Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 678

Chapter 678


Chapter 678: This Woman Means a Lot to You, Doesn’t She?

A black SUV was speeding down the road. By this time, Ji Nuan would have been on the plane and could have reached Hai City by night.

He could not spare time to go to the airport in person, because he received news from Nanheng that Shine’s business partner who was abducted by Atuta two days ago had been successfully rescued.

After solving that matter, Mo Jingshen rushed to the airport. Although he knew that she was already on the plane, anything could happen in Los Angeles. He could not rest assured until he was sure that she was indeed on board and that the plane had taken off.

The black SUV was speeding along when his cell phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and suddenly felt uneasy. He who had always been composed was seized with a sudden palpitation.

He answered the phone and listened to the urgent debriefing of the men who had been sent to escort Ji Nuan back to Hai City. As the black SUV continued on, he sped up the car, steering with one hand and dialing her number with the other.

But her phone had been turned off.

Her cell phone was fully charged before she boarded the plane, so it couldn’t be out of power.

He called her again and her cell phone was still turned off.

Mo Jingshen’s eyes darkened. It was strange that Ji Nuan suddenly disappeared minutes after boarding the plane. If Atuta could put his men into the staff of the Los Angeles Airport, the entire crew could have been under his control.

Mo Jingshen called Ji Nuan again and again, but her cell phone remained off, and his heart sank to the bottom.

The car went faster and faster, hurtling toward the airport at a terrible speed.

He finally got to the airport. When he got off, his cell phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone and Nanheng’s voice sounded. “Atuta managed to control all the flights from Los Angeles back to Hai City. They couldn’t find Ji Nuan’s flight, but I’m afraid he had put his men on all the flights. They must have hidden in the cabin and are ready to take Ji Nuan away. They know they can only threaten you with Ji Nuan, so they will try every possible means to kidnap her. I just got the news. Has Ji Nuan got on the plane? Is it too late...”

As Mo Jingshen answered the phone, he saw the three bodyguards walk out of the airport but didn’t see Ji Nuan. He knew Ji Nuan had been kidnapped.


Los Angeles was struck by a sand storm. The wind and the earth seemed to turn the whole world yellow. It was foggy until it grew dark.

The men he sent found no clue about her whereabouts.

Mo Jingshen stood at the window, and the people behind him were all quiet and no one dared to say a word. Everyone was waiting anxiously for any news from others.

Looking at the yellow sand all over the sky, Mo Jingshen almost couldn’t breathe. His mind was filled with pictures of her leaning softly against him the night before. Three years later, she finally showed her soft, feminine side to him and whispered in his arms that she would return to the Yu Garden with him after he returned to Hai City. Her eyes were filled with vague anticipation.

“Mr. Mo... Atuta’s men caught us off guard today. They knew how important Mrs. Mo was. I’m afraid they are deliberately draining our time and energy by kidnapping her...” K, who had just returned from the outside, hurried in.

Mo Jingshen threw down his cell phone in a table and raised his hand to rub between his brows, but could not flatten the creases that were getting deeper between his brows.

Suddenly, the cell phone thrown to the table rang. The sudden sound froze him, and he turned his eyes to the number on the screen. It was hers.

Mo Jingshen blinked, guessing who made this call. He picked up the phone, put it against his ears, and said coldly before the other side spoke, “Tell me what you want. Don’t hurt her.”

“Oh, Mr. Control, you’re really smart. You have guessed it’s me before even hearing my voice...”

It was the same deep, hoarse voice as if stained by the smoke of battle.

Mo Jingshen recognized it was Atuta’s voice and his face immediately darkened.

He had been hiding behind his men these days. Now he finally came out in person and kidnapped Ji Nuan.

Atuta was a vicious, ruthless man. All his enemies ended up miserably.

“Atuta, this is Los Angeles, not your territory in Cambodia. I warn you not to act rashly. I’ll make you pay the price if my woman loses a strand of hair.” Mo Jingshen held the phone with no expression on his face and looked coldly at the yellow sand all over the sky.

“I certainly know this is Los Angeles. If it weren’t, do you think I will threaten you by kidnapping your woman?” The man on the side of the line sneered as he turned his eyes to Ji Nuan who had slowly woken up in a corner of a dark warehouse. He said coldly, “Oh, your woman has woken up. She is beautiful. I didn’t expect her to be so pretty. Control, how can you have the heart to abandon such a beautiful woman three years ago? It was her who shot Aqib in the back in Cambodia, wasn’t it?”

Mo Jingshen’s face almost froze. “What did you do to her?”

“Nothing. We just covered her mouth and nose with a drugged handkerchief before taking her out of the lavatory in the plane and kept her in a coma until now, but she has woken up. She has opened her eyes... she is looking at me. Her eyes are full of fear and panic. She looks surprised and scared...”

The man’s voice was chilly and vicious and he suddenly laughed coldly. “Mr. Control, this woman means a lot to you, doesn’t she?”

The blue veins on Mo Jingshen’s forehead bulged. He turned around with a jerk and signaled the men behind him with his eyes. K immediately had the men take out the laptop they had prepared to search for the location of the signal from Ji Nuan’s cell phone.

A dozen seconds later, however, the computer screen showed ‘Unable to Search.’

“Why don’t you speak, Mr. Control? Are you searching for the location of the signal? Do you forget who I am? I surely have blocked the signal before calling you. I’m afraid you’ll be disappointed if you want to find her location through the phone...”

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