Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chatper 536

Chatper 536

Chatper 536

Chapter 536

Pearl lowered her gaze to Jenny, who was on the floor, and scoffed. “Give me your phone.”

Jenny hesitated, knowing this was her only leverage against Pearl. But with Pearl standing over her with a menacing smile, she reluctantly handed over her phone.

Pearl accepted the phone, opened the photo album, and found the recording. Damian was also in the video. With a few taps, Pearl deleted the video. She then cleared the “Recently Deleted” folder and tossed the phone back to Jenny.

“She’s yours now.” Pearl stretched and turned to leave.

Damian nodded and looked at the few men standing around. “Take her to my room.‘

Jenny gulped nervously. “Where are you taking me?” Although she was afraid, she couldn’t help but wonder why this man wanted her in his room. Was he smitten with her? Men could be deceptive; they might appear to be gentlemen but turn out to be monsters.

Jenny looked at Damian, her mind racing with possibilities. Maybe sleeping with him wouldn’t be so bad…

But her fantasies were shattered when she was thrown into the room. Damian glared down at her with disdain. “Do you have a sister named Katie Sullivan?”

“Y–Yes,” she stammered. “She’s abroad now, and I haven’t seen her in a long time.”

Jenny tricked him. She hoped that if they knew each other well, she could gain his trust and work with him to take down Pearl. On the other hand, if they were estranged and hadn’t seen each other in a while, she could argue that she shouldn’t be held responsible for any actions against him.

Damian’s anger dissipated. “Did you know your sister had a boyfriend abroad?”

“I don’t,” Jenny replied. “Why do you ask? Are you her boyfriend?” She pretended to be glad that Katie had a good man in her life, even though she secretly envied her sister’s luck. How did Katie meet such a good man while she was suffering here and was even abandoned by Richard?

Damian nodded. “Yes, I am. Do you know where she is?”

“No. She’s studying abroad now. Why? Are you—‘

“How could you not know where she is as her sister?” Damian interrupted, his tone filled with annoyance. “She came back half a month ago.”

Jenny had no idea. She had been feeling down recently, so even if Katie had returned, she wouldn’t have made an effort to see her.

“Alright, that’s fine then.” Damian’s calm face looked tired. “You can leave now.”

Jenny wanted to ask more questions, but Damian seemed annoyed, so she stumbled her way out of the room.

Once she was outside, Jenny took out her phone and dialed Katie’s number. It was the one Katie used when she returned home.

Chapter 536

She couldn’t get through the first time, so she continued calling. After about a dozen tries, Katie’s voice, sounding somewhat groggy, finally answered.

“Hey, what’s up?”

Jenny smiled with a hint of malice. “Katie, I need your help.”


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