You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Jian Yun's eyelids trembled. How to listen to this, how could she feel that the words were so strong that she was very clever and didn't answer again.

She was really obedient to Huo Liancheng. She could pollute it at any time and anywhere. He was very angry in the car just now, and he looked like he was going to kill her. How could this be? She began to tease her again?

"Mermaid" has been on for more than a month, and the hot period has passed. Now, there are not many people watching the movie. When Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun enter the cinema, they find that there are only two of them in the front row of a pair of lovers in the front row. josei

It's almost the same as booking.

Although Jian Yun has seen this film, she was full of thoughts about the lover's heart when she watched it with Zhou Shaolong last time. She didn't care what plot she was watching. She was very happy to watch this time, but Huo Liancheng was beside her, and she was not funny and exaggerating.

However, Jian Yun also found that Huo Liancheng had a cold face throughout the whole process, and seemed not interested in the film.

Jian Yun looked at it and felt it was not right. How could the movie screen be black and replaced by an enlarged handsome face?

Jian Yun just wants to push Huo Liancheng away. Her 3D glasses are taken away by him. Without waiting for her to react, he has already kissed her on the mouth.

Jian Yun quickly tilted her head, Huo Liancheng only kiss her face.

"Hello Jian Yun stares at him. It's only been more than a week since she punched her for kissing her in the office last time. Why is this guy still stubborn and wants to take advantage of the opportunity?

Huo Liancheng didn't steal the incense, and he was not discouraged. He looked at Jian Yun, who was not happy with his face, and raised his lips slightly, "look at the pair in front of him!"

"Don't try to distract me!" Jian Yun said so, but she still subconsciously looked at the front, which made her face blush.

Which couple in front of me are watching a movie? Clearly, I took this studio as my bedroom. Not only did I forget myself, but also I didn't behave properly. The woman rode on the man's body.

Jian Yun only looked at it for a second, but she didn't want to go on. She took back her sight. Just as she was about to leave here, she suddenly felt a warm breath coming to her face.


Jianyun was so quick that she grabbed a popcorn and put it into Huo Liancheng's mouth, which just stopped him from kissing her.

Huo Liancheng didn't seem to expect that Jianyun would be so miserable. He stopped there and squinted at her.

Jian Yun looked at him with popcorn in his mouth, but he could not help laughing.

However, before she was happy enough, she found that there was something in her mouth. It was the popcorn she used to block Huo Liancheng's mouth. Just now, he took advantage of her grin and kissed her, and fed the popcorn to her directly.

Jian Yun's small face collapsed. She pursed her mouth and glared at Huo Liancheng. At this time, it was neither spitting nor eating. It was really difficult to do.

Huo Liancheng is happy with a smile. He leans over and reaches for Jianyun. Jianyun quickly reaches out and blocks them.


"Don't feed me, I have a name!" Huo Liancheng grabs Jian Yun's hand and is not happy.

"Mr. Huo!" Jian Yun felt that it was a mistake to promise to go to the cinema with him. She didn't know how she agreed to come with him.

"Call me Liancheng!" Huo Liancheng holds Jian Yun's hand to his lips, and his eyes are still staring at her.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng even kiss her hand. She shook her hand fiercely. She tried hard to retract her hand. At the same time, she said angrily, "I have a boyfriend. You should pay attention to it!"

"Not married again! Dump him Huo Liancheng replied very domineering.

Jian Yun was speechless and gave him a big white eye. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but ask, "don't you mind if your girlfriend is a fickle woman with numerous ex boyfriends?"

Huo Liancheng's eyes narrowed. For a moment, Jian Yun saw a dark color from the bottom of his eyes, but after a short time, he looked at Jian Yun for a pause, and then said, "don't mind! As long as it's you! "

Hearing this, Jian Yun's heart suddenly jumped. Her long eyelashes trembled and met Huo Liancheng's attentive eyes. Somehow, she believed that he was serious.

"What? Don't believe it? " Huo Liancheng can't help but stretch out his hand when he sees Jianyun not talking for a long time. He hugs Jianyun into his arms. He whispers in her ear: "bad girl, who told me that I didn't find you earlier..."

"What do you say?" The sound of the movie is too loud, and Huo Liancheng's last sentence is just like a babble. Jian Yun only hears the first few words, but does not hear a word behind.

"I didn't hear that." Huo Liancheng seemed to have no intention to say that. He hugged Jian Yun for a moment, then let go. Then he raised his wrist and looked at the time. He asked Jian Yun, "are you still watching the movie?"

Just because of Huo Liancheng's words, Jian Yun had no mind to read it any more. At this time, she saw that the lovers in front of her were kissing in full swing, and there was a tendency to engage in illegal activities. She blushed, bowed her head, pretended to brush her hair, and shook her head: "no, let's go!"Huo Liancheng took Jianyun's hand and passed by the couple. The selfless wild mandarin ducks had already moved to the ground, and no one had ever seen them.

Jian Yun lowered her head and was embarrassed to look at it.

Just out of the studio, Jian Yun suddenly found that the mobile phone in her bag was shaking. When she just went in to watch the movie, she set her mobile phone to vibrate. She put the bag on the seat beside her, but she didn't hear anyone calling her.

Jian Yun took out her mobile phone and saw that there were more than ten unanswered calls from the same number. Maybe it was because she didn't answer the phone that the number sent a short message.

Jian Yun used to open a text message first. However, she was stunned at first and then turned pale.

"What?" Huo Liancheng sees Jian Yun check mobile phone to wait on one side, see her face at this time have different, can't help but also look at the mobile phone.

"No, nothing!" Jian Yun is in a hurry to hide her mobile phone. She obviously doesn't want Huo Liancheng to see the text messages on her mobile phone. However, she is so flustered that her hands are shaking. She doesn't hold it firmly for a while, and the mobile phone "slaps" and falls on the ground.

Jian Yun bent over to pick it up, but Huo Liancheng grabbed her in front of her and picked up the mobile phone. He glanced at the screen before it went dark. Just one glance, his fair brow suddenly frowned.

I saw the text message suddenly wrote: small cloud, I am Xu Haiyang, I want to see you! I have something important to tell you. Will you give me a chance?

"Give it to me!" Jian Yun grabs the mobile phone, and she holds it tightly in her hand.

"To see him?" Huo Liancheng asked.

Jian Yun looked up at him, but he was always calm and handsome. He could not see joy and anger on his face, but his dark eyes became more and more profound.

"No!" Jian Yun gritted her teeth and said that she took the lead in going out.

Huo Liancheng squints at Jianyun's rigid back, and a faint flash of darkness flickers under her eyes. It seems that the man named Xu Haiyang has a great influence on her

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