Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1054 - The Story of Ling and Heng (317)

Chapter 1054 - The Story of Ling and Heng (317)

Chapter 1054: The Story of Ling and Heng (317)

Seeing her reluctance to look at him, Li Nanheng slowly narrowed his eyes. “Feng Ling, I’ve never been as candid to anyone else as I am to you”

Feng Ling was still supported by K and weakly leaned against him, looking at the tree trunk not far away with a somewhat distracted expression, and still refused to look at the man. josei

“Whether you hate or despise me for what happened two years ago, I can give a reasonable explanation. Even if you can’t understand it, I don’t want there to be any misunderstanding between us. I’ve told you again and again, I have never married any woman but you don’t believe me. Okay, I was too confident, overestimated my ability, and ignored your feelings, so I deserve it now.” The man sounded haggard and tired. “No matter what happens, I have never concealed anything from you. I’m always sincere toward you, but you just deny everything that has happened between us. By doing this, you are also denying yourself, right?”

Li Nanheng’s voice was so cold that even Han Jin and Xiao Xu could feel the desperation in the boss’ heart. Supporting him, they could feel that his body temperature was decreasing little by little. They wanted to say don’t delay any longer. Otherwise, Boss’s life would be in danger.

But now they dared not say a word.

Under the gaze of the base members, Feng Ling simply said, “There is no need to deny. Nothing has actually happened.”

As soon as K heard this, he immediately pinched Feng Ling’s arm to remind her not to challenge Boss’s bottom line.

Boss had been looking for her for two years and finally found her. Now both of them were seriously injured. Why was she still trying to hurt him?

But it was obvious that Feng Ling had closed her heart so tightly that nothing could get in. As soon as she was out of danger, she became cold again.

If she guarded her heart well two years ago, she would not have left in such a way.

Li Nanheng looked at her as if there was no one else around. He gazed at her face and asked, “Have you ever loved me?”

The base members had heard rumors about Feng Ling and Boss Li before, but they didn’t quite believe those rumors. Later, they learned that Feng Ling was actually a woman. Although they were surprised, they didn’t think as much as those bastards in Team Three.

But now, suddenly watching this scene and listening to what the two of them were saying, they all immediately held their breath and did not dare to say anything.

“No,” Feng Ling answered without hesitation.

Li Nanheng sneered suddenly and the laughter seemed to be out of his chest. The man’s pale face seemed to be warm under the light of the fire behind Feng Ling, but it was actually icy cold when looked closely.

“You’ve never loved me?” he asked again.

Feng Ling slowly clenched her hands. “No.”

Li Nanheng looked at her with a sneer. “That’s funny.”

Watching this scene, K felt his heart skipped a beat and he kept muttering in his heart. Come on, Feng Ling, don’t irritate the Boss anymore! Look at him, just look at him.

However, Feng Ling obviously couldn’t feel K’s worry. She just weakly leaned on his shoulder and said in a low voice, “My life in Boston is peaceful. What happened today was just a coincidence. You don’t need to feel thankful to me. Boss Li, thank you for saving me and I also saved you today, so now we are even.”

Li Nanheng just looked at her without speaking.

Everyone felt that Boss Li was physically exhausted and knew that he should be helped back quickly, but no one dared to move or say anything, especially Han Jin and Xiao Xu beside Li Nanheng. Facing the seriously wounded Boss Li who looked like he was dying, and Feng Ling who was as cold and hard as a stone, they did not even dare to breathe.

“You’ve never loved me?” Li Nanheng asked again as if not believing this answer, but this time his voice was so calm and low that everyone’s heart quivered.

Feng Ling frowned as if impatiently, and replied hoarsely, “Yes.”

Li Nanheng suddenly sneered and abruptly shook away the hands of Han Jin and Xiao Xu. He stumbled and stabilized his body, looking directly at the woman who refused to look at him and gritting his teeth. “Let me ask you again, have you ever loved me?”

At this time, Feng Ling finally turned her eyes to him. Without analyzing the emotions in his eyes, she only replied in a cold voice, “Yes, Li Nanheng, we just had a fruitless love affair. I was too young and naïve, but I never loved you, never.”

Li Nanheng froze there, looking at her silently for five seconds or so.

Feng Ling also looked at him, eyes full of determination, indifference, and coldness. She seemed to be bidding farewell to the poor Feng Ling two years ago.

Han Jin and Xiao Xu had never seen Boss Li ever be so desperate and frustrated and hurriedly rushed forward to support him, but the man who could hardly stand ignored their extended hands, waved them away expressionlessly, and then walked towards Feng Ling.

It was only five or six steps away, but with every step he made, his face turned paler.

Feng Ling didn’t know what he was going to do. Watching him approach, K didn’t know what to do, and when he was about to speak, the man suddenly took Feng Ling away from him. Feng Ling, also badly injured, couldn’t support her body and was dragged into Li Nanheng’s arms.

Feng Ling thought he was crazy, and when she was about to ask him if he was crazy, the man suddenly grabbed her chin, bowed his head, and kissed her fiercely!

Her eyes widened instantly, and she wanted to push him away but was too weak to raise her hand. The man imprisoned her in his arms, hugging her so tightly as if trying to strangle her alive. His kiss was fierce and she felt that there was a blood smell in their mouths. It was hurting all over so badly that she didn’t even notice that her lips and tongue were brutally bitten by him. Feeling stiff all over, she wanted to break free but couldn’t. He was kissing her in public like a madman!

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