Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chatper 571

Chatper 571

Chatper 571

Chapter 571

After saying that, Richard looked at Pearl and calmly said, “You can leave now.”

Although Pearl knew it would be normal for Richard to be cold toward her, her eyes still welled up with tears.

He paused when he saw how sad she was and explained, “Drew and Sean are outside waiting to tell you something.”

“Alright.” Pearl managed a faint, sad smile, nodded, and left.

At the door, she took a deep breath to hide her emotions. When she saw the two men who looked almost identical smiling and waving at her, her sadness lessened.

She walked over and looked at Drew, asking, “I told the doctor to prioritize your tests. It’s been an hour, so the results should be out soon.”

Drew nodded and was straightforward. “We have the results, so we came to tell you. We’re not. related, it was all just a coincidence.”

Pearl momentarily set aside her own problems and expressed surprise. “Really? How could you not be related?” She then watched as Sean and Drew exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

“You actually believed that, Pearl? How could you become dumber?” Sean was still not very


“Was this your idea, Sean? You wanted to trick me, right?” Pearl initially suspected Sean because he had a reputation as a prankster.

Sean, however, didn’t own up to it. Instead, he rolled his eyes. “You can’t just pin it on me because of my reputation. Why didn’t you suspect Drew? He’s no saint either.”

Drew glared at him. “You’re the brother. Can’t you just play along and take the blame?”

Sean extended his hand and tried to lord over Drew, who was slightly shorter. “Take the blame? I didn’t even do that when I had three brothers. It’s much easier now that there’s just one!!!

Pearl found their bickering childish but amusing, and she couldn’t help but laugh. “You guys are like kids. Aren’t you going to miss the Waldorfs at all?”

Sean’s smile faded as he replied, “I’m not a Waldorf so what could I do even if I can’t accept the outcome? I do feel a little annoyed that my competition with Richard seems pointless now. “He still cared about competing under these circumstances…

Pearl couldn’t help but smile wryly. “You really are adaptable. Aren’t you going to miss being part of the family at all?” Her lips twitched. It was good, however, because they could treat each other amicably moving forward.

Sean scoffed, as if he could read Pearl’s mind. “Don’t expect us to suddenly get along just because of this. I’m no longer a Waldorf so I don’t need to tiptoe around my brother’s feelings. I won’t feel any guilt if I have to take something from Richard.”

“But you were never good enough to take anything to begin with…” Pearl mumbled, but Sean heard her and his expression darkened.

Chapter 571


Pearl stifled her laughter and changed the subject. “Do you want me to take you to see Uncle Reese? Don’t you want to meet your father?

Sean’s eyes lost their shine when that was brought up. “It’s not that I don’t want to see him, He sighed. “I’m worried it would upset my mom if she found out. I’m not as heartless as Hugo, completely abandoning all familial ties.”

Pearl nodded in understanding “I’m glad I’m not mistaken about you. Your temper might be undesirable, but you’re a good person.“


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