Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Chapter 436 - Bullied

Chapter 436 - Bullied

Chapter 436: Bullied

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When he leaned over, Lingling’s body almost liquefied from his clean, masculine scent. It was pleasant and attractive.

Lingling could no longer hold it in, she pounced on him.

But she didn’t manage to fall into his arms, it only took him a second to stretch out his large palm and slap her away. She knocked into the wall with a loud thud and fell to the ground, just like a kite with a broken string, falling without grace.

Lingling vomited a mouthful of blood.

Piak. The lights in the room were turned on, Gu Mohan’s deep and narrow eyes had landed on Lingling.

It wasn’t Mo’er.

As he’d suspected.


Although the room was pitch black and he wasn’t able to take a clear look of the woman hiding behind the curtains, he knew she wasn’t Mo’er. She didn’t smell like Mo’er at all.

Mo’er had a faint, natural maiden scent. On the contrary, this woman had a nauseating smell on her, it was both artificial and unpleasant.

Gu Mohan’s handsome features sank into a grim expression, it was as baleful as a sharp blade. He pressed his thin lips into a firm line, questioning her with his voice deep, “Where is Mo’er.”

Lingling had almost lost her life after being thrown against the wall by him. Her beautiful dreams of getting pregnant with his child and leading a prosperous life in the future was broken into a million shards. There was something sinister about the man standing in front of her, he was like the king of the underworld. If she wasn’t going to answer him, he would definitely take her life away.

Lingling stretched out her finger and pointed at the bathroom. “There...”

Gu Mohan gave her a malicious stare before striding towards the bathroom. His trousers were tailored with sharp cut and it exuded a strong aura.

When he got to the bathroom door, he held on the doorknob and pushed it open.

The door was slightly ajar and he looked inside, a delicate body was lying on the ice-cold floor. He saw two long legs curled together and there was blood all over the ground, the blood was almost everywhere.

Gu Mohan’s tall figure tensed up, the blood had his black pupils contracting in an instant. At that moment, he gasped and forgot to breathe.


He didn’t know how did he even utter that, he wanted to push the door open so he could get inside.

But two tiny hands were pushing the door closed from inside the bathroom, he heard a soft and weak voice murmur, “Please don’t... open the door.”

She didn’t allow him to open the door.

She didn’t want him to witness her current state.

Gu Mohan’s large hand was still on the doorknob and in his line of vision, he could see a tiny hand on the door. Her tiny hand was fully stained with blood and it wasn’t just that. Her entire delicate hand was red and swollen. It was bloody and looked as though it had been stepped on so hard that it was badly lacerated, Gu Mohan couldn’t bear the sight of it.

His Mo’er...

He wasn’t able to see her face at all, all that he could see was her curled up legs and her tiny hand.

She didn’t have much energy left, as long as he exerted some force, he was fully capable of pushing her away and fully opening the door.

However, he didn’t dare to do it.

He didn’t have the courage to push the door open and witness her current state. He didn’t dare to disobey her words, she wasn’t willing to let him witness her state and so he wouldn’t look.

His muscles underneath his shirt were tense, the veins on his forehead were visibly twitching and his chest was pumping. It was as though his emotions were going to explode like a ticking bomb, he tried to calm himself down and spoke with an endearing tone, “Mo’er, what happened? Answer your husband, what happened?”

Tang Mo’er lay on the ground, her hand on the door without relenting. As she heard his affectionate voice, she fumbled for the right words. “Nothing... I just... fell down and banged into the door...”

Banged into the door?

She was lying!

Look at how she had become! Why was she still trying to cover things up? Gu Mohan was so aggravated he almost bit his tongue from holding down the fury that coursed through his veins.

“Sir, Young Madam, aren’t you asleep yet?” Auntie Wu had returned and entered the room.

Gu Mohan hastily turned his head around and questioned Auntie Wu, “Where did you go? Didn’t I instruct you to look after Young Madam, without even taking a step away from her?”

Auntie Wu was stunned, she had spent a great deal of time there and that was the first time she had witnessed Sir flaring up.

Auntie Wu promptly explained herself, “Sir, it was Madam Gu who called me. She instructed me to cook some porridge and send it over to Miss An’an over at the hospital.”

So it was his mother.

Gu Mohan’s sharp gaze raked over Lingling. He should have made the connections just now, his mother was behind all of this.

It was his mother who sent this woman over and sent Auntie Wu away. Unbeknown to him, his woman was bullied in such a despicable way!

Gu Mohan’s eyes were instantly red, he licked his dry lips and gently placated Tang Mo’er. “Mo’er, it’s okay, I won’t come inside. Would you let Auntie Wu in? Please allow Auntie Wu to help you.”

Gu Mohan then loosened his grip over the doorknob and took two steps back.

Auntie Wu hurriedly rushed in front. “Young Madam, what happened? Did you fall? Sir has already gone outside, could you please let me in?”

Auntie Wu pushed open the bathroom door forcefully and when she witnessed the bloody mess in the bathroom, she screamed, “Oh my goodness, what happened in here, Young Madam?!”

Gu Mohan didn’t head outside, he merely took two steps backwards and when the bathroom door was fully open, he witnessed the gory scene.

Tang Mo’er lay in a pile of blood, the red staining her all over. Her body, her hands, her face. Her silky hair was messy and it was obvious from a glance that someone had yanked roughly on it. Her forehead was also injured and bleeding, she had knocked into the wall.

She was injured all over.

Her pale face was filled with tears, she had been crying.

Her eyelashes all wet, she shut her eyes and her delicate body was just like cotton candy. She was so fragile.

She was bullied to such a point.

She was actually bullied to such a point.

Auntie Wu had brought the medicine box over and fumbled with dressing Tang Mo’er’s wounds. Gu Mohan observed them for a bit before he went outside.

Outside the room, he placed a hand in his pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes. He bit on one cigarette and it dangled precariously from his lips. Bending down, he lit up the cigarette and his large hand was trembling.

He furrowed his brows and took a puff of the cigarette. He did it with too much force and started coughing.

Furrowing his brows together again, his eyes were bloodshot when he opened them once again. He leaned against the wall, all wasted and for the first time in his life, he hated himself very much.

He hadn’t protected her. josei

He had actually given his mother the chance to swoop in and cause Mo’er harm. It was his fault.

It was all his fault.

He was aware of the fact that she didn’t have much time left. The portion of antidote simply wasn’t enough, she had bled profusely ever since last night. She had entered the countdown of her rest of her life.

But he hadn’t found a way to save her yet.

There was only one pill that could detoxify the love pea poison. What could he do?

Gu Mohan couldn’t stop smoking. Ever since the day he was born, he had lead a methodical life. Everything in life was within his control, he was able to make all the decisions and yet, he wasn’t even able to protect his own woman. He wasn’t capable of saving his own woman.

He was powerless.

He could only watch as she got weaker day by day, until she finally had to face her own death, alone.

As he continued to smoke, Gu Mohan took out his cell phone and dialed a phone number.

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