Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 706

Chapter 706

Chapter 706: Kissed Mo Jingshen in the Cheek...

Mo Jingshen entered the bathroom and caught a glimpse of the toiletries placed in front of the bathroom mirror.

Last night he had taken his bath in the spare bathroom of his study instead of this one. He had returned to his bedroom long after Ji Nuan fell asleep.

He was surprised to see the toiletries were all changed to his-and-hers version.

Auntie Chen would buy articles of daily use according to Ji Nuan’s demands. It must be Ji Nuan’s idea to change the toiletries.

This little woman was really romantic when she was not having a “cold war” with him. Look at the girlish stuff.

When she was sober, she was so stubborn. She had become increasingly stubborn in the past three years.

Even when she was on the verge of death, she gave him a fatal blow and would not stop until he felt the pain.

Mo Jingshen picked up a blue toothbrush and glanced at the pink on the other side.

It seemed to him that he had not taken a holiday for a while. This was a rare holiday in his life, and he found steadiness in the ordinary warmth he had never felt before.


Mo Jingshen spent half a month to improve Ji Nuan’s courage. He accompanied her to shopping malls, parks, and amusement parks to let her get familiar with all kinds of people, or took her to supermarkets to do shopping in the place of Auntie Chen.

In the half a month, at first, when Ji Nuan saw a stranger outside, she would be scared and hid behind him, and when she saw something familiar outside, she would squat on the ground with her head in her arms, but she gradually got used to the strangers outside. However, she would still take his hand every time she was out. When he pushed a shopping cart with one hand and picked up items from the shelves with the other in supermarkets, she would carefully tug at his clothes or cuffs.

On a weekend, Xia Tian came to Yu Garden to visit her, but Ji Nuan just ignored her. Although obviously she was not scared of her, she didn’t recognize her. Xia Tian asked her if she found her familiar, but Ji Nuan answered, “Yes, you look just like that kind of bad woman in those TV dramas who likes to steal others’ husbands. Tell me, are you going to steal my husband from me?”

Xia Tian almost burst into anger.

Auntie Chen explained awkwardly, “Please don’t mind her words, Miss Xia. One of the ways Madam has gotten to know the world lately is by watching movies, TV shows, or videos. You’re pretty, so she thinks that way...”

“I can’t believe she doesn’t recognize me!” Xia Tian angrily rolled up her sleeves and didn’t even want to stay here for dinner. She grabbed her bag and left in anger, shouting, “Ji Nuan, I give you a month to sober up. If you don’t, I’ll take away MN Group from you! Let’s see how soon I’ll make myself the legal person and CEO of MN Group and make MN Group my own!”

Auntie Chen: “...”

The other servants: “...” josei

Ji Nuan didn’t understand her words. Seeing the pretty woman that she didn’t dislike leaving in anger, she paused and then turned to ask Auntie Chen, “Why was she so angry?”

Auntie Chen: “...”


It had been one and a half month since Ji Nuan woke up. Qin Siting would come by himself every two days to examine Ji Nuan’s body.

Before—every time she saw the doctor come and check her body—she was very afraid and just wanted to hide, but since she found on the iPad how good her past self was, she longed to recover and remember the past as soon as possible, so she no longer resisted and obediently cooperated when receiving a brain inspection, and would even chat with Qin Siting. She was no longer as grumpy as before.

“The residual blood in your brain has mostly been absorbed. I think you’ll recover soon.” After the inspection, Qin Siting turned to put away the small yet very advanced medical devices that he brought with him. “She is in good shape now. You can take her out for an outing. Take her to a quiet place with fresh air. Sunshine does good to her recovery. Now it’s winter in Hai City. It would be nice to take her to somewhere warm.”

Mo Jingshen was looking at Ji Nuan who was listening to them quietly like a good little girl.

She had long said to him that she wanted to go to more places.

It seemed that after their marriage, they were either on a business trip or she had gone to T City to study. They never had a simple relaxing vacation together.

“Didn’t you buy a large island near Argentina two years ago and then transform it into a tourist resort? In the past two years, the island seems to be quite popular. Isn’t it a great destination for vacation? Take her to that island for vacation. Go to the beach and get some sun.”

Mo Jingshen looked at Ji Nuan who was looking at them expectantly.

He curved the corners of his mouth and a smile spread on his deadpan face. “You wanna go there?”

Ji Nuan nodded hard. “Yes!”

He also nodded. “Then, let’s go there.”

When Qin Siting heard their words, his eyelids twitched. Seeing Ji Nuan jump into Mo Jingshen’s arms excitedly and the latter holding her like an old father hugging his daughter, he couldn’t help laughing. “You really dote on your wife. Look at you, you treat Ji Nuan as if she is your daughter. I just suggested and, within a minute, you have decided to do it.”

“You aroused her interest. If I don’t agree, guess if she will be disappointed or not?” Mo Jingshen hugged Ji Nuan hard in case she slipped from his arms, and put her slowly on the ground, saying gently, “Be careful.”

“Yes. When will we set out?” Ji Nuan blinked and looked at him.

“When do you want to go?”

“Tomorrow?” Ji Nuan looked at him longingly.

“OK, tomorrow,” Mo Jingshen said after seeing the excitement in her eyes,.

Ji Nuan jumped into his arms again with excitement and kissed him in the cheek. Mo Jingshen liked that she didn’t disguise her enthusiasm and happiness recently.

When Qin Siting saw this scene, the corner of his mouth twitched and he couldn’t help shrugging his shoulders. How could Mo Jingshen play lovey-dovey with a patient in front of him!

However, Ji Nuan looked really cute in such a state...

If Mo Jingshen liked Ji Nuan in this state, he didn’t mind stop treating her and letting her remain in such a cute state.

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