Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Chapter 1198 - Morning Sickness

Chapter 1198 - Morning Sickness

Chapter 1198: Morning Sickness

Jun Xiqing looked at him with a smile. Then she lowered her voice and spoke to him soft enough that only the two of them could hear, “West Duke, do you know your true identity?”

Lu Yeming laughed softly. “I’m intrigued. Go on.”

“Twenty years ago, when Madam Xuanji was pregnant, she was forced to take an abortion pill. In the end, she even had a caesarean to remove her child. After that, her child wasn’t able to speak at all and was on the verge of death. He died the moment he left Madam Xuanji’s arms.

“The bonds between the two of them really run deep. He held out for ten months before finally dying in his mother’s arms just after he was born.

“Lu Jinwen was always a cold person who didn’t know how to love and has only loved one person with all his heart in his entire life, Madam Xuanji. As of when he made his move, how he did it and how you exist, I don’t know, but what I know is that the two of you make a better father-son pair than fathers and sons actually connected by blood. You two fakes have already played this act to perfection, deceiving everyone and lessening any hurt you bring to others. The two of you also managed to keep protecting the women you treasure in your heart.

“Even up till this day, I tremble when I see your father’s signature. Monk Xuanyi once said that your father has killed too many in this lifetime and as a result his life was not going to end well. Those words eventually came true. He killed his own son, and didn’t even have a last look at Madam Xuanji before she died. In the end, he could only shed tears of blood, dying red the icy-cold bed she was on as he took his last breath. But now I finally understand... his pain.

“As for you West Duke, that’s the mystery Lu Jinwen left behind. When did you discover your heritage? It’s been a few years since then. With your abilities, there’s no way you haven’t discovered at least a hint of where you’re from... Whose blood are you, who is your father, where is your family? How is it possible you know nothing about it?

“But you haven’t made a move at all. You changed your name to Lu Yeming. It seems like you have the intention to pass it on to the future generations. I’ve never once thought that you were someone with emotions. All these years, you haven’t basked in the glory that came with the Lu name at all, so what’s making you so attached to it? Or...”

Jun Xiqing pulled her hands back harshly. Her slim fingers pointed to his heart and jabbed him hard. “Or are you telling me, the thing you’re attached to is the person who has been beside you, growing up with you for the past twenty years, the only person who has shown you warmth? The reason you want to keep this surname Lu forever, so you can be as close to her as possible and keep basking in the love and adoration she has for her little brother.

“So what I’m saying is, Old Master Lu and Lu Jinwen weren’t enough to move your heart. You could bear with the loneliness and deal with the wealth. I’m sure even the current glorious road to being the emperor that you’re on is nothing compared to the person in your heart.”

It has been said that men in love were always the most charismatic, so Lu Yeming was emanating a sort of indescribable charm right now. Lu Yeming’s deep eyes were like two whirlpools, capable of devouring a person’s soul whole.

In the end he raised his hands and pinched her chin. “Jun Xiqing, I really... am starting to like you more and more.”

“I’m honored.” Jun Xiqing raised one graceful eyebrow and said, “Since you’ve imprisoned me in the West Palace, I have all the time in the world to unravel..all the mysteries surrounding you.”

Lu Yeming walked forward, his tall and graceful body pressing on her. “If you’re going to unravel all the mysteries surrounding me, why not just... undress me here?” He spoke in a low voice, seductive and flirtatious.

“West Duke, I’ve been gone for a long time. Elder Sister Mo’er will worry if she can’t find me!”

She emphasized the words ‘Elder Sister Mo’er’.

Lu Yeming was expressionless, but he released her silently and put one hand in his pocket. He said elegantly, “You’ll do well to watch what you say. God forbid you say the wrong thing.”

“Don’t worry. I see Elder Sister Mo’er as my biological sister. I will never do anything to harm her.” josei

Hearing this, Lu Yeming laughed apathetically.

Jun Xiqing looked at him. She knew he didn’t trust her and looked down on her. He would protect his sister his whole life. He didn’t need anyone else.

“I’ll watch my words, but make sure you watch your lower half. Afterall, love and lust can lower one’s defenses.”

With that, Jun Xiqing left.


Jun Xiqing had left and the study was quiet once again. Lu Yeming strode over to the study table and lowered his eyes to look at the DNA test report.

He raised his hands and stroked the words ‘Lu Jinwen’...


Jun Xiqing went back to the room. Tang Mo’er was lying on the bed, fast asleep.

It was already nighttime. Tang Mo’er had been sleeping since the afternoon.

“Elder Sister Mo’er, you should wake up.” Jun Xiqing walked forward and woke Tang Mo’er gently.

Tang Mo’er’s luscious lashes quivered as she slowly opened her eyes.

“It’s you, Qingqing.”

Tang Mo’er sat up. Her beautiful eyes were still sleepy as she stretched.

She was so sleepy lately.

Was it due to the AR weakening her body, making her feel as though she had no energy at all?

“Elder Sister Mo’er, you’re about to become a lazy kitty. I’ve already calculated. For the past two days, you’ve been sleeping 20 out of 24 hours.”


How ridiculous! Wasn’t she practically disabled then?

At this moment, someone knocked on the door. A maid’s voice floated in from the outside. “Elder Miss, Miss Jun, dinner is served.”

“Alright,” Tang Mo’er replied and pulled the blankets off herself. “Qingqing, I’m going to wash up first. Let’s go down to dinner after that. I’m hungry.”


Tang Mo’er stood at the sink brushing her teeth. As she squeezed the toothpaste out, she suddenly felt nauseous.

She wanted to throw up.

She quickly bent down and pressed her hands over her chest, forcefully swallowing the rising wave of nausea.

What was happening to her?

Was this the effect of AR?

Her body was deteriorating day by day.

Tang Mo’er stood up straight and looked at herself in the mirror. Her red lips curved upwards as she smiled lightly at herself.

It was precisely because she didn’t have much time left that she treasured time she had left even more. She was grateful for every day that she was still alive.


Tang Mo’er held Jun Xiqing’s hand as they went downstairs. Lu Yeming was already in the dining room.

He sat in the master seat. Fan Men was bent over and reporting to him in a low voice. He was listening to him with his eyes lowered. The yellow light in the dining room illuminated him, making him seem even more handsome and magnificent.

Seeing them approach, Fan Men stood back.

Tang Mo’er and Jun Xiqing sat on both sides of Lu Yeming.

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