Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1099 - The Story of Ling and Heng (362)

Chapter 1099 - The Story of Ling and Heng (362)

Chapter 1099: The Story of Ling and Heng (362)

Just as they were about to run to the other alley that Ji Nuan said, suddenly, a black jeep galloped over, and with a screeching sound, the car stopped abruptly in front of them.

Under their gaze, the door of the jeep opened. The man in the driver’s seat glanced at the bloodstains on Feng Ling’s body and said coldly, “Get in the car!”

Feng Ling froze when she saw that it was Li Nanheng in the car, but Ji Nuan had already quickly helped her into the car.

When Feng Ling sat in the car, she turned around and saw that Ji Nuan hadn’t gotten into the car, and reached out to pull her. “Mrs. Mo, get in!”

As the window was closed, the car’s sound chasing behind was blocked, and the tense atmosphere lightened because Li Nanheng appeared. With him here, Feng Ling knew that she wouldn’t die today.

Ji Nuan, who was sitting next to Feng Ling, pulled open her sleeves. “You are bleeding. Let’s get you to the hospital and stop the bleeding first?”

While the two talked in the back, Li Nanheng suddenly stared coldly at the car chasing closely behind, and a cold murderous intent appeared on his grim face. He suddenly swerved the jeep, causing the car chasing behind to slam into the alley’s and making a loud crash noise.

Li Nanheng backed the car, turned the front of the car, and ran into the car stuck in the alley.

Feng Ling and Ji Nuan felt the force of the impact in the car. Then they saw that the small car behind had been hit into the wall by the jeep and was stuck there. It’s fuel tank leaked on impact and was dripping gasoline. If someone threw a cigarette butt at the car now, the people in the car wouldn’t have a chance to survive... josei

Because the car was stuck in the alley, the people inside couldN’t open the doors. It was difficult for them to escape from the car.

Feng Ling looked at the man in the driver’s seat. What she could be sure of was that if this were not a residential area but the wilderness, he would definitely throw a cigarette butt over without mercy.

But this was a residential area; if the car exploded here, it would affect the residents in this community.

Glancing coldly at the car that had been completely stuck in the alley, the man reversed the black jeep and drove the car out of the neighborhood.

“Feng Ling, you are bleeding too much. Let’s go to the hospital,” Ji Nuan said with worry.

“She can’t go to the hospital,” Li Nanheng said before Feng Ling spoke. “Take her to my residence. I have gauze and hemostatic medicine at home. Ji Nuan, dress her wound for her.”

“Do you have a residence in T City?” Ji Nuan turned her eyes to Li Nanheng. He seemed to have just arrived here, but people like them usually had many hideouts in the world, so she asked, “Is your residence far from here? My apartment is near here. We can go to my place to dress her wound.”

“No, we can’t go to your apartment, which may get you into trouble,” Li Nanheng said coldly and glanced at Ji Nuan through the rearview mirror. “Why were you there just now? If this happens again, remember to run away, OK? Otherwise, if something happens to you, your man will kill me!”

Feng Ling hadn’t said a word and only covered her arm that was still bleeding.

Ji Nuan turned her eyes to her again. “Is there another injury? Don’t be so quiet. Tell me where it hurts. If the injury is too serious, you can’t just have your wound dressed but have to go to the hospital to stitch it up.”

Feng Ling shook her head, meaning that she was fine, and Ji Nuan didn’t have to worry so much.

At this moment, they noticed that a few cars were going in the opposite direction from them and quickly driving into the community behind them, surrounding the car stuck in the alley.

Obviously, these people were from XI Base. Feng Ling did not expect to see them in China.

Li Nanheng had made perfect preparations before he came!

Did he anticipate that something would happen to her before he came? So he deliberately... came to help her out?

Ji Nuan took out wet wipes from her bag and wiped the blood off Feng Ling’s face. Seeing that Feng Ling’s face was pale, she frowned and asked, “How dare they murder in broad daylight?! That’s outrageous! Can we call the police?”

“You’d better not,” Feng Ling said lightly and looked at the man driving in front.

As if feeling her gaze, Li Nanheng turned the black jeep to a busy road and also looked at her through the rearview mirror. Feng Ling immediately looked away, and Li Nanheng smiled secretly and continued to drive.


Li Nanheng’s so-called residence in T City was the top floor of a hotel, which no one could step into.

After arriving at the hotel, Ji Nuan took care of Feng Ling, helping her take off her clothes and dress her wounds.

Feng Ling had never experienced such pure friendship. She had been living like a man in the base. Suddenly being cared for like this, she was a bit nervous.

“You can’t lift your arm, can you? I’ll help you take off your clothes. Don’t move.” Ji Nuan took off Feng Ling’s clothes.

Feng Ling did not refuse. After her coat was removed, there was a conservative sports undershirt underneath. Ji Nuan looked at the injuries on her body, quickly fetched a towel from the bathroom, and carefully wiped off the wound’s blood.

Li Nanheng took the medicine kit and came over, only to see this scene. His gaze paused on Feng Ling, who was only wearing underwear. Before he said anything, Ji Nuan had already quickly walked over and snatched the medicine box from him. Then she turned around to disinfect Feng Ling’s wound and stop the bleeding.

The room was very quiet. Ji Nuan was dressing Feng Ling’s wounds, and Li Nanheng was a bit embarrassed as the only man here.

Ji Nuan turned her eyes to him from time to time as if asking him silently why he was still here since Feng Ling was only wearing underwear.

Unable to resist Ji Nuan’s stare, Li Nanheng coughed and went out.

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