Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 136 Ari

Chapter 136 Ari

After the preparation, Celes visited the master once again at his bake shop. Just like before, he was given his usual order. This time his apprentice was with him even though she was unwilling to go with her master.

"The other elders already agreed that you can come to the tower tomorrow. You will be under my care after you enter the tower," Celes informed him.

The master already thought as much and those words made Celestine frown. Cygnus could already guess that the apprentice was not happy with that news. She was constantly glaring at the man and did not even try to eat the cake that was served for them.

"Will I become your apprentice?" This question made Celestine even more angry but she was keeping herself in check unlike the first time they met each other.

"Not necessarily because I'll need the approval of the other elders about that matter. I'll only supervise you until you get used to the tower and even your training," Celes shook his head as he explained the situation.

Cygnus nodded, "Is that so. Then can I bring with me an aide? It would make my parents more at ease when they learn that I am joined the tower. I can also use it an excuse just in case." He requested as part of Astrophos's request.

Celes did not need to think twice and answered immediately, "Yes, you are allowed but only one aide can enter the tower and that whoever you will bring will also follow the rules of the tower."


Cygnus grinned and looked at the other person who was with Mr. C. He was at least six feet tall with blonde and yellow eyes. His skin was a bit tanned and at the master's gaze, he replied with a nod. "That is Astro, I will be bringing him with me as the butler couldn't leave the manor without my father's consent."

Celes looked at the man pointed by the master before he nodded towards Cygnus. "I understand, I will personally welcome you tomorrow so that we won't have any problems like last time."

"Sir Celes, I have one more thing to ask." Cygnus spoke once again, "Ezio, will he be at the tower?" This question took the mage by surprise. He did not expect the young man to ask for Ezio.

"He is a bit special and right now he is not at the tower. He is currently enrolled at the Magic Academy due to some circumstances," he explained. "Why do you suddenly ask?"

"Oh, it's because I wanted to personally thank him for saving me at the ball. I did not have the time to properly thank him when I woke up so I am hoping to see him at the tower." Cygnus answered with the explanation he prepared earlier.

"So that's the case, I'm not sure when he will be back at the tower but because the both of you are in a similar situation, I'm sure that you will meet him soon since both of you are staying at the same hall." Celes smiled while telling him that information.

He said those but it would be difficult for the both of them to meet because Ezio would be put in a different place because his magic was something that the tower needs. In the future he would be the core of the tower's plan while the other recruits they have would be supporting him.

Cygnus maintained his expression even after hearing the mage's thoughts. The tower's plan was so grand that they couldn't wait to attain it. They must have been anxious when Jagan disappeared together with the child.

Now that he was back in the tower, they were even more anxious to start the plan they had years ago. Ezio could already control his magic decently and a little bit more, he could open a door to another dimension. Once this part of his power as a 'Dimension Walker' manifested, the tower won't sit still.

"I understand. I'll wait for him at the tower then." After the visit, Celes and Celestine left for the tower.

"Ezio is a special case," Cygnus chuckled after saying those words out loud. "The tower's interest in Ezio's power is now beyond obsessive."

Astrophos's disguise faded after the mages left as he moved towards the master, "Do you have any idea why they wanted Ezio's magic? From what I heard he saved you and the king during the ball using magic that looks like teleportation but it was not the same as that magic."

"Ah yes, you don't know the importance of Ezio's power to the tower." Their surroundings suddenly flickered as a barrier was set around them to prevent other people from eavesdropping. "Ezio is what I call the 'Dimension Walker'. His magic is a power that can open doors to different worlds. If that power fully manifests, the tower will be able to go to other worlds."

The mage who asked the question was so shocked that he became frozen from where he stood. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. The power to travel worlds was only a theory to the point that it can be considered a myth. There were records of it in the Magic Tower but all of it was not proven that most of the mages considered it a fairytale.

"What do you mean by that? How can there be someone who can use that kind of magic?" Astrophos became even more confused, he can't easily believe whatever the master was saying.

"It is not impossible and I know someone with that kind of power. She disappeared a long time ago and then her name suddenly appeared in this world." Cygnus suddenly had a faraway look on his face at the mention of that woman.

The mage was slightly taken aback by the sudden reaction of the master. "If that's the case, then is Ezio related to this woman you are talking about?" He asked after a while.

"I'm not sure and I don't know but the fact that he carries that woman's name makes that a possibility." Cygnus gave the man a smile which only made Astrophos frown. "Now that Jagan is dead, I need some other way to know the truth."

"Is that the reason why you took Ezio under your care?" Astrophos asked again after he could finally piece together the events that had happened so far.

From the moment he took Ezio under his wings and the journey to the capital. It was all to get inside the tower. So, the destruction of the tower was not a joke but something he already thought about ever since they were still in Moonvale.

"Then I would be even more helpful once you enter the tower. I will help you find out what happened before the Grand Mage disappeared with Ezio." Astrophos made a promise which Cygnus did not expect at all.

"That's why I allowed you to join me. We will uncover everything that the tower has done from the past before I go ahead and destroy it," Cygnus grinned with a glint in his eyes. "Do you have any problem with that?"

Astrophos shook his head, "I don't. The respect and loyalty I once felt for the tower is already gone. I don't care what you do after you get what you want. I don't consider myself a mage from the tower any longer." His voice was cold and uncaring which made Cygnus laugh.

"That's good to hear. Now that you are on my side even without a contract, I'll introduce you to someone. You will be working with her once we enter the tower." Cygnus stretched his hand to the side and a wisp of smoke appeared on his hand, it swirled around in a small amount until it got bigger and transformed into a woman that resembled a ghost.

Astrophos's eyes widened when he saw the transparent woman. Her eyes were closed and her clothes were unusual, something he had never seen in any of Lunaira. Her face had lines on it and even her clothing was bluish but the mage couldn't make it out properly.

"This is Ari."

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