Young Master Mo, Are You Done Kissing?

Chapter 733

Chapter 733

Chapter 733: Mo Jingshen’s Arms Were Crossed, and His Expression Was Heavy as He Stood in the Center of the Living Room

The news that had spread after the two girls left to complain to the other guests left Mo Jingshen very satisfied.

Ji Nuan, on the other hand, was composed as she watched the guests on the dance floor. “If I had been attending only as MN Group’s representative, perhaps I would have done my best to avoid any conflict. The only thing I would need to protect is my company’s image. But right now, I’m also Mrs. Mo. Those girls were clearly planning to climb all over me. Does Mrs. Mo appear so easy to bully?”

How could Ji Nuan be easy to bully? She has never been someone like that.

But when it came to dealing with situations, she was indeed very rational.

Mo Jingshen smiled lightly in satisfaction. He tightened his grip around her waist. “With Mrs. Mo around, it really saves me quite some trouble.”

“Do you find those young ladies admiring you troublesome? I always thought that Mr. Mo secretly liked it.” Ji Nuan intentionally attacked him.

The man’s palm rubbed against her waist as he whispered huskily into her ear, “Isn’t Mrs. Mo most aware of what I like? En?”

Ji Nuan: “...”

She immediately gave the man a look of reproach. However, the man only chuckled lightly as he adjusted the jacket on her shoulders: “If you’re tired, let’s head back early to rest. There’s no need for us to stay here for the entire event.”

Ji Nuan made a sound of agreement but was not as immature as to leave early.

After all, they were already late for the event. If they left early, it would really be inappropriate. She knew this in her heart.

As MN Group’s CEO and as Shine Group’s CEO’s wife, even if Mo Jingshen spoiled her and doted on her, she needed to be responsible for her own roles.

In the past, she was the Mrs. Mo Mo Jingshen had kept by his side to spoil. Today, she was the Mrs. Mo that could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with him.


How lucky are we; to share our life in love. Two lives worth of memories and they are all connected to you.

Ji Nuan’s twenty-fifth birthday; Mo Jingshen’s thirtieth birthday.

A month later, when Ji Nuan’s and Mo Jingshen’s vacation had barely started, she was called back to Hai City by Xia Tian to take charge of the company’s new project. The main reason was that the little precious at Xia Tian’s home had caught the flu. It was the first time the child had had a fever since her birth, and it frightened Xia Tian, the career woman, to death. From what she heard, at 3:00 a.m. in the morning, Xia Tian had been too anxious to sleep and had rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night. She had held onto her baby refusing to let go, while the hospital doctors were completely unruffled. They prescribed the suitable medication and fever-reducing patches and explained that it was normal for the child to have fever. They also reassured that there was no need for concern.

Whenever Xia Tian brought up that harrowing night, their fellow colleagues at the company would share about their common experiences. They all shared that the first bout of illness their child had scared them to death. Afterward, when they became more experienced, even when the child had a fever of 39.5 degrees, they would be unruffled...

Since Ji Nuan’s returned to Hai City, Xia Tian and the colleagues at her company spoke endlessly about their experiences with children. Every day, they pressed her to have a child.

It had only been two months since her full recovery. Things couldn’t possibly move that fast. Ji Nuan personally did not feel the need to rush.

Time passed and eventually, it was Mo Jingshen’s birthday.

Ji Nuan was actually quite dense. Compared to other women, she was much poorer at remembering events and anniversaries. When she thought about it carefully, she realized she had never once taken special care to celebrate Mo Jingshen’s birthday. Thus, a week prior to the event, she carelessly mentioned it to Xia Tian and Xiao Ba. However, by the time it was said day, she had completely forgotten about it.

It was only when Xia Tian and Xiao Ba brought her to the departmental store to shop that she remembered. By then, it was already afternoon.

She clearly remembered that when she woke up this morning, Mo Jingshen had been as per normal. It was likely that he had forgotten about it as well.

But this was his thirtieth birthday. In Chinese tradition, it was thought to be the year one arrived at his full independence. It symbolized another decade’s passing, and it was also thought to be the beginning of a man’s most attractive period. It seemed like it would really be too much if she didn’t spare any effort to celebrate for him.

However, she had a lot of objections against suggestions for her to package herself as a gift for him.

After all, this was an extremely embarrassing route to take.

However, under her employees’ suggestions, Xia Tian and Xiao Ba forcefully brought Ji Nuan to the department store. They hauled her into the lingerie store and forced her to try on the novelty lingerie.

And it was the sort with cat ears.

What on earth was contained in these two women’s minds? They desperately wanted her to give birth, to the point where they wished they could just stuff her into Mo Jingshen’s bed every day. josei

She silently curled her index finger around the cat ear headband and watched the two busybodies helplessly.

Xiao Ba: “Boss, since you really don’t know what gift to prepare, just sell your own body. CEO Mo has always treated you so well. You should take the initiative to seduce him. Even if he eats you clean, there’s no loss for you. Besides, the two of you are a married couple. He has already eaten you clean anyway...”

Ji Nuan: “...”

Xia Tian: “That’s right, that’s right. You have to do it when you have to do it. When have you taken the initiative with Mo Jingshen? If you intentionally tease and seduce him, you say, will blood spurt out of our ice mountain CEO Mo’s nose?”

Ji Nuan: “...” Ha. It was more likely for blood to spurt out of her nose.

Xiao Ba: “Boss, all the best!”

Xia Tian: “All the best, all the best! Bravely wear it home for him to see!”

Ji Nuan: “...”

Who could help her to haul these two crazy women out?

In the end, Ji Nuan was completely suppressed by the two and had no choice but to purchase that set of lingerie. Originally, the company had a business meeting arranged this evening. Although Xia Tian said there was no need for her to attend, the partner they were meeting was extremely important. Ji Nuan’s career heart was firm and her expression was strict as she insisted on heading home after the meeting. Consequently, Mo Jingshen’s birthday was completely shoved to the back of her mind.

The result of this was that...

When she came home, it was already half-past eleven. In another thirty minutes, Mo Jingshen’s birthday would come to an end.

Recently, the two of them had been staying at Ao Lan International instead of the Yu Garden.

She quietly opened the door to be met with a sea of black. Ji Nuan released a sigh of relief. Mo Jingshen had also been busy since his return to Hai City. He should be able to understand that she had her reasons for coming home late. After all, they both had their own careers to focus on...

Although it seemed like her ‘late’ was really quite late.

Ji Nuan carefully removed her high heels. She moved silently like a thief and planned to sneak into the main bedroom.


The living room lights abruptly turned on. Ji Nuan was startled into stiffening upright. She immediately noticed Mo Jingshen who stood in the middle of the living room with his arms crossed. His expression was heavy.

The plates on the dining table were clearly the Western food he had personally prepared.

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