Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chatper 628

Chatper 628

Chatper 628

Chapter 628

He hadn’t been doing well for the past few days, and it was obvious to everyone around him. Even his

staff avoided bringing their problems to him during this time.

There was something he couldn’t quite comprehend: why did Pearl, who had loved him so deeply,

suddenly want to sever their ties and disappear from his life?

His feelings for her were gone, but he couldn’t forget the memories they had created together. They

had been so close and had gone through so much. So, why did she decide to take such a step?

His assistant stood outside his office, observing him engrossed in his work, not wanting to disturb him.

However, Richard sensed someone’s presence and glanced up, recognizing his assistant. He gestured

for him to come in.

“Sir, we have a new order.” The assistant placed the agreement document on Richard’s desk and

stepped back respectfully.

Richard picked up the agreement and began flipping through its contents, his brows

furrowing as he saw the name on it–Sapphire Group,

“Isn’t this the company that recently established itself overseas?” he asked.

“Yes, sir. Sapphire Group was relatively small before, but it seems they have been thriving since their

eldest child returned,” the assistant replied.

Richard pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why would a foreign company want to collaborate with us?”

The assistant wasn’t entirely sure either. Their company, Waldorf Enterprises, wasn’t a major player in

the medical machinery industry, so it was puzzling why Sapphire Group would choose them.

“Maybe… it’s because our company has a positive growth outlook?” the assistant ventured,

Richard tapped his fingers on the desk thoughtfully. “I don’t think it’s that simple.” However, he didn’t

intend to reveal too much to his assistant since he wasn’t a regular staff member.

“If they are interested in working with us, then let’s arrange a meeting with their president,” Richard


The assistant appeared apprehensive. “Sir, their president has conveyed that he won’t meet with us

until the agreement is signed.”

“That’s unusual,” Richard mused, suspecting that there might be something more to this. It sounded

like a trap.

“Tell them we’ll want thirty percent of the revenue if they won’t meet us.”

“Thirty percent!‘ The assistant started sweating. The president was doing daylight robbery. What an

unscrupulous businessman!

Richard looked coldly at him. “What’s on your mind?”

The assistant was nervous as he was suddenly called out. “You’re really clever to do that. They

mentioned that as long as our demands aren’t too excessive, they are willing to accept them.”

Chapter 628


Richard’s interest was piqued. “In that case, I’m even more inclined to meet their president.”

“So you’re saying-“the assistant began but was interrupted by Richard’s actions.

Richard examined the agreement document, finding nothing amiss, and picked up his pen. He signed

his name in cursive: Richard Waldorf.

After signing it, he casually instructed, “Arrange for flight tickets to Mernaut. We’ll be meeting with their



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