You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 89

Chapter 89

For a moment, Jian Yun's brain was blank. She stared at Huo Liancheng's pretty face. She forgot to resist for a moment, because she didn't understand why the man who had just turned black and let her roll suddenly changed his face and kissed her again?

It was not until Huo Liancheng had a thick breath and the deeper the kiss became, that Jianyun came to her senses. She quickly closed her mouth and reached out to push him, trying to turn her head to avoid him.

Huo Liancheng did not force Jianjun, she struggled, he let her go.

"You -" Jian Yun put her hands on his chest and looked up at him. Her lips were trembling and she didn't say a word for a long time.

Huo Liancheng circled Jian Yun between his body and the door. He looked down at her, but his eyes were very cold. He raised his eyebrows and sneered, "why, don't you pretend to be a virtuous girl?"

"What do you mean?" Jian Yun didn't mean what Huo Liancheng said. She couldn't help frowning.

Huo Liancheng reached out and touched Jianyun's pink lips. Suddenly, he stroked her hard. At the same time, he laughed at the corners of her mouth. "This little mouth is so beautiful. No wonder every man you are close to is fascinated by hook!"

Hearing this, Jian Yun could hardly believe her ears. She was shocked and glared at Huo Liancheng with a sneer on her face. She did not understand why he suddenly said such hurtful words.

Huo Liancheng sees Jianyun's reaction in his eyes, but his heart is filled with anger at this time. Every expression of Jianyun is hypocritical to him.

"How many men have kissed this little mouth? How many men have you slept with? " His fingers stopped at the corner of Jian Yun's mouth, like a needle, and the cold on Jun's face was frightening.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Jian Yun's face turned red and her chest heaved violently. She couldn't bear it. She pushed Huo Liancheng away.

"I don't know?" Huo Liancheng step back, he raised the corner of his lips, "it seems that you are very good at using this fake pure face to confuse men!"

"Shut up!" She glared at Huo Liancheng and angrily said, "Huo Lian Cheng, who do you think you are? What's your position on me? Even if I have all my friends, what's it to do with you? "

Huo Liancheng grinds his teeth. For a while, he stares at Jian Yun, and the coldness in his eyes almost freezes her.

Jian Yun glared back at him without showing weakness. She felt that she was going to be mad. She was so big that no one had ever said that about her!

"Of course, it's none of my business. I just think," Huo Liancheng narrowed his eyes, and his eyes suddenly swept over the sinister cold awn. For a long time, he sneered: "it's really dirty my eyes to see you!"

This time, he used only one word to destroy Jian Yun.

At this moment, Jian Yun only felt a "bang" in her head. Her blood seemed to burst in her brain, but her heart was freezing.

Jian Yun looks at Huo Liancheng. Even though she has been so strong for so many years, she thinks that there will be no wind, frost, rain or snow to hurt her. However, such humiliation is still unbearable for her.

He said she was dirty!

Jian Yun suddenly laughed. She dropped her eyes and stopped seeing Huo Liancheng. She nodded, "yes, I'm a good man, so I dirty your noble eyes!"

At this point, Jian Yun stopped for a moment. She clenched her fist and lifted her eyelids. She looked at Huo Liancheng, no longer repressing her anger. She said coldly, "but don't forget that I have never accepted you from the beginning to the end! It's you. You've been pissing me off! If I'm dirty, you're not as clean as me

Huo Liancheng stares at Jian Yun, and his lips are straight like a knife edge. He frowns and suddenly opens the door. His whole body is cold and filled with cold, "get out! Don't let me see you in the future

"Don't worry! I'll leave Minster soon! You will never see me again in my life Jian Yun straightened her back, coldly met Huo Liancheng's eyes, and immediately turned and walked out.

Even though she was so humiliated, she was used to her pride since she was a child. She did not allow herself to show even a little bit of cowardice.

Just turned around, Jian Jun's tears can't help anymore, "Shua" down.

She did not know why she had to endure such a humiliation.

She just said to Xu Haiyang yesterday that he was dirty. Today, she was also despised by others. It's ridiculous! josei

As soon as Jian Yun left the house, she ran into Cheng Muze.

"Sister Jane!" Cheng Muze called Jianyun, but Jianyun didn't seem to hear it, and went straight past him.

Until seeing Jian Yun into the elevator, Cheng Muze turned his head and looked at the direction of the president's office. He said, "fourth brother, what you just said is too much!"

The answer to Cheng Muze is the sound of a fist on the door.

Cheng Muze frowned and went in. He saw Huo Liancheng cold and not close to him. But he still had something to say: "fourth brother, you knew sister Jane before, right?"

Huo Liancheng suddenly turned to look at him.

"Don't look at me like that, I guess!" Cheng Muze shrugged, "with your character, you can't be so interested in a little girl who has just met several times. Moreover, you even gave her the heart of a lover. The only explanation is that you knew her before!""Mind my business!" Huo Liancheng frowned at his words, and his eyes were filled with dangerous dark light.

"I don't care about your business!" Cheng Muze shook his head, "I just think that if you really like sister Jane, then you should not say those words to hurt her! No matter what kind of life she lived before, what kind of person she is, you like her, then don't care! Because, you and I know very well that people like us can't give her anything except money

"Shut up!" Huo Liancheng narrowed his eyes, and his face became very ugly.

"Well, fourth brother, the family has connived at your willfulness in recent years. You know what I mean, so don't get too deep in it!" Cheng Muze sighed, "if you really like sister Jane, you shouldn't involve her in it!"

"Get out of here!" Huo Liancheng reproached coldly.

Cheng Muze did not say more, according to the words out of the door, the door with.

Sitting at his desk, he opened the wechat brotherhood group that he hadn't seen for a long time and looked through the unread news. Most of them were asking about the progress of Huo Liancheng and the girl he was interested in.

Cheng Muze can't help regretting that he had gossip in the group. He thought Huo Liancheng had just changed his sex and began to be interested in women. He was still waiting to see how long Huo Liancheng would change women. However, how could he have thought that Huo Liancheng was really interested in Jian Yun and as calm as he was. If he didn't care too much, how could he have said such reckless words?

That's not good news!

"It's long gone! Little girls have boyfriends, and they are getting married soon Cheng Muze casually made up a message and sent it out. Without waiting for the group of people to cry and howl, he quit wechat. #####

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