You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

"Take off your wet clothes. Are you going to come out naked?" Huo Liancheng asked.

“……” Only then did Jian Yun realize that this is a serious problem. What does she wear when she changes her wet clothes?

"Do you have any clothes for me Jian Yun had to ask Huo Liancheng.

Huo Liancheng knocked on the door again. Jianyun dressed quickly and opened the door. Huo Liancheng handed her a white shirt in his hand.

"Only men's, you make do with it!" He said.

Jian Yun had no other choice but to take over.

Jian Yun took a hot bath, which made her feel much more comfortable. But as soon as she thought that she was taking a bath in Huo Liancheng's house, she felt uncomfortable. She did not wash for too long, and soon wiped the water stains with a bath towel.

But then the problem came again.

Jian Yun found that she was wet from bra to Xiaonei, so now if she wore Huo Liancheng's shirt, it would be a vacuum, especially if this one was still white. This

Huo Liancheng has been waiting for the outside of the bathroom, listening to the sound of water inside, a sudden, he suddenly heard a soft "Hello!"

"What?" He asked.

"Can I have a dark one?" Jian Junsheng is like a mosquito Yin. She thinks that once again, she can find a piece of tofu and kill herself.

Huo Liancheng did not ask why, just opened the wardrobe, took a black shirt and handed it to Jian Yun.

Jian Yun opened the door and reached for it. Huo Liancheng saw a snow-white arm like a lotus root in front of his eyes, shaking his eyes with snow.

Thank you Jian Yun put on her clothes and came out. Her whole face was red. She bit her lips, returned the white shirt to Huo Liancheng, and then turned in to get her wet clothes.

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun's back, and his eyes narrowed slightly. His shirt was worn on her, which made her look very long and big. She rolled her sleeves several times before revealing her wrist. The hem of the shirt just reached her knee. She bared her feet and showed two white legs. During walking, her broad collar slipped down and half of her fragrant shoulder was exposed.

At this time, she was so attractive! josei

Jian Yun came out with his clothes in his arms, and saw that Huo Liancheng was staring at himself. His eyes were deep, and there was an undisguised possessive desire. Jianyun immediately became nervous. She was not wearing anything inside. Now she was still in his house and still wearing his clothes. If he had a big beast and knocked her down, even if she went to the police station and said that she was strong, no one would believe her.

"Let's go." Fortunately, Huo Liancheng has not been drenched to that extent. He forced his eyes away and led Jianjun into the laundry room to teach her how to use the dryer, and helped her hang the wet clothes in. When he saw Jianyun linger, he could not help but pick her eyebrows, "what? Are you going to wait here for half an hour? "

"You, can you go out first? I still have clothes to dry. " Jian Yun lowered her head and muttered rudely.

Huo Liancheng suddenly laughs. He glances at the black bra and small neinei hidden by Jianyun behind him. Without poking Jian Yun, he nods and turns out of the door.

Jian Yun quickly put bra and the small inner with a hanger and hung it in the dryer.

Jian Yun also knows that she can't stay here for half an hour. She can only go out, but now she has nothing on in her shirt, so she has no sense of security.

What's more, Huo Liancheng's clothes still have his smell. The light musk smell is very good, but Jianyun can't help but feel a burst of heartburn.

"Sit down." Huo Liancheng is sitting on the sofa, holding the remote control of central air conditioner to turn up the temperature.

Jian Yun specially chose the farthest position from him to sit down. She put her legs together and tried to pull down her shirt. She was afraid that she would go away accidentally.

"You just called." Huo Liancheng really can't bear to see Jianyun so embarrassed. After he knew that Jianyun didn't wear anything in his shirt, he was a bit confused. He tried to divert her attention and let himself not think, "one is from Luo Yanyan, and another is a video phone call called Dabo."

As soon as Huo Liancheng's voice fell, Jianyun heard the mobile phone ring. Huo Liancheng handed her the mobile phone. She bent over to pick it up. Huo Liancheng's eyes swept past her chest and narrowed in an instant.

Jian Yun was anxious to answer the phone, but did not notice the change in Huo Liancheng's eyes.

It was Wu Wenjing who initiated the multi person video phone call. As soon as Jian Yun got through the phone, Wu Wenjing was there. Why did she shout, "Jianyun, are you ok?"

"What's wrong with me?" Jian Yun did not understand.

"Jianyun, have you seen Xu Haiyang? I'm sorry. He begged me for two days yesterday and said he had something important to tell you. I didn't have the heart to tell him your mobile phone number. " Luo Yanyan is very guilty.

"Well, it's OK to tell the phone. Why do you tell him where we live?" Jian Yun said helplessly.

"This is not what I said. He didn't know where to find out where we lived together, and then found my address from the staff registration of Youth University." Luo Yanyan immediately complained, "he just called me, saying that you have not answered his phone, worried about your accident, and asked me to ask you."

"And then what? Xiaoyun, did you see Xu Haiyang? Did you beat him all over the place? " Wu Wenjing exclaimed excitedly, but then she said, "Jianyun, where are you? Why do you look like you're wearing a man's dress? What wild man are you up to? ""Hush! Shut up Jian Yun peeked at Huo Liancheng and saw that he was holding his mobile phone and didn't know what he was looking for. So she turned around quickly and whispered to the two people in the video: "what can I do for you! Hang up

"Wait!" Wu Wenjing first called out, "Jianjun, how can I look at the man behind you like Mr. Huo? Ah! It's not like it! Mr. Huo! Jane Yun, are you in Mr. Huo's house? Still in his clothes? Are you popping? Oh, you've got it! I'll tell you, general manager Huo is so handsome and rich that you don't want to do it if you are in a bad head! "

At the end, Wu Wenjing almost screamed with excitement.

"Pa Pa Pa you head! Shut up As soon as Jian Yun's brain was hot, she yelled at Wu Wenjing. She was almost angry to death.

However, after the roar, Jianyun noticed something was wrong. As soon as she turned her head, she saw Huo Liancheng looking at her and laughing. At once, she felt the blood gushing to her forehead, and "bang" exploded in her face. She covered her face and howled. She felt that she had no face to see anyone again.

"Ah, ah, I just saw Mr. Huo smile. Jian Yun, I guessed it right." Wu Wenjing was still shouting over there. Jian Yun couldn't bear to hang up.

God, how could she know such a pig teammate as Wu Wenjing? She was about to die. #####

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