Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chatper 558

Chatper 558

Chatper 558

Chapter 558

Pearl had to stay at the Cooper Residence for the time being. It coincided with Alan Cooper’s birthday, Drew’s grandfather.

Reese had been preoccupied with organizing the birthday party, which temporarily put the matter of obtaining Pearl’s passport on hold. Luckily, the passport application process was fast, so Pearl wasn’t in a hurry.

One afternoon, Drew approached the door of Pearl’s room and knocked.

Inside her room, Pearl was trying to contact the Waldorf family using her laptop. She had been unable to reach Richard’s phone, and she didn’t have any other contact numbers to try.

Richard had never changed his phone number; and it troubled Pearl that she couldn’t reach. him. Suddenly, a terrifying thought crossed her mind had Richard jumped into the sea with her?

No, Richard was injured. If he had jumped into the sea, he would likely be dead.

Lost in her worrisome thoughts, she didn’t hear Drew’s repeated knocks. Finally, Drew entered her room with a large box in his hands.

Pearl snapped out of her thoughts and, noticing the box, asked with confusion, “What’s in it?”

“This is the gown my dad prepared for you. You’re going to Grandpa’s birthday party with us tonight,” Drew explained.

Pearl frowned. “But I’m not your family. It doesn’t seem right for me to attend the party.” “Why not? You’re my dad’s goddaughter.”

Pearl didn’t have an issue with the party itself; she just wasn’t in the mood for it. Her primary concern was Richard’s safety, and not knowing his whereabouts was causing her immense worry.

Drew, perceptive as ever, raised an eyebrow. “You seem to be in a bad mood. Are you thinking about Richard, your fiance?”

Pearl’s eyes lit up with hope. “Do you have news about him?”

Drew nodded. “I had a feeling you’d want to know about him, so I had some people look into it two days ago. I found out today that he jumped into the sea but was rescued by a fisherman. He’s been in the hospital but is now out of danger.”

Pearl’s heart skipped a beat upon hearing that Richard had jumped into the sea. However, it was the best news she could hope for–Richard was out of danger.

Relief filled her, and she finally relaxed her tightly knitted brows. “Thank you for letting me know. We can return in two days. Maybe I should start thinking about what makeup to wear tonight.”

Drew handed her the gift box and left, his hands in his pockets.

Alone in the room, Pearl experienced a whirlwind of emotions. She had no other choice but to take things one step at a time. novelbin


When she opened the box, she discovered a white lacy gown along with a pearl necklace and a pair of matching diamond rings. It gave off a youthful vibe that wasn’t her usual style.

She gritted her teeth and put on the gown, despite her reservations.

Drew had been waiting at the door, and when he saw Pearl emerge, he couldn’t help but be captivated.

The white lace gown gave Pearl an ethereal quality, and the pearl necklace added a gentle and charming touch, enhancing her flawless makeup. She appeared like a pure and lovely fairy, leaving others breathless in admiration.


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