Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Chapter 1692 - the bar bumped into him

Chapter 1692 - the bar bumped into him

Chapter 1692: Chapter 1764 the bar bumped into him

“But Xiao Ying, two years ago, you suddenly got married, got pregnant, and gave birth to a daughter. You missed such a rare opportunity. Our school has been feeling sorry for you for a long time. This time, California Saint Li Institute is here to recruit students again. You must not miss this opportunity again,”the principal said earnestly. Of course, Su Xiao Ying knew about California Saint Li Institute. It was the dream of everyone who studied painting there. So did she. However, two years ago, Feng Sinan drugged her and pulled her onto the bed and pressed her under his body. She was pregnant with Xiao Ni, so she locked the invitation letter from California Saint Li Institute in her bookshelf and gave up the opportunity to further her studies. This time, she would definitely seize the opportunity. She was going to California Saint Li Institute and bring Xiao Ni there as well. “Principal, I want to go to California!” “Okay!”The principal slapped his thigh and repeatedly cheered, “Xiao Ying, believe in the principal’s words. You are too young now. There are still many possibilities in the future. Girls must rely on their talents and broaden their horizons to enrich themselves. One day, you will stand in the middle of the stage and emit your own unique and resplendent radiance.” Su Xiao Ying’s cat-like bright eyes also became lively. She was hurt in love, so she would focus on her studies in the future. She had to start earning money to support herself and Nini. Tomorrow would be better. “Principal, thank you.” “No need to thank me. Xiao Ying, don’t forget. Tonight, follow me to meet the principal of California’s Saint Li Institute. I will send you there to study. I Can’t let the people there bully you.” .. The news of SU Xiao Ying going to California’s Saint Li Institute to further her studies instantly spread, causing a huge uproar in T University. The moment Zhao Fei’er entered the class, she heard everyone discussing animatedly. She was filled with envy, – have you heard? California’s Saint Li Institute has come to our school to recruit students again! – of course, I’ve heard about it. California’s Saint Li Institute is a godly palace. But don’t even think about it. This time, there’s only one spot guaranteed to go to California’s Saint Li Institute, and that’s Xiao Ying! —— two years ago, California Saint Li Institute took a liking to Xiao Ying’s talent in painting and sent out an invitation. However, Xiao Ying didn’t go because she had something to do. Unexpectedly, two years later, California Saint Li Institute came again. —— isn’t it obvious? California Saint Li Institute has already taken a liking to Xiao Ying. People who engage in art want to discover shining new stars. This time, California Saint Li Institute left the spot for Xiao Ying, our principal and California’s principal both have high hopes for Xiao Ying. Xiao Ying really has a lot of love in her. —— don’t be jealous of Xiao Ying. Xiao Ying has looks, talent, and talent. People like her are born to be spoiled! When Zhao Fei’er heard this, her heart jumped. California’s Saint Li Institute? Oh My God, it’s actually California’s Saint Li Institute, the legendary painting palace. Zhao Fei’er dreamed of going to California’s Saint Li Institute. Once she entered California’s Saint Li Institute, the huge network of connections there would bring her life to a new level, at that time, she would get rid of her status as a poor girl and truly become a high-class person! California’s Saint Li Institute had come to recruit students. She was so happy that she almost flew up in joy. But wait a minute.. California’s Saint Li Institute had only given one spot, and this spot had already been reserved for Su Xiaoying? Zhao Fei’er’s heart quickly fell from heaven to Hell. Her hands that were hanging by her sides were clenched into fists. Why? Why Was It Su Xiaoying again? Wasn’t Su Xiaoying Good Enough? Why did the heavens dote on her so much that all the halos were superimposed on her? On the other hand, she had nothing at all. She would forever live in Su Xiaoying’s shadow. Zhao Fei’er was jealous, unwilling, and resentful. No, she wanted to go to California’s Saint Li Institute! But, how was she going to go? Zhao Fei’er’s eyes lit up. She quickly thought of a person, Feng Sinan. According to the package-support agreement, if the financier had a need, she had to be at his Beck and call. And if she had any material requirements, she could also report them to the financier. Feng Sinan was her financier. Feng Sinan had always been generous and would respond to any request. After all, Feng Sinan’s status and wealth were there for all to see. With a wave of his hand, he would throw away a large sum of money. Zhao Fei’er quickly took out her phone and dialed Secretary Jin Zhe’s phone number. She did not have Feng Sinan’s contact information, so she could only call Jin Zhe. The melodious ringtone on the other end of the phone rang once before it was picked up. Jin Zhe’s polite, professional and distant voice was transmitted over. “Hello, Miss Zhao.” “Secretary Jin, Hello. I have something to ask CEO Feng. Can you let him take a Call?” “I’m sorry, Miss Zhao. Our CEO is having a high-level business meeting and it’s not convenient for him to take your call. If there’s anything you need to tell me, I’ll pass it on to the CEO.” Zhao Fei’er knew that was the case. She went straight to the point, “Secretary Jin, the god-class Hall of the painting world, California Saint Li Institute, has come to recruit students. They’re offering a place to study at T University. I want this place. I want to go to California Saint Li Institute.” “Okay, I will remember it. I will inform Miss Zhao as soon as the president has an answer. Goodbye.”Secretary Jin hung up the phone. Zhao Fei’er kept her phone in her bag. Her eyes were shining with determination. She definitely wanted this place! .. At night, at the Feng Corporation. The Feng Corporation was an empire in the business world that spanned across several continents. It had affected the economic lifeline of an era. It stood majestically in the clouds, making people look up to it. In the VIP meeting room on the 46th floor, all the directors had come to attend the meeting. It was the financial report for the current quarter. Feng Sinan sat at the main seat. Today, he was wearing a gray shirt and black pants. He wore a tie around his neck. His handsome and noble face was filled with the sharp killing intent of the upper echelon of the business world and the mature and charming male texture. However, Feng Sinan was a little absent-minded during this meeting. His face was indifferent and his slender fingers often tapped on the phone beside him. No one knew what he wanted to see. The directors secretly looked at his handsome face, not daring to even breathe loudly. At this time, Feng Sinan lowered his eyes and looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already eight o’clock in the evening. He stood up faintly and said, “The meeting is over. You can all disperse.” Feng Sinan took the documents on his hand and left with his long legs. .. After pushing open the door of the CEO’s office, Feng Sinan walked in and threw the documents in his hands on the office desk. He raised his hand and pulled open the tie on his neck. His movements were swift and languid. He had his back turned and his butt was leaning against the edge of the desk. His tall and handsome body was slightly hunched, but it was indescribably strong and pleasing to the eye. Feng Sinan picked up his phone again. He looked at the caller ID and messages, but there was nothing inside. Su Xiaoying did not send him any messages. For the past two years, she was afraid of disturbing his work, so she did not dare to call him every day. However, she would send him messages every day. Just like last night, when he stormed out of the office in anger, she should have sent him a message in the morning to apologize and say sorry.. However, there was no response from his phone throughout the day. Feng Sinan threw his phone on the office desk. There was a malicious aura in his chest that made him feel annoyed. What was she playing again? Feng Sinan didn’t think that he had done anything wrong last night. He wanted to hug her to sleep, but she refused and bit him. Feng Sinan looked down at his hand. There was still a deep and delicate bite mark on his hand. She bit him until he bled. He was really angry at that time, but he couldn’t bear to hit her. Just like today, he had been waiting for her message. He still liked her very much and treasured her very much. Thinking of what happened in the study last night, Feng Sinan raised his head slightly and rolled his Adam’s apple up and down. He was still not tired of sleeping with her and was even in high spirits. Therefore, if she sent him a message today saying that her husband was in the wrong and that he should go home tonight, he would follow the steps and go home earlier. However, she did not say a word. At this moment, a melodious ringtone rang. It was a call. However, it was not from Su xiaoying, but from Xiao Jinran. Feng Sinan pressed the button to answer the call. “Hello, jinran.” “Sinan, what are you doing? Come out and have a drink with us.” “Okay, I’ll be right there.” .. Dynasty bar was a man’s money-spendthrift shop. Today, the entire bar was booked. The host was the tyrant Xiao Jinran from Hong Kong, and the people accompanying her were all second-generation rich kids. There were a few tables set up here, and they were playing cards. Xiao Jinran sat at the main table. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a V-neck black t-shirt inside. She was very seductive and handsome. Her pair of slender peach blossom eyes were even more enchanting than a woman’s. Xiao Jinran had a cigarette in her mouth and a few cards in her hand. Perhaps because she was not in a good mood, she frowned and threw the cards on the table. She cursed wickedly, “F * ck, I’m really unlucky today!” A few rich second-generation heirs took away the chips in front of Xiao Jinran with smiles on their faces. “You guys, can’t you see that Master Xiao is in a bad mood? Hurry up and serve him.” The most popular beauties in the bar were all here. Their faces were red as they stole glances at Xiao Jinran. This Hong Kong Dragon Overlord had a carefree and unrestrained nature. He was ruthless and young and loved to play, from airplanes, motorcycles, to private yachts.., he played with whichever style he liked. “Master Xiao!” The beauties called out in a delicate voice and surrounded Xiao Jinran. Xiao Jinran lazily raised her peach blossom eyes, then hugged the most beautiful girl in her arms. Her big hand touched the girl’s chest. “These breasts are fake, right? They don’t feel good. Go and play.” Xiao Jinran casually stuffed a stack of red banknotes into the deep cleavage in front of the beauty’s chest and pushed her away. The beauty who was pushed away looked at the red banknotes stuffed in front of her chest with a smile on her face. This master Xiao was playing in public, and he was very generous. “What’s going on? A plastic surgeon dares to approach Master Xiao? Do You Want to Die?” “What’s going on, master Xiao? Are there no beauties here that you like?” Xiao Jinran took a puff of his cigarette. When he blew it out, he pointed at everyone present with the cigarette between his fingers, “These goods are too bad. When you go to Hong Kong, master Xiao will bring you to visit my high-class club and let you be immortals for once.” The atmosphere at the scene immediately became lively. Not only did Xiao Jinran have many branches and gangs under her command, even the club was connected into several streets. There were the most beautiful girls there. It was hard not to be mesmerized. “Oh, OH, thank you in advance, master Xiao!” Xiao Jinran stood up, holding a cigarette in one hand and smoking it. With the other hand, she lifted her belt and said in a wild and unruly manner, “You guys play first. I’m going to the bathroom. Wait for me to change it and bring it back. I’ll play you to death!” “Take care, master Xiao.” .. Xiao Jinran walked along the corridor and went to the bathroom. Just as she turned the corner, a soft and beautiful figure directly bumped into him. “Ah!” Su Xiaoying felt that she had hit a wall. Her head hurt, and she quickly reached out her soft white hand to cover her head. — First Watch.josei

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