Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1069 - The Story of Ling and Heng (332)

Chapter 1069 - The Story of Ling and Heng (332)

Chapter 1069: The Story of Ling and Heng (332)


“That’s her own business. Do you think it was I who asked Mr. Ted to hire her as a bodyguard?” Li Nanheng said coldly.

Ah Feng chuckled. “Come on, Boss, we know it. You knew that Mr. Ted and his family were grateful to Feng Ling, so you suggested they hire Feng Ling and successfully ‘abducted’ Feng Ling back to Los Angeles from Boston. It seemed that you did nothing for her, but actually, you had paved her way back to the base, and when it was time for the campaign, you could take her back to the base—”

“Yeah, Boss, you still love her. Why do you have to pretend to be so cold toward her?”

“You guys overthink.” Li Nanheng stood there calmly and glanced at Ah Feng. “Don’t mention this name in front of me again. If you do it again, I’ll kick you back to the Li family!”

“...” Ah Feng just wanted to swear, only to see Li Nanheng had left.

He had taken pains to pave the way for Feng Ling, but he just refused to admit it.

That was fucking irritating.

Li Nanheng walked out of the base hall quickly. Under the blazing sun in the morning, his face seemed to be covered with frost. He walked back, with only one thought in his mind—

Feng Ling could get back what she had lost when she was kicked out of the base only by herself.

And she made it.

She was proud and stubborn. Once someone hurt her, it wouldn’t work on her even if the guy tried to compensate her a thousand times more later. If she wanted to deny something, then that thing didn’t exist in her eyes.

She only wanted to rely on herself and didn’t want to ask anyone for help. She didn’t even want to come back to XI Base.

She could easily come back through the path that he had paved for her, but she still refused.

She was really stupidly stubborn.

Li Nanheng sneered but then gave a self-deprecating smile.


In fact, he was even more stubborn and stupid than her.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have fallen headlong into her pit, unable to climb up after falling so badly.


Feng Ling waited for a long time outside his room. She didn’t know when he would be back, so she wanted to wait in the room where she used to live, only to find that the door was locked.

It seemed that the door was locked when she came that day. Unless she agreed to live in, the door was always locked, and other people could not enter it.

There was no place to sit in the corridor. Standing for so long, she was a bit tired, so she just squatted against the wall for a while until her legs were numb. When she was about to stand up, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs. She glanced towards the stairs. The next second, her legs softened, and she almost kneeled down.

The light in the corridor was a bit dark, but she could see that Li Nanheng stood there, casting his gaze at her coldly.

When Feng Ling’s eyes met his gaze, she raised her hand and pressed it against the wall, regretting that she was squatting just now, so now she appeared in front him in such an awkward posture.

Looking at him again, she felt as if she was going to be frozen into ice under his sight.

The person who almost died together with her in the Boston jungle nine months ago stood there, looking at her indifferently.

It wasn’t until the moment when they finally met that Feng Ling realized that she and Li Nanheng hadn’t really looked at each other in the past nine months although they occasionally passed by each other.

In her mind, when Li Nanheng wanted to bully her, he would drag her out in the middle of the night, give her devil training, exhaust her physical strength, watch her lying on the ground exhausted, and wait for her to beg for his mercy condescendingly.

But he was frank with her; he was cold and merciless to others but was patient and enthusiastic with her. He only had her in his eyes. Wherever she passed by, his eyes would follow.

However, at this moment, the short-haired man standing opposite her with no expression, wearing a black battle uniform and looking so handsome, seemed to be the same as he was before, but at the same time, he seemed different.

His hair was much shorter than before, which made him look more manly.

Compared to nine months ago, when he looked thin and haggard due to the serious injury, he, who was standing there, seemed to have a hidden sense of strength.

His temperament seemed to be different from before.

Or to be exact, not his temperament.

But his attitude toward her was indifferent and distant.

He stood there deadpan, looking at her without sadness or joy as if looking at a stranger.

This look reminded Feng Ling of the dinner she attended with the Ted couple a few months ago. At that time, he was also looking at her so coldly that she even wondered if there was another person in this world who looked exactly like him. Otherwise, how could he be so cold toward her?

Now seeing him standing here, Feng Ling’s legs’ numbness disappeared, and she stood up straight.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through her mind, which only took a few seconds.

She looked at him and said, “I heard that Mr. Mo wants to choose a competent person from XI Base to go to Hai City to protect Mrs. Mo. Mrs. Mo is a woman, after all. It would be more convenient if there is a female bodyguard by her side. I plan to take this job. Please sign the permission letter for me.”

With that, Feng Ling retracted her gaze, tried to calm down, and continued. “As long as you sign the document, I can leave immediately.”

Li Nanheng just glanced at her distantly, moved his gaze away from her, and walked straight over. Instead of stopping in front of her, he just passed by, opened the door of his room, and entered the room without looking back. Then he just closed the door without saying a word.

Looking at the closed door, Feng Ling froze for more than ten seconds, and even her heartbeat almost stopped, and the calm look that she tried to maintain suddenly collapsed.

“Remember what you said today.”

The man words said hoarsely in her ear before he fell into a coma echoed in her ear again.

He passed her, like a stranger, drawing an impossible boundary between the past and today.

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