Young Master Gu, Please Be Gentle

Chapter 958

Chapter 958

Chapter 958: The Truth Revealed

In fact, Gu Mohan really had just woken up. His deep eyes were still drowsy and he was in black silk pajamas. His pajama top was slightly open, revealing his masculine chest. His bangs fell gently across his forehead, making him look young and handsome. He would’ve moved the heart of anyone who saw him.

“Mr Gu, it’s almost nighttime, why are you still sleeping?” Tang Mo’er asked in a sweet voice.

Gu Mohan gave her a lazy look. “We played poker the whole night and only left at dawn, I’m catching up on my sleep.”

“Mr Gu, you’ve been a bit suspicious lately. I’m worried about you. There better not be a pretty girl tucked under your blankets. Pull them off and show me right now.”

Gu Mohan sat up, leaning indolently against the head of the bed. He reached out with his large palms and ripped the blankets off himself. His large bed was empty.

So he was alone.

“Are you satisfied?” he said with a laugh. josei

Tang Mo’er lifted her shapely brows and said, “Mr Gu, I’m impressed. You really are obedient.”

Gu Mohan lowered the phone, directing it at his pants. “Leave me alone any longer in this room and I won’t be able to hide this anymore.”

He was extremely aroused right now. It had been this way since the game from the night before. Any longer and there might be an accident.

Tang Mo’er’s red lips curved upwards. “Alright, I get it. Please bear with it for another night. I’ll service you properly tomorrow night.”

“Oh? How are you planning to do that?” he followed up that statement eagerly.

Tang Mo’er blushed. It was just an offhand statement, but he was really treating it seriously. He was always starting these kinds of ambiguous conversations!

“It’s a secret for now. I’m already at Shiyu’s place. Darling, I’m hanging up first, here’s a kiss for you. Mwaa!”

She hung up the video call. Gu Mohan threw his phone back to the bed table and went back to sleep.


The next day, at 4am, all the lights were switched on brightly at Sikong’s Villa. The aisle outside was decorated in red and the mood was festive and auspicious.

Lin Shiyu was already up. She hadn’t slept at all the entire night. Tang Mo’er and Gu An’an had been talking to her through the night. It was the last night she was going to be single and they had talked for a long time. The room had been filled with happiness and laughter.

Now, Lin Shiyu sat in front of the dressing table with her beautiful, silky hair spilling down her shoulder. She was stunning.

Madam Sikong invited Grandma Fu over. Grandma Fu combed her hair. “With this first stroke, you will live until your hair turns white, with the second, you will love and respect your husband, and with the third you will have an abundance of children and grandchildren.”

Tang Mo’er and Gu An’an stood watching from the side. Lin Shiyu’s hair was soft and silky as Grandma ran the comb through her hair from the crown of her head through to the ends. From today onwards, Shiyu would be happy.

After combing her hair, it was time for her to put on the wedding dress. The bridal robes were brought over to her.

Shiyu stood up. “Let me use the toilet first.”

“Alright, but hurry.”

Shiyu left the dressing room and entered the corridor. As she passed by Sikong’s study room, the door was ajar and she could hear Sikong speaking with someone on the phone. “Hello, Ah Sen, I’ve already found a suitable egg.”

Egg? Lin Shiyu’s footsteps halted and her beautiful, clear pupils constricted.

“When the surgery we did to retrieve the eggs last time failed, I started looking for suitable eggs. Now that I’ve found one, since today is your big wedding day, remember to save some semen for me on your wedding night. Then you can leave the rest to me. Once the sperm has fertilized the egg, I’ll implant it back into the surrogate mother. Don’t worry, Lin Shiyu will never know that it’s not her child.”

As soon as the words were out of Sikong’s mouth, the door opened with a bang. He quickly turned around and saw Lin Shiyu with the door open, standing there with her face pale.

Lin Shiyu was here.

F*ck. She had heard him!


At this moment, Fu Qinglun’s magnetic voice sounded out from the other end of the call. “What’s wrong? I thought I heard something. Shi’shi is over there with you, so please be careful. We can’t let her know.”

Sikong was silent.

He looked at his phone, then back at Lin Shiyu...


One hour later.

Fu Qinglun rushed over to the Sikong Villa. He didn’t enter through the main door and went through the side door, so no one could see him.

He pushed open the study room door and entered. “Sikong, what are you doing? Why did you ask me to come over right now?”

Sikong face was stiff. He snuck a look at the walk-in closet and smiled awkwardly. “Ah Sen, I asked you over... just to ask you one thing. Do you really... want to have a child with another woman?”

Fu Qinglun raised his eyebrows. “This decision has already been set in stone. Why are you asking me again?”

“Ah... Ah Sen, you just have to answer me. Yes or no?”


Fu Qinglun spat out a single word.

Sikong cradled his head with his hands, like he was desperately praying for death. Lin Shiyu was in the walk-in closet and this question was one she had posed for him. She was the one who wanted to hear the answer from Fu Qinglun’s lips.

They were done for.

Done for.

“Now that you’re done questioning me, I’m leaving.” Fu Qinglun left without taking a second look at Sikong.


Fu Qinglun wanted to leave immediately. 8 o’clock in the morning was the auspicious timing. He would leave from Castle Guding then and come here to fetch Shi’shi.

Grandma had said that before the auspicious timing, he was not allowed to see the bride. This was the rule. It would bring bad luck if he saw her before that.

He didn’t believe it at first, but now he was afraid. It was better that he didn’t see her. No matter how much he wanted to see her, he didn’t dare to.

Fu Qinglun strode over to the bride’s dressing room. Staring at the tightly-shut door, he lifted his hands and knocked on it.

“Ah Sen, what’re you doing here?” Madam Sikong saw Fu Qinglun and quickly ran over. “You can’t see the bride now.”

“Auntie, I know this too. I just want to say a few things to Shi’shi.”

In the room, Lin Shiyu sat in front of the dressing table, looking at herself in the mirror. Her face was deathly pale. She was cold all over, not a shred of warmth in her body.

Tang Mo’er and Gu An’an exchanged a look. What happened to Shiyu? She had been fine just a while ago.

Fu Qinglun’s voice drifted over. Lin Shiyu small face remained cold and she didn’t reply.

“Shi’shi, I wanted to tell you, I love this day and have been waiting for it all my life. Today... is the best day of my life.”

Madam Sikong pressed her hands against his lips to repress her laughter. “Just these two sentences? Nothing else?”

Fu Qinglun’s handsome face was filled with love. He shook his head. “Nothing else.” There were too many things he wanted to say, but these two sentences were what he wanted to say the most.

“Silly child, you ran here all the way just to tell Little Shi’shi you love her?”

Fu Qinglun took out something and gave it to Madam Sikong. “This is my present to Shi’shi. Auntie, please pass it to her.”

Fu Qinglun found it hard to tear his eyes away from the tightly-shut door. He lifted his hands, his fingers touching the wooden door slowly. “Shi’shi, I’ll be leaving first.”

There was no sound.

“Shi’shi, I’m really leaving. I can’t see you, so can you let me hear your voice?”

She refused to speak, but he wanted to hear her voice. It would be nice to hear her voice.

Tang Mo’er and Gu An’an both exchanged glances, then looked at Lin Shiyu...

What had happened?

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