Young Master Lu’s Lovely New Bride

Chapter 315 - Pregnant...? (1)

Chapter 315 - Pregnant...? (1)

Chapter 315 Pregnant…? (1)

After finishing breakfast, Su Jianan felt like something was wrong and she could not explain why.

She just felt like something which was supposed to be there, was not there yet.

Su Yicheng thought she had realized something, and tested the waters, “What’s the matter?”

“Yesterday, Boyan was waiting for me in the office. Today…” Su Jianan said. “I’m afraid he would come to see me.”

She was not only conveying it to Su Yicheng but also telling herself. Otherwise, she could not explain the uneasiness in her heart.

“…” Su Yicheng was feeling desparate for Su Jianan, who was usually a very attentive person, while also trying to reassure her. “Don’t worry. Lu Enterprises had just resumed to normal operations. He doesn’t even have the time for a sip of water. How would he have the chance to come looking for you?”

Su Jianan pondered for a moment, and said, “oh”. While feeling at ease, there was also a feeling of emptiness in her heart.

Su Jianan had been going on and off just like that, over those two days.

It wasn’t clear whether it was because Su Yicheng had noticed that Su Jianan had not been in a good mood, he had been taking extra care of her. He would remind her to tuck herself properly into bed, and not to catch a cold. When the domestic helper auntie went to clean the house, he would remind the lady to be careful with the bathroom, to not leave it wet and slippery. He had also been in charge of their three meals, ensuring that the food was nutritious and light, doing without the overly heated or cold food.

Su Jianan had reassured Su Yicheng repeatedly, “Brother, you don’t need to take care of me to this extent. I know I still have you, I won’t resort to anything silly.”

Su Yicheng had only smiled, continuing to do whatever he was doing.

It was evening, and the cocktail party was about to start. Su Yicheng was adjusting his necktie as he walked out of his bedroom. He saw a primly dressed Su Jianan standing by the doorway, staring into the full-length mirror. He collected her coat and draped it over shoulders. He said, “You’re already very beautiful. Let’s go.”

Su Jianan took a deep breath, and wrapped the coat around herself. She matched up to the pace of Su Yicheng.

20 minutes later, Su Yicheng’s car stopped at the entrance of a certain five-star hotel in the city center. Before Su Jianan had realized, their car was already swarmed by journalists. If it weren’t for their windows being rolled shut, the microphones could have been stuck all the into the car.

Su Yicheng had already prepared for this. He waited for the security guards to make way through the crowd, then signaled the bellboy to open the car. They were being carefully escorted down the car, refraining the cameramen and journalists from touching her at all.

Su Jianan could not hold in her laughter. She said, “If it weren’t because it is known that we are siblings, the headlines tomorrow would definitely be about Su Jianan finding a new boytoy, and it’s Cheng An Group’s CEO!”

“You’re still in the mood to laugh?” Su Yicheng said, “Don’t forget that you were hit by a camera before.”

It had not been serious before, so Su Jianan simply dismissed it with a smile. At that moment, she saw Jiang Shaokai approaching, and was stunned for a moment.

The journalists looked in the same direction, and saw Jiang Shaokai as well. The cameras instantly went off snapping repeatedly; the sound of the shutters was non-stop.

In front of so many journalists, Jiang Shaokai approached Su Jianan and she held his hand naturally. They stepped on the red carpet leading into the hotel.

The journalists were standing outside the security boundary, forcefully shoving their microphones towards Su Jianan.

“Mrs. Lu, you are appearing publicly with Mr. Jiang without a care, does it mean you’re already processing your divorce with Mr. Lu?”

“Mrs. Lu, we’ve heard news that Mr. Lu will also be attending the party tonight. How are you going to face each other?”

“Mrs. Lu, why did you divorce Mr. Lu? Is it really like what is said on the Internet, that you don’t want to become ‘Mrs. Debt’ because of Lu Enterprises’ financial crisis? Could you answer our questions?”

Su Jianan did not respond to a single one, and walked directly towards the hotel, leaving the group of journalists behind.

From outside, Su Yicheng watched Su Jianan’s slender back view as he sighed.

If what he had guessed yesterday were true, then he would need to have a talk with Lu Boyan no matter what. He could no longer allow Su Jianan to go on like that anymore.

Otherwise, if there were any irreversible damage, Su Jianan and Lu Boyan would be torn apart forever, then they would really be done for.

Inside the hotel—

Su Jianan entered the elevator. As the doors shut, she finally let out a sigh of relief as she had managed to escape from the chaos and suspicions outside.

“Already not taking it after a round of questioning by the journalists?” Jiang Shaokai waved his phone in his hand at Su Jianan. He continued, “My friend informed me that Lu Boyan has just arrived.”

“…” Lu Boyan’s broody and sharp expression instantly surfaced on Su Jianan’s mind, and a chill could be felt down her spine. She asked cautiously, “What should we do later?”

“Nothing.” Jiang Shaokai looked calm and carefree as always. “We’re only here making an appearance to provoke Lu Boyan. We’ll leave once our aim has been achieved. You’ll definitely won’t be able to take it… if we stay any longer.”

Indeed, as a saying went, gossipmongers were to be feared. Some people’s words were destructive; even if Su Jianan would be able to tolerate for a few times, she would be devastated the more she heard them.

Su Jianan understood Jiang Shaokai’s intentions. She turned silent, as she recalled all the malicious speculations and insults online.

Just at that moment, “Ding—” the elevator had reached the event hall on the seventh floor.

Su Jianan took a deep breath, and held Jiang Shaokai’s hand as they walked out of the elevator. A server opened the doors to the hall for them—

Sounds of music and chatter could be heard, which made the hall appear extremely lively. However, as more people noticed Su Jianan and Jiang Shaokai’s appearance, and more people were looking at them, the chatter had toned down to the point which there was only music.

Even though she had already mentally prepared herself, Su Jianan still could not help but become nervous facing all the complex and malevolent looks thrown at her.

“Don’t be afraid,” Jiang Shaokai reassured. “These people are at mostly only curious, they won’t do anything to you.”

Su Jianan thought that it sounded reasonable, and nodded in agreement. She suddenly felt a scathing glare from the sea of people, and when she subconsciously looked over, it was Lu Boyan.

He was wearing an entirely black suit, in which its fitting cut had emphasized his perfect figure and proportions. His sharp, chiseled features made him appear charming and elusive. Even if he were to stand there in silence, it was hard to overlook him.

His thin lips were pressed, his eyes fixated intensely on her. But not for long; the fire in his eyes was slowly extinguished. His gaze turned sullen, where only coldness remained.

Su Jianan was stunned. It brought her back to about half a year ago when she and Lu Boyan had just gotten married.

It was exactly the same way Lu Boyan had looked at her back then; a gaze so cold it pierced through hearts.

It suddenly occurred to Su Jianan: She had really pushed Lu Boyan’s bottom line. She had completely infuriated him.

“Jianan,” Jiang Shaokai who was beside her suddenly said, “Don’t do this. Don’t make him suspect anything.”

Su Jianan came to a realization abruptly, then acted nonchalantly. She looked away from Lu Boyan coolly, then greeted the acquaintances around her.

However, those “acquaintances” were the people Lu Boyan had introduced to her after they had gotten married. At that moment, those people looked at her weirdly; some were even at a loss whether to call her “Mrs. Lu” or “Ms. Su”.

She pretended that everything was normal, and did not care how people called her. All she did was pretend to be happy, and made rounds around the event hall.

Suddenly, a crisp sound came from nearby, “Bang—”.

Su Jianan had guessed that it was from where Lu Boyan was. She glanced over subconsciously, and only saw Lu Boyan being surrounded by a crowd. From the exasperated voices, she had guessed that Lu Boyan had broken a wine glass.josei

The wine glasses at that party were of premium quality; there was no reason for it to shatter so easily. Unless… he had crushed it himself.

His hand had already been cut a few days ago and was still bandaged, yet once again…

“Shall we go take a look?” Jiang Shaokai asked.

Su Jianan was burning inside. Her rationality warned her against going. So many people were there with him, including Shen Yuechuan. He should be alright.

Even if she knew he would be alright, even if she knew she could go, she was still deeply tempted by Jiang Shaokai’s suggestion.

Just when Su Jianan was going to step forward, the crowd around Lu Boyan had given way for Lu Boyan and Shen Yuechuan to leave for the lounge. A server had also followed them with a first aid kit.

“Forget it,” Su Jianan watched as the door to the lounge was shut. “He’s already a grown-up. I’m sure he wouldn’t be that immature…”

Before she finished her words, the lounge doors opened. Shen Yuechuan came out, and walked directly to her.

“Jianan, go in,” Shen Yuechuan said with a helpless expression, “He won’t let us treat his wounds.”

“…” If her body were completely beyond her control, Su Jianan would have already rushed in, but she could not. Her rationality had forbidden her.

Shen Yuechuan reminded Su Jianan, “He still hasn’t recovered from his old injury. He can’t remain untreated. Don’t you understand him? Other than you, anyone else who goes in would be thrown out.”

Su Jianan looked at Jiang Shaokai, and Shen Yuechuan glared. “Why are you looking at him? Are you thinking of making him accompany you in? Don’t blame me for not reminding you, your man may look gentlemanly on the exterior, but he’s a beast when he fights!”

“You…” Su Jianan stared at Shen Yuechuan. “Have you been beaten by him?”

Shen Yuechuan brushed his nose, his gaze lingered elsewhere, “Why do you care so much? The first aid kit is already inside. Go!”

Jiang Shaokai nodded, so Su Jianan hesistated no more. As she headed to the lounge, she witnessed Lu Boyan chasing the server out.

Su Jianan walked in just then, seeing Lu Boyan sitting on the sofa looking sullen. His jacket had been placed aside, his sleeves rolled up. The tissue paper in his hand had already been completely soaked in blood.

That moment, it was like Su Jianan’s heart had been squeezed tightly, overwhelming her with heartache.

She walked over quickly to Lu Boyan, and plucked open Lu Boyan’s clenched fist. She took out the cotton swab and disinfectant from the first aid kit, and cleaned up his wound.

She knew that type of disinfectant would sting considerably when applied, so before applying it, she reminded Lu Boyan, “Bear with me. It will hurt a little.”

Lu Boyan did not utter a word during the whole process. Even until she bandaged her injury, he was incredibly cooperative.

Su Jianan was finished with the bandage. “Done.”

She lifted her head, and her gaze coincided with his heavy and intense eyes.

In that moment, the sharpness and coldness had disappeared from Lu Boyan’s eyes, yet they felt so deep and elusive. Su Jianan could not really understand it. Neither did she want to understand. Before she cleaned the blood off her hands, she had already stood up, taking her leave. “I’ll be going.”

As she turned around, someone grabbed her wrist, pulling her in, and she fell on the sofa.

Su Jianan looked at Lu Boyan stunned. She was about to protest when Lu Boyan’s whole body leaned in; she could not escape in time, and her lips were taken over by him…

Lu Boyan trapped Su Jianan between his chest and the sofa, not sparing her a bit of chance for escape, and greedily savored in her sweetness for once in a long time.

“Unf…” Su Jianan’s hands were propped before his chest, trying to push him away, “Lu…”

Lu Boyan knew what Su Jianan was going to say, and deepened the kiss, not even allowing her the chance to say “let go”…

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