Young Master Lu’s Lovely New Bride

Chapter 222 - Honey, Happy Birthday!

Chapter 222 - Honey, Happy Birthday!

Chapter 222 Honey, Happy Birthday!

At 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

Everything was done properly except for dinner.

In order to make a deep impression on Lu Boyan, today’s dinner must be personally handled by Su Jianan.

Although there was not much time, it wasn’t difficult for her. There were also chefs and Aunt Liu at home who could give her a hand, thus she progressed at a fast speed.

The kitchen door was open; Luo Xiaoxi could smell the fragrance of the food in the living room. She moved into the kitchen and asked, “Jianan, how long will it take? If we waste too much time, Boss Lu will start to wonder about it.”

“Almost done.” Su Jianan carefully placed food in the plate. “You can call Lu Boyan and the others back now.”

“OK!” Luo Xiaoxi first sent a message to Shen Yuechuan, and then called Su Yicheng, asking him to quickly come over.

These men happened to meet each other at the door and came in together.

Luo Xiaoxi was asked to keep an eye on the door, and when she saw through the French windows in the living room Lu Boyan and others walk in, she swallowed.

Each of these enchanting men was enough to make the women of the world hold their breath at the sight of him. These four men walking together was enough to make the sun and moon fade.

After drooling over the scene for a while, Luo Xiaoxi reacted and ran to the kitchen. “Jianan! Lu Boyan, they are all back!”

Su Jianan had just put the candles on the cake. Her mood was still calm as before, but her breathing was naturally unstable when seeing Luo Xiaoxi was so shocked.

After calming down, she let Uncle Xu turn off the lights and pushed the cake toward the living room.

As soon as Lu Boyan entered the door, he saw a cluster of shimmering candlelight, and behind it, Su Jianan appeared with a sweet smile.

Luo Xiaoxi, Shen Yuechuan, and the others were very sensible; they did not follow Lu Boyan and Su Jianan but stood far behind them.

Then, the candlelight seemed to become the center of the world. Su Jianan and Lu Boyan surrounded this little world, and it seemed that there was no one else except them there.

Su Jianan brought the cake to Lu Boyan, and the flashing candlelight reflected on her face, making her smile brighter.

“I will sing a song for you,” she said.

Not waiting for Lu Boyan to answer, she started to sing the birthday song that almost everyone in the world could sing.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…”

Her voice was soft and sweet, and it sounded pleasing.

For a lifetime, this was the most beautiful song that Lu Boyan had ever heard.

Later, Luo Xiaoxi and Shen Yuechuan joined in the singing. The three people had good voices, so, the song, whose melody and lyrics were simple, sounded rather pleasing.

After singing, Su Jianan looked at Lu Boyan. She clearly and solemnly said, “Honey, happy birthday!”

She snatched a little bit of cream on her fingertips and tapped it on Lu Boyan’s nose, laughing with a sense of accomplishment.

Lu Boyan walked over and brought Su Jianan into his arms. He rubbed her nose and gave half of the cream to her, whispering, “Thank you.”

“Hey!” Su Jianan’s beautiful eyes flashed with light. “I made the cake myself!”

At this time, the other people surrounded them. As Shen Yuechuan heard the words, he jeered first. “Hey, look at what Jianan wrote on the cake.” After seeing it clearly, he sighed. “Disgusting, so disgusting!”

On the cake, there was a line of beautiful words “Honey, Happy Birthday”.

Su Jianan’s cheeks were flushed, but she still lifted her chin, and naturally asked, “I wish my husband a happy birthday, how is that disgusting?”

“Yes, yes!” Shen Yuechuan had never been afraid of trouble. “Jianan, do you dare to be a little more disgusting?”

Su Jianan threw a disdainful look to Shen Yuechuan, stood on tiptoes and kissed Lu Boyan’s cheek.


This time, even Luo Xiaoxi couldn’t help but pretend to tease Su Jianan, and Mu Sijue followed suit.

“Boyan, Jianan is so attentive, don’t you have anything to say?”

Lu Boyan knew what his “bad” friends were thinking. He held Su Jianan’s head and kissed her.

From the moment he came in and saw Su Jianan’s smile behind the candlelight, he had wanted to do so.

The people surrounding immediately became even more agitated. Thinking that Su Jianan was so shy, Lu Boyan quickly released her. Uncle Xu handed him a beautifully crafted cake knife. “Young master, you can cut the cake.”

After blowing out the candle, Lu Boyan was ready to cut the cake, but he was stopped by Su Yicheng. “Following the usual procedure, you should make a wish now.”

Lu Boyan’s arm circled Su Jianan’s waist.

Hearing Su Yicheng’s words, he turned his head and deeply looked at Su Jianan. “My biggest wish has already come ture.”

The meaning of the words couldn’t be more obvious. Luo Xiaoxi and Shen Yuechuan screamed; Su Jianan’s face was already red, now it was even redder.

In the end, Su Yicheng pulled Luo Xiaoxi back to calm things down. Lu Boyan cut the cake into two halves, which gave out an attractive scent. Even Mu Sijue couldn’t help but take a deep breath to say, “Jianan, have you learned baking?”

“No.” Su Jianan shook her head and said with a guilty conscience, “This is actually the third time I’ve made a cake. I don’t know how it tastes…”

Lu Boyan looked at Mu Sijue and Shen Yuechuan in a quiet manner. The later immediately understood that no matter how the cake tasted, they must say it was great, and they could only eat the cake until there was nothing left.

It turned out that Su Jianan’s talent for baking was extraordinary. The cake was moist, the cream was sweet but not greasy , and the fruits were fresh and sweet; even the men who didn’t love sweets enjoyed them every much.

Su Jianan made it large enough for the whole family, Uncle Xu, Aunt Liu, even the chefs at home were included. Everyone tasted it and enjoyed it well.

Only Lu Boyan remained silent.

Su Jianan asked him with expectation, “How did it taste?”

Lu Boyan fed Su Jianan a piece of cake. “This is the best cake I have ever eaten.”

Su Jianan smiled with a sense of accomplishment. “I will do it for you every year! I will accompany you to celebrate your birthday every year!”

Lu Boyan was stunned for a moment with emotion flashing within his eyes, and he said with a smile, “Thank you.”

The family had not been so busy for a long time. Uncle Xu and the servants were very happy, and they called everyone for dinner. Aunt Liu specifically said to them, “Today’s dinner was all prepared by the Young Madam.”

Shen Yuechuan had never forgotten the last time he tasted Su Jianan’s crafts. The person who sat down to eat first today was him.

With just one bite, he felt that his appetite was aroused and he was satisfied. “If someone can introduce me a girlfriend like Jianan, I’ll give her everything!”

“I know one.” Luo Xiaoxi looked at Su Yicheng, “Your female cousin, she is like Jianan.”

Su Yicheng frowned and said, “Didn’t you say that the most pitiful thing under the sun is a match like beauty and the beast?”

Su Jianan couldn’t help but smile.

Shen Yuechuan was angry. “Su Yicheng! Don’t leave after dinner! See you in the back garden!”

“Hey, what do you want?” Luo Xiaoxi clasped Su Yicheng’s hand. “He’s mine now! Are you actually provoking him? Are you looking for death?”

Shen Yuechuan blinked and said nothing.

The relaxed atmosphere continued until the end of the dinner.

“It’s rare to be so happy, don’t go so early.” Shen Yuechuan checked the time. “It’s still early, shouldn’t it be better to go to the top of the mountain?”

“Do you want to go?” Lu Boyan asked Su Jianan.

Su Jianan licked her lips and nodded. “OK!”

Six people, four cars, drove to the top of the mountain.

Fifty minutes later, the four cars parked on the parking space, and Su Jianan looked up at the night sky with a subconscious look.

She felt disappointed. Due to the city lights, no star could be seen.

However, the bustling night view of City A could be seen.

Lu Boyan came over and pulled Su Jianan’s hand. “Go in.”

When they walked to the gate, Su Jianan’s cell phone rang, and she looked at the caller ID, Tang Yulan.

Lu Boyan signaled others to go first. He accompanied Su Jianan and answered the call.

“Jianan,” Tang Yulan’s voice came. “Are you outside? I just called your home. Uncle Xu said that you were out.”

“We are at the top of the mountain. Mom, do you want to…”

Before Su Jianan could finish her words, she was interrupted by Tang Yulan.

“Have fun, young boys and girls. I’m old, can’t afford to be tossed around. Jianan, please say happy birthday to Boyan for me.”

“Why not say it yourself, mom?”

Su Jianan felt that something was wrong, but she still said, “Okay, I will tell him.”

“Since his father died, Boyan had never had a birthday party.” Tang Yulan sighed, but her tone was gratifying. “Jianan, this time, I really want to thank you. Ok, go to have fun, I’ll go to rest.”

Su Jianan felt that Tang Yulan had something unsaid. When she was about to ask her, Tang Yulan had already hung up the phone, leaving her with a blank look.

“What did Mom say?” Lu Boyan asked.

“She asked me to say happy birthday to you for her.” Su Jianan took Lu Boyan’s hand. “In fact, I called mom at noon and asked her if she would come over for dinner. She said that she was not feeling very well, and wouldn’t come.”

Lu Boyan’s eyes were darkened and because the night was pitch black, Su Jianan did not notice it.

After a while, Lu Boyan just said, “hmm”.

Su Jianan tentatively added, “When we get back later, I want to ask you a question.”

Lu Boyan had already guessed what Su Jianan wanted to ask and clasped her hand. “OK.”

The waiters led Lu Boyan and Su Jianan to the exclusive elevator. The two quickly went to the top floor. The only KTV there was opened, and they could hear someone singing. It was Luo Xiaoxi’s voice.

Seeing Su Jianan and Lu Boyan coming in, Shen Yuechuan immediately led them to their seats, poured them two glasses of the wine and frowned. “There are only six people in total. Yicheng, Mu Qi and Boyan won’t sing. Only we three sing, it’s so uninteresting!”

Mu Sijue echoed with Shen Yuechuan and gave a suggestion. “What about playing games?”

After singing a song, Luo Xiaoxi put down the wireless microphone and ran over. She sat freely next to Mu Sijue and raised her hand. “I agree! Playing games could bring us six with most fun.”josei

Su Yicheng frowned and showed an unpleasant look. “Luo Xiaoxi, come over here!”

How could Luo Xiaoxi go to sit by Mu Sijue instead of him? Was he ignored?

Luo Xiaoxi found that she was sitting on the wrong side. She exclaimed and moved to Su Yicheng’s side, and then she was held by Su Yicheng.

Shen Yuechuan teased Su Yicheng and asked Su Jianan, “Do you dare to play with us?”

Su Jianan had never been keen on playing games.

However, once she started playing, she rarely lost.

“Why wouldn’t I dare?” She raised her chin. “Let’s play, what are you playing?”

Shen Yuechuan and Mu Sijue looked at each other and smiled. Lu Boyan could tell that they were planning something. He looked at the high-spirited Su Jianan with a sigh and looked at Shen Yuechuan with a warning eye.

Shen Yuechuan ignored Lu Boyan’s warning.

He and Mu Sijue had been planning and waiting for Su Jianan to take the bait for a week!

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