup, fried beef, stir fried vegetables, sweet soup after dinner and egg soup with wine

In the past, when she was at home, her mother would make these dishes for her to eat, beef and mutton for blood tonic, chicken soup during the period of the holiday is good for the body, and fermented egg flower soup is warm palace.

Therefore, Huo Liancheng knew that she had a stomachache during her period, so she specially asked people to cook these dishes?

Jian Yun ate with her head down. She couldn't see through Huo Liancheng.

"Why not eat vegetables? Not to the taste? " Huo Liancheng thought that Jian Yun didn't like the dishes when she saw her head down.

"Why do you do this?" Jian Yun lowered her eyes, plucked the rice in the bowl, and suddenly asked.

"What did I do?" Huo Liancheng smiles. He sees that Jianyun doesn't move, so he puts the dish in her bowl.

"Are you Want to play with me? " Jian Yun hesitated for a moment, but still asked. #####

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