Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1123 - The Story of Ling and Heng (386)

Chapter 1123 - The Story of Ling and Heng (386)

Chapter 1123: The Story of Ling and Heng (386)

Even though Wen Leqing knew what Feng Ling was being obstinate, she still felt a layer of sweat form on her palms when she heard those words. She subconsciously cleared her throat to remind Feng Ling to watch her words.

However, Feng Ling continued watching her composedly: “There are so many men in the base. From the beginning, I was clueless about feelings and was easily strung along. Perhaps, if someone else had liked me and treated me well, I might have seriously responded to those feelings.”

“How can that be? At the time, Qiao Fei clarified his feelings for you before Boss Li, didn’t he? Did your heart move for him?” Wen Leqing made a face at Feng Ling as she spoke, reminding her that there was someone behind her.

Feng Ling fell into a moment of thoughtful silence before she answered seriously: “Perhaps it was because Boss Li was slightly more attractive than Vice-Drillmaster Qiao. When comparing appearances, Boss Li won.”

Wen Leqing forced out a smile: “Is that so? I think Qiao Fei is also quite good-looking.”

Please, please, Feng Ling, right now, if you say, ‘Boss Li is more attractive,’ or whatever it is that can please Boss Li, we might still be able to control this fire. Don’t dig your own grave to satisfy your need to be obstinate...

However, Feng Ling leaned against the coffee table and touched her chin seriously to answer: “Indeed, perhaps if I had thought my decision through, I would be celebrating my third anniversary with Drillmaster Qiao right now.”


Wen Leqing smiled; Feng Ling wouldn’t have died if she hadn’t dug her own grave. Right now, there was really no way to salvage this.

“Speaking of which, aside from having outstanding looks and significant power, Boss Li was basically the demon that bullied me for several years in the base. At the time, I must have been possessed by an evil spirit. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have accidentally become serious with him. Now that I think about it carefully, I really shouldn’t have...”

Wen Leqing abruptly looked behind Feng Ling and raised her voice.

“Nan Heng!”

Feng Ling had yet to finish speaking when the remaining half of her words were halted abruptly in her throat.

She turned around.

The man dressed in a black shirt was silently standing there. He unhurriedly folded his sleeves back and revealed a mild smile to Wen Leqing. His tone was normal, as though he was simply offering a greeting: “Isn’t your brother in T City? Why do you have the time to come here?”

As the man spoke, he approached but did not look at Feng Ling. “It’s been some time since you came to T City. When do you plan on returning to America?”

These words were all directed at Wen Leqing.

“I signed a contract with a hospital here. I can only leave after three months.” Wen Leqing found the atmosphere somewhat awkward. She answered him while giving Feng Ling a look, indicating for her to quickly explain herself.

Li Nanheng walked past them and scanned the coffee table. He chuckled politely but his voice did not contain any recognizable emotions. “What does Miss Wen feel like drinking? Your complexion doesn’t look too good. Forget about the processed drinks. How about tea? This hotel offers various types of flower teas. It’s a suitable choice for women.”

“Sure, anything will do,” Wen Leqing rushed to answer nervously.

Five minutes later, Li Nanheng brought out two freshly brewed cups of rose tea. He placed it on the coffee table in front of them.

Wen Leqing answered urgently: “Thank you.”

“You both have a good talk. I’ll go change,” the man said in a distant tone.

“Sure, sure.” Wen Leqing had known Li Nanheng for many years; it could be said that they grew up together. However, this was the first time she felt the need to be this cautious when speaking to him. She was terrified of igniting this flame.

Li Nanheng nodded and turned to enter the bedroom.

Finally, as the bedroom door swung open and closed, Feng Ling turned to Wen Leqing speechlessly.

Wen Leqing was also helpless. She looked at the clear expression of defeat on Feng Ling’s face. “You finally realized you spoke wrongly? I was trying to remind you the whole time. Why didn’t you notice?” josei

Feng Ling: “...I thought your throat was feeling unwell.”

“You always say that you’re quick-witted, why is it that whenever it comes to matters related to Li Nanheng, you’re slow to the point where it causes one to have a headache.” Wen Leqing rubbed her forehead. “I think he is most likely angry. You best come up with a way to coax him. I was originally in a poor mood and wanted to look for you to have a heart to heart, but with this circumstance, I don’t have the strength to talk to you. Hurry and go solve this problem of yours first.”


Wen Leqing left immediately. She didn’t even dare to touch the flower tea. She was frightened that Li Nanheng might have directly served her a dose of poison.

In the bedroom.

The man had just taken off his dress shirt and was about to put on a black t-shirt.

Feng Ling knocked on the door but did not receive any response. She decided to open the door only to see that the man was standing there bare-chested.

After seeing his undressed state, she hesitated and was about to step back. However, after thinking about it, she felt that she had already seen him this way before. There was not much point to avoiding him now. However, she still wondered if it was best to enter now. She stood by the doorway and hesitated.

The man had just picked up a T-shirt. He glanced at her from the side: “Do you need something?”

Hearing his question, Feng Ling opened the door fully and stepped in. She tried her best to look away from his perfect figure and to keep her eyes on his face: “Are you angry?”

“Why would I be angry?”

Feng Ling moved closer and asked carefully: “The words I told Miss Wen earlier... did you hear everything?”


Her heart instantly fell. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Li Nanheng unfolded the T-shirt he was holding and placed it over his head. In a smooth action, he tugged the shirt down. He then turned to look at her mildly: “Which way?”

“Earlier... the words I said. I was just saying them casually... they weren’t exactly indicative of what I feel...”

He nodded: “What you mean is that, my only advantage, which is related to whether my appearance is good or not, is false. I don’t have any advantages at all, en?”

“...No, are you really angry?”

The man indifferently lifted his brows and glanced at her mildly. He seemed to find her question amusing. “You’re right. There were so many men in the base, yet only two of us discovered your gender. If you had been discovered earlier by more men, and if there had been more men pursuing you relentlessly, I wouldn’t have been a big deal. This is the truth. There’s nothing to be upset about.”

She was somewhat stumped by his words.

She felt that she understood it, yet at the same time she did not.

She felt that he was mocking her for not treating him as the most special one and for taking him lightly. By saying that the so-called ‘being serious’ was simply her being ‘strung along,’ she had made light of everything they had gone through together.

Her emotional intelligence wasn’t actually low. She watched him and said with some awkwardness: “Don’t be angry. I didn’t mean it that way.”

The man spoke slowly: “I was the one who was looking for trouble. My apologies for standing in between your third anniversary with Qiao Fei.”

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