Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 1362 - The Story of Ling and Heng (625)

Chapter 1362 - The Story of Ling and Heng (625)

Chapter 1362: The Story of Ling and Heng (625)

Feng Ling was still at K’s place. Tam and Lin Cheng called several times.

She said that she could hold on, but in fact, after returning from the jungle last night, she was already somewhat exhausted.

She was afraid that Li Nanheng was really inside.

She would rather go in and find nothing. As long as he was not stopped by the water plants in the river, as long as he had any chance of survival, she was willing to go into the jungle and never return.

Seeing that K was still having nightmares, Feng Ling gently patted him and lowered her head several times to comfort him, bringing him back from the nightmare.

Finally, the doctor came in and gave her the medicine she had brewed for K to eat.

During the feeding, K woke up. His eyes were slightly dazed. Feng Ling coaxed and comforted him before feeding him the medicine. In the end, there was only a little left. He really could not take it anymore. She took the medicine bowl with one hand and the towel with the other to wipe his mouth.

At this moment, Granny Mai walked in with a walking stick. When she came in, she saw that she was still taking care of K. She suddenly recalled what she had learned from Carrie and could not help but sigh.

“Granny.” Feng Ling turned back to see that it was Granny Mai. She quickly turned back. “Did you throw away the things I made this morning?”

“No, I’ve picked them up and placed them in the yard. But... I feel that you might not be able to use them anymore.” Granny Mai hesitated for a moment. Although her granddaughter had specially begged her not to tell anyone, she couldn’t watch Feng Ling die in the jungle in order to find her friend. She sighed and said, “At that time, there was another person who was rushed by the river with your friend called K...”

Feng Ling tightened her grip around the medicine bowl and abruptly looked up at Granny Mai.

Granny Mai sighed again, her eyes filled with helplessness and apology. “But we didn’t find that person and only saved this one. Afterward, when my granddaughter, Carrie, went to the water river to wash clothes, she found that person. At that time, he was also on her last breath. It’s all my fault. I’ve been spoiling my granddaughter too much. That’s why her character has become so bold and willful. In the past few years, she has learned some medical skills from the doctors in this town, but she wasn’t very good. However, she felt that the doctor could save K, so she picked up another person and brought him back to her place. After so many days, I didn’t notice it... I only found out today...”

Feng Ling’s expression changed from shock to worry. “You only found out today that that person... is still alive?”

Granny Mai hesitated for a moment before saying, “I didn’t see him. Carrie said that she did save that person’s life, but that person was the same as you, K’s friend. He seemed to have been poisoned by chemistry and was unconscious for several days before waking up. Although he is awake now, his injuries are severe. He is very weak. Although he is not crippled or broken... his eyes can’t see...”

At this moment, K also vaguely heard Granny Mai’s voice. He slowly opened his eyes and turned to look in their direction. He was no longer startled and looked much calmer. He looked at Granny Mai and then at Feng Ling, who was standing by the bed. “Feng Ling...”

Feng Ling’s knuckles turned white.

In that situation, he fell down the waterfall at the same time as K and was rushed here. They had symptoms of chemical poisoning. Besides Li Nanheng, there was no one else.

He was still alive.

Wild beasts in the jungle did not eat him.

He was still alive!

“His eyes... can’t see... what do you mean...?” K laid on the bed and asked hoarsely.

However, before he could finish his words, Feng Ling abruptly put down the medicine bowl in her hand and walked out. As she walked, she said, “Granny, take me to him!”

Seeing that Feng Ling was so anxious, Granny Mai sighed, nodded, and turned to leave. However, because her legs were really slow and Feng Ling was anxious this time, she decided to give her directions from the back. “It’s at my granddaughter, Carrie’s place. I’m walking too slowly. You can go there by yourself first. It’s right in front, where I live, and on the fork’s right side in the opposite road. There’s a yard with a lot of flowers. You’ll see the clothes hanging in the yard, it should be your friend. As long as you’re not wrong, it should be the person you’re looking for...”

“Thank you!” Feng Ling quickly turned back to thank her and then ran without stopping.

According to the familiar route, she first ran back to Granny Mai’s residence and then followed the forked path that Granny Mai had mentioned. When she reached the right side, she began to look for the courtyard she had mentioned. After walking for nearly a hundred meters, she finally saw a beautiful and clean small courtyard with many flowers. Although the door of the courtyard was closed, there were still some gaps. With a gentle push, it opened.

The first thing she saw was the man’s shirt and pants. Although the shirt and pants were covered in burn marks from the explosion, she could recognize that they were Li Nanheng’s clothes.

So he was here...

She was right.

It turned out that he was only a few hundred meters away from her. He was still alive and breathing. She could still see him.

Feng Ling suppressed the frequency of her trembling hands and feet and calmly walked into the yard. When she walked in, she seemed to hear a cough from the house from afar. The cough sounded intermittent and low. She couldn’t tell if it was a simple cough or something, but the voice was indeed a hoarse man’s voice!

Feng Ling abruptly approached the door and saw that it was locked from the inside. She looked around for the windows but could not find any. The women of the Gorkin Farm had a habit of protecting themselves, especially unmarried girls. They would not casually reveal everything in the windows.

Feng Ling directly knocked on the door.

After knocking for a long time, footsteps finally came from inside. When the door opened, the young lady she had seen by the river appeared.

When she raised her eyes to see Feng Ling, she was startled: “?”

“I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m looking for Li Nanheng!” Feng Ling looked straight into her eyes. If she wasn’t Granny Mai’s granddaughter, she might have directly pushed her away and barged in.

Carrie seemed unfamiliar with Li Nanheng’s name. She looked at her strangely: “Are you the person my grandmother took in? Isn’t your friend with the doctor?” josei

“The person in the doctor’s office is indeed my friend, but the man in your office is my fiancé. His name is Li Nanheng.” Feng Ling was still looking into her eyes, and her words were sharp.

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