Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

you can show the evidence today, Pearl”

Chapter 55

Naturally, Emily didn’t think Pearl had any evidence against her. She felt that Pearl was trying to manipulate her and buy

herself more time.

Pearl spoke slowly, “Well, don’t blame me for what I did then”

With her chin held high, Emily eagerly awaited what Pearl had in store.

Pearl retrieved her phone from her sleeve and played a recording. Soon, everyone heard Emily’s angry voice coming from the phone.

“Don’t think you’ve won just because you got me kicked out of Waldorf Enterprises. I’ll make you pay one day…”

The recording included some arguing and footsteps, all coupled with Emily’s voice. It was clear to everyone that Emily had initiated the confrontation and tried to harm Pearl.

“I think these words are clear enough, Officer. It was Miss Emily who tried to harm me first. I was just Pearl calmly explained.

protecting myself,”

Emily’s face drained of color as she heard the recording. She couldn’t believe that Pearl had foreseen her attack and recorded it.

“You framed me! You deliberately provoked me and set me up with that recording,” Emily accused Pearl, her gaze intense.

But Pearl smiled indifferently. “What was that you said earlier, Miss Emily? About eating your hat? It’s unnecessary because nobody wants to see that.”

Turning to the police officer, she added, “I trust you’ll make the right decision, Officer.”

Of course, the police officer could tell who was at fault here. He felt apologetic for doubting Pearl earlier and cleared his throat. “I apologize for misunderstanding you, Miss Pearl.”

Pearl accepted the apology gracefully. “It’s okay, but what will happen to Miss Emily?”

The police officer replied coldly, “Under our country’s jurisdiction, deliberate assault can lead to a sentence of up to three years in prison. But it depends on whether you want to press charges, Miss Pearl.”

Pearl raised her brows. “So, it’s up to me?”

Emily’s heart sank upon hearing this. She suddenly stood up, grabbing Pearl’s sleeves, and began crying and pleading. “Please let me go, Pearl. I’m still young. I can’t go to jail”

cars old.

She didn’t want to face the prospect of jail time at only twenty–two years

Pearl frowned. “Calm down, Miss Emily.”

“Pearl, I admit I was terrible to you in the past, and I wronged you at the company. I’m willing to make amends, but please don’t press charges. I can’t go to jail. I’m begging you….”

She was truly panicked, as she had never imagined her life taking this turn.

Sneering, Pearl said, “So, you acknowledge your wrongdoings now. Save that for your self–reflection in jail.” novelbin

If anyone crossed her, she’d make sure they learned their lesson. She was never a pushover.

Emily, overcome with despair, collapsed on the floor, crying uncontrollably.

The police officer instructed a few officers to take her away and detain her temporarily.


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