Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Chapter 928

Chapter 928

Chapter 928: He Kissed the Back of Her Hands Under the Bright Lights

But she was twice-married. How was she worthy?

Old Master Fu, Madam Fu and Fu Rongrong’s expressions all changed at once. They could tell at one sight that Old Madam was someone extraordinary and that her status here was high. When had Lin Shiyu gained such good connections?

“Old Madam, I’m not sure who you are but you mustn’t be tricked by Lin Shiyu. She actuallyー” Old Master Fu was about to say something nasty.

“Dad, stop it!” Madam Fu tugged harshly on Old Master Fu. Deep in her heart, she still really liked and wanted to protect Lin Shiyu.

But Old Master Fu flung Madam Fu aside and said loudly, “Lin Shiyu is actually a promiscuous woman!”

“You shut up!” Old Madam berated him.

The entire hall fell silent, at the atmosphere was as cold as ice. There was a pin-drop silence.

Old Madam gave Old Master Fu a cold glare.

Seeing her imposing demeanor, Old Master Fu already had a terrible expression on his face. “Ha. You want to kick me out? You think you’re the Master of Castle Guding?”

Sikong scoffed coldly. “Old man, you have pretty good eyes. This is the Old Madam of Castle Guding!”


What?! josei

Old Master Fu, Madam Fu and Fu Rongrong all gasped. The person in front of them was the Old Madam of Castle Guding?

Impossible. How could this be?

Lin Shiyu’s long lashes quivered. She never would have expected her to be... the Old Madam of Castle Guding.

“Old Madam, you...”

This Old Madam had tricked her into coming to Mexico. She had been lied to so pathetically.

Old Madam held Lin Shiyu’s soft hands tightly and smile, hoping to appease her. “Little Shiyu, Grandma didn’t lie to you on purpose. If I hadn’t lied, what would have become of my grandson, Ah Sen?”

Ah Sen?

Lin Shiyu’s heart skipped a beat. Her beautiful eyes suddenly flashed. If Old Madam was Fu Qinglun’s grandma, then Fu Qinglun was...?

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd. “Ah, look, the Young Master of the Castle is back!”

“It really is the Young Master! How handsome, I think I’m smitten all over again!”

The rich ladies were all already mesmerized by him, their faces all lovestruck. Lin Shiyu followed their gazes upwards. On the vintage floral-carved railings, a tall figure was descending confidently on the red carpet. It was Fu Qinglun!

It really was Fu Qinglun!

Fu Qinglun was in a custom-made black shirt and black trousers today. The expensive shirt didn’t have a single wrinkle on it. He buttoned his silver cuff links as he walked down the stairs. Behind his superiority and elegance was a hint of coldness and indifference. He really was handsome, just like a prince.

Lin Shiyu gaze was fixed on him. So his identity was the Young Master of Castle Guding! This was the person who was rumored to have gotten all the ladies in Mexico smitten with him... Mr Smithson.

In comparison, the role of Young Master Fu had really held him back.

Old Master Fu, Madam Fu and Fu Rongrong were all stunned. None of them dared to breathe. They were even more shocked than Lin Shiyu. So Fu Qinglun’s real identity was so enigmatic and respected.

How did this happen?

If they had known that he was the Young Master of Castle Guding, they wouldn’t have let him go.

As everyone stared at him, Fu Qinglun took steady, elegant steps up to Old Madam and Lin Shiyu.

Old Madam was overjoyed. “Little Shi’shi, let me introduce you to my grandson, Ah Sen!”

The Fu Qinglun from the past was already dead. The person standing there now was the Young Master of Castle Guding, Smithson. From now on, Lin Shiyu and Smithson would get to know each other from the start again. They would both be starting over.

Fu Qinglun’s cold eyes landed on Lin Shiyu’s beautiful face. The corners of his lips slowly curved upwards. “Miss Lin, it’s nice to meet you.”

He reached out with his fair hands.

Lin Shiyu looked at Fu Qinglun and smiled lightly. She stuck out her small hands as well. “Mr Smithson, it’s nice to meet you as well.”

Fu Qinglun took hold of her small hands and bent down, kissing the back of her hand.

Oh god.

Everyone stared at this scene in shock. Under the brilliant and beautiful lights, the Young Master of Castle Guding had kissed the back of Lin Shiyu’s hand.

A man kissing the back of a woman’s hand, that signified... deep love.

He loved her!

The ladies present looked on with anger. How they envied her!

“Wonderful!” Old Madam laughed. “I now announce the official start of the party. Later on, everyone will be given a number. If your number is the same as my Ah Sen, he will have the first dance with you. Then you will become the Young Madam of the Guding Family!”


“Little Shiyu, this is your number.” Madam Sikong stuffed a number into Lin Shiyu’s arms.

<ol start=”18″>

She got number 18.

“Little Shi’shi, keep this number well. Ah Sen is number 18 as well. When the time comes, he will invite you to have a dance with him.” Madam Sikong blinked meaningfully at her.

Lin Shiyu raised her head and looked at Fu Qinglun. A crowd of businessmen circled around Fu Qinglun and he was listening attentively to what they were saying. They all admired his dignified appearance and charisma.

Today, his hair was slicked back, revealing his handsome and angled side profile. He had always been handsome, but today his looks were good enough to make someone’s heart pound.

As though he had noticed her gaze, Fu Qinglun looked sideways at her. Their gaze met, her eyes meeting with his gentle black eyes.

“Auntie, let me use the washroom for a while.” Lin Shiyu turned headed towards the washroom.

Seeing her vanish silently from his sight, Fu Qinglun didn’t retract his gaze. At this moment, one of the businessmen said with a laugh, “Young Master, no wonder you looked down on those rich ladies. Miss Lin is extremely beautiful. You two look like a match made in heaven.”

Fu Qinglun stuck one hand into his pocket, the other bringing the glass of red wine to his thin lips as he took a sip. The expensive fragrant wine exploded with flavors in his mouth. He lifted his brows slowly, his smile charming and loving.

No matter how many women there were, he would choose only her.

In his eyes, she was the best.

She was so beautiful today.

He spotted her immediately when he was on the stairs. Like how he had taken his first look at her at the Lin Family Home all those years back, and from then on, his heart only moved for her.

This time, he would not let her get away.


In the bathroom.

Lin Shiyu stood at the sink, patting cold water onto her beautiful face. She looked at her number silently, the 18 seemed to stare back at her.

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