You, CEO's Secret Wife

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

It was more than 9 a.m. when Jian Yun got home, she waited for Aunt Qin to arrive at the hospital. When she got home, she fell asleep until she was woken up by a phone call.

"Hello?" Jian Yun was worried about things and didn't sleep very heavily. Hearing this phone call, she jumped out of bed nervously.

"Little cloud, it's me!" The voice on the phone is deep and powerful. He is Ouyang Beicheng, the youngest brother of Ouyang Fei.

"Where are you, little uncle?" Jian Yun listened to the noise inside, and there was a loud explosion. She couldn't help asking.

"Cloud, listen to me. I have a temporary mission. I can't go to Qinghu. I've transferred 50000 yuan to you. You first have to deal with the emergency. I'll go there as soon as I'm finished. Remember, don't panic!" Ouyang North City deep voice said.

"Well, I know, uncle, you should be busy with you first." Jian Yun knew that Ouyang Beicheng was in the army, and she could not help herself. Although he could not come to make her feel insecure, she could not help it.

"Something, hang up first. I'll call you when I'm free at night."

When Jian Yun heard that someone was calling Ouyang Beicheng over there, he hung up the phone in a hurry, and she couldn't help feeling a little upset.

Jian Yun grew up with her grandmother. She was nearly 40 years old and gave birth to her brother-in-law Ouyang Beicheng. Ouyang Beicheng and his elder brother and sister are more than ten years old. They can't play together at ordinary times. On the contrary, they get on well with Jian Yun, and he always takes care of her.

Jian Yun thought that as long as he could come, he would have a backbone. However, human calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Ouyang North City can't come temporarily. All depends on her own.

Jian Yun sat on the bed for a while. She looked at the time. It was already more than three o'clock in the afternoon. She had something on her mind and could not sleep well. At this time, she got up and planned to wash and go to the hospital.

However, before Jian Yun left the house, her mobile phone rang again, this time from the hospital.

"Ouyang Fei's family? Come to the hospital quickly The voice on the phone was very urgent, and then hung up.

Jian Yun's heart fell to the bottom of the valley. She could not afford to eat any more. She took the bag and ran out of the door.

Twenty minutes later, Jian Yun took a taxi to the hospital and intensive care unit. Aunt Qin was so anxious that she immediately welcomed her.

"Xiao Yun, you are coming

"Auntie, what's going on?" Jian Yun grabbed aunt Qin's hand and asked nervously.

"I don't know. Director Bai hasn't come yet." Aunt Qin was so helpless that she couldn't say anything clearly. She had to go to the doctor's office and knock on the door to ask about the situation.

However, after a few steps, a doctor came out and saw Jian Yun. The male doctor in his forties asked, "who are you, Ouyang Fei?"

"Ouyang Fei is my mother." Jian Yun's hands trembled, "doctor, is my mother..."

The doctor frowned and asked, "has your mother ever been seriously ill before?"

"Six years ago, I fell down from the building, broke my lumbar vertebrae, broke two thoracic vertebrae, and removed the spleen." Jian Yun's voice was trembling, and her mother's sufferings made her recollect the pain.

"It's better to bring the medical records in the past. We should use them for consultation." The male doctor stopped and said to Jian Yun: "also, Ouyang Fei's situation is a little complicated. You should be prepared mentally. If there are complications, the situation may be more dangerous, and the cost may be higher."

"Yes, how much is it?" Jian Yun saw that the doctor said more and more seriously, and was about to cry.

"Four hundred thousand first The doctor finished and was called away by the nurse.

Jian Yun collapsed in her chair, only to feel that her strength had been taken away.

Wu Wenjing helped her with ten thousand yuan when she was in hospital yesterday. This morning, the nurse told her that the ten thousand yuan was almost used. She paid another 50000 yuan. Although she has saved more than 200000 yuan in recent years, it is not enough at this rate of consumption.

If it's in Boshan, my mother's medical insurance card can still be used, but Qinghu city and Boshan city belong to two provinces, so we can't use the medical insurance card here. We can only use money to support it. Even if we have to pay for it, we have to wait until we are discharged from hospital. But according to the doctor, my mother's condition is very dangerous. I don't know if there will be any complications

Jian Yun suddenly felt so desperate that she felt cold all over.

"Xiaoyun, is there not enough money? Auntie, there are still tens of thousands of yuan left, not enough for you to take it first. " Aunt Qin was also frightened by the doctor's words. She had blamed herself for not taking good care of Ouyang Fei. At the moment, she could hardly stand up with tears.

"Auntie, my money can last for a while. I can't find you again." Jian Yun shakes her head. She won't ask for Aunt Qin's money unless she has to.

The more she thought about it, the more afraid she was. She wanted to ask Bai Ze again. But the nurse told her that director Bai was in the outpatient department today, and she could only wait.

However, Jianyun did not wait for Baize, but waited for the news that her mother was infected and critically ill. She watched the doctors and nurses rush into the ICU ward, but her mind was blank and the whole person was soft.

When Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan arrived, they found Jian Yun curled up on the ground with empty eyes and pale face, like a puppet doll."Xiao Yun, get up quickly. How can you sit on the ground?" Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan help Jianjun to a chair and sit down. However, they let them ask, but Jianyun is still silent. Aunt Qin is not here. Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan are very anxious. josei

Another aunt, who was also guarding her relatives, couldn't see it. She told Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan that the doctor had just given Jian Yun a notice of her mother's illness.

"How could that happen? Didn't director Bai say yesterday that the operation was very successful? " Wu Wenjing exclaimed, while Luo Yanyan held Jian Yun's shoulder, and her tears came down.

"Director Bai, yes, find director Bai!" Jian Yun can't think at the moment. She only remembers the words of the woman doctor in the morning. She clearly said that the failure rate of director Bai's operation was very low, and almost all the patients could survive. But why was her mother informed of her critical illness in only one day?

As soon as Jianyun thought of Baize, she saw the elevator open. The elegant man in white coat came out first. She rushed to the front immediately.

As he walked, he did not notice Jian Yun until he stood in front of him. As soon as he saw Jian Yun, he frowned and nodded to her, "I'm looking for you. You come with me."

Jian Yun couldn't say anything, but mechanically followed Bai Ze and walked towards the doctor's office. Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan followed in.

Baize poured a glass of water for Jianyun, asked her to sit down, pushed the medical record to her, and patiently said, "Jianyun, your mother's operation was very successful, but she was too weak to have infection complications. At present, she has increased medication."

"And my mother, will she die?" Jian Yun's lips trembled. After a long time, she asked about this. #####

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