Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1027 - The Story of Ling and Heng (290)

Chapter 1027 - The Story of Ling and Heng (290)

Chapter 1027: The Story of Ling and Heng (290)

No matter how impatient Feng Ling looked, the boss had decided it. He beckoned, “Okay, go to class. I’m leaving.”

With that, he turned and slipped away.

Feng Ling held back her anger, ignored the man beside her, and stared at Chen Beiqing who still looked unreconciled. “Hurry up and go to class!”

Seeing that she seemed to be in a bad mood and in bad shape, Chen Beiqing suppressed his anger, and under the other students’ curious stare, he secretly clenched his fists and walked into the crowd of the students with a long face.

The students had been prepared for the class and the classroom quieted down again.

Feng Ling stood still and glanced at Li Nanheng.

Standing on the spot, he glanced at her too and coldly raised his eyebrows.

Feng Ling gave him a fierce look and said crossly, “What are you looking at? Do you think it’s easy to be my assistant? Do you think you’ll get paid standing there and staring at me but doing nothing?”

The man gave her a faint smile. “So what does Coach Ling need me to do now?”

“Correct their postures! I will sit here and take a rest,” Feng Ling said coldly.

Listening to her commanding tone, Li Nanheng raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Okay.”

Then, he walked into the classroom.

Looking at his back, Feng Ling looked up and rolled her eyes helplessly toward the ceiling. josei

Then, a few minutes later, Feng Ling heard the screams of some students who usually didn’t perform well.

She could imagine what was happening inside.

“Ah, be gentle, you’re just Coach Ling’s assistant and a newbie here. Do you really know how to teach us? Ouch, it hurts!—”

Hearing the screams from inside, Feng Ling closed her eyes.

She didn’t know if these students were lucky or unlucky to have Li Nanheng teach them himself...

After all, most of her skills were learned at XI Base and many were taught by him.

This “newbie” was literally their teacher’s teacher.

“Ahhh, my god, my bones are going to be broken...

“Be gentle! Help... Coach Ling, help...”

“Ahhhhh, help...”

After half a class, the students realized that Coach Ling who they always thought was harsh and strict was almost an angel compared to the new assistant coach!

The new coach was a devil!

When Feng Ling felt better, she got up and went inside, only to see the students were doing push-ups on the ground with a desperate look. What they were doing was the kind of postures that looked simple but would make ordinary people tremble within 30 seconds.

It seemed that these students...

Had been doing this for more than five minutes. It was just like that time Li Nanheng pulled her out for devil training in the middle of the night.

Especially Chen Beiqing, who was suspecting who Li Nanheng was. Not only women were sensitive, sometimes men were even more sensitive on certain kinds of things. He could feel this new assistant coach was obviously very cold and hostile to him.

It was really cruel doing these postures for five minutes and some people couldn’t hold on and had already fallen to the ground.

And it was even crueler for Chen Beiqing. Li Nanheng stood half a meter away from him right now and kicked his leg. “Straighten! Stretch! Don’t bend your knees. Straighten! Did you hear me? Don’t shake your hands. Are you trembling?! Come on, you’re a man!”

Chen Beiqing gnashed his teeth and was about to lose his temper, but then he suddenly glimpsed at Feng Ling standing at the door, so he continued to keep the posture. Although he didn’t say anything, the sweat on his forehead revealed how hard he was trying.

“Li Nanheng, come out,” Feng Ling said coldly.

Li Nanheng glanced back at her and asked indifferently, “What’s up? Are you dissatisfied with my education methods, Coach Ling?”

“No, just come out. We need to talk.” Feng Ling turned around and walked to the bench outside the classroom.

Li Nanheng didn’t move. Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Chen Beiqing whose leg relaxed. He immediately kicked his leg hard and Chen Beiqing fell to the ground in pain and glared up at him. “You...”

“Your posture is not standard. Do it again!” Li Nanheng glanced at him coldly and turned away.

Seeing the tall figure going out, the other students all turned to look at Chen Beiqing sympathetically who was obviously hated by this new coach.

“Ahem, well, Beiqing, are you OK?”

Chen Beiqing got up from the ground and then looked down at his leg that was almost broken by Li Nanheng’s kick. After a short pause, he leaned down to continue doing the postures.

But when he bent down and put his hands on the ground, he looked out and saw that Li Nanheng had already gone out, he couldn’t help cursing, “Fuck...”

As if feeling the hostile gaze behind him, Li Nanheng suddenly glanced back when he walked out of the classroom and his gaze happened to meet Chen Beiqing’s. The two men stared straight at each other silently and provocatively.

Li Nanheng put one hand in his trouser pocket, snorted coldly, and left.

When he walked out of the classroom, he saw Feng Ling waiting for him a few meters away.

But she looked so serious that he knew she wouldn’t say anything nice.

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