Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 81 Doing It Seriously

Chapter 81 Doing It Seriously

As the dragon's fire reached Arcaine, he raised up a barrier of holy power to defend against the attack. But even though he was protected, he could still feel the blistering heat that was trying to burn him. The attack only took a minute but it felt like eternity for him.

After the fire was gone, everything below the hero turned to ashes and only he and his subordinate were standing. They could already hear the hysterical shouts of the people below. They were terrified and in a state of panic.

The casualties only rose because of the appearance of a dragon. The military and the mages had their hands full as they tried to evacuate as many as they could.

Ginehart couldn't believe that after the fogs and those monsters disappeared a dragon would take their place. He thought that they were already safe but something more dangerous came.

"Knock on all the doors and instruct the people to the northern gate of the town, now!" He gave the orders to the soldiers and looked at the lieutenant, "Go and see if there are still survivors from the burned area, cooperate with the mages."

"I'll escort the people out of this place," Captain Violett volunteered. Although the major doesn't really trust her, he had no other choice but to let her handle things.

"Alright, I'll be counting on you then." Major Ginehart nodded before he turned around and left to where the battle was. Even though Arcaine was a hero, there was no guarantee that he can defeat that thing by himself.

And he was right because right now, the hero was being beaten and even his holy power can't scratch the dragon's hide. His clothes were already burned and matted with blood with his skin was black with ashes. His neatly combed blonde hair was now disheveled and full of black soot.

He was panting and his vision was obstructed because of the blood coming out from the wound on his forehead. Still though, he was gripping his sword tightly with holy power still coming out from him.

His subordinate was already on the ground with blood coming out of a puncture wound on his body. The dragon was really targeting him but he can't hide his holy power. How will he fight without his power?

Then the man's words came back to him and it only made him angry. No, no matter what happens he wouldn't let those words get to him. He was different. He was above anybody else in that place. He was a hero and nobody can deny that truth.

He picked up himself and brandished his sword once again. Arcaine faced the dragon with the utmost resolve that he could muster.

Cygnus, who watched all of this play out, could not help but chuckle. That man was really something and even his thoughts were on another level.

"Ah, really that man is really funny, even his thoughts are truly outrageous!" He couldn't help but exclaim after reading those thoughts.

"Master, what should we do now?" Mr. C asked while giving a subtle look towards Astrophos who was glaring at them.

"Tsk, I forgot that we have someone who is not fond of these kinds of things. Well, let him be." The master looked at the hero again and ignored the man who they confined in a cage made of purple mana. "Let's wait for the dragon to be defeated."

Mr. C nodded but before he could return to where he was standing before, another question came from him. "Are you sure that he will be able to defeat that dragon?"

Cygnus tilted his head before he answered, "Yes he will and he will be so happy to do that."

With that confirmation, Mr. C went back and stood dutifully behind the man. The fight against the dragon was still going on and yet the hero still wasn't able to pierce through the dragon. If not for his sword's attribute, it would already be broken into pieces.

The dragon looked at the human who wields holy power. He was all beaten up but he was still standing, one thing that should be commended but that was not enough to defeat him. He was so weak compared to the heroes he had faced throughout his lifespan. It was annoying that his time was wasted on someone this insignificant. It was bruising his pride as a powerful dragon.

"How did you even become a hero?" a deep and almost hollow voice sounded inside Arcaine's head. "You are so weak that I can even penetrate your defenses and enter your mind, how pathetic."

Arcaine looked up and saw that the dragon was looking directly at him. He gritted his teeth then shouted, "Get out of my mind!" He circulated his holy power inside his veins and around his body successfully blocking the dragon from his thoughts.

Another roar came from the dragon before it flicked its tail towards the hero who managed to use his power to float up and avoid the attack but after that he was assaulted by a great strong wind which pushed him down on the ground once again.

He was pinned down by the gust of wind from the dragon's wings and spat blood as he could feel his insides being crushed. His grip on his sword slowly slackened and when the dragon noticed this, its claws rushed forward as it created a swishing sound towards the pinned man. The dragon was intending to crush the man and end his futile attempt of defeating him.

Just then, while Arcaine was about to lose his consciousness, a sudden surge of power went through his body and gave him the strength to pull away and avoid that attack. He rolled away and stood up like his body was renewed.josei

Arcaine looked at the dragon and smirked, then he lifted his sword once again and before the dragon could react, he was already above its head and was aiming for its eyes. It was already too late for the dragon to avoid the attack because of its slightly slow reaction added to that the surprise it felt when Arcaine seemed to have powered up.

A roar of pain came from the dragon and the hero who managed to pierce its eyes felt satisfaction. The roaring power inside of him was looking for a way out and who was he to stop it. He was blessed by the gods with another power so he won't waste it and destroy the dragon in front of him.

The dragon wiggled and flew back as the pain of being stabbed in the eye overwhelmed him. As a response to it, they breathe a blazing fire which was more destructive than the first ones. It completely torched the stone structures on the ground.

The dragon was not angry, it won't let that human get away from injuring its precious eyes. With greater force, the dragon finally attacked. If it was only using its dragon breath from the start, now it was not going to hold back.

Large fire balls appeared in the space around the dragon but this did not intimidate the hero because he was confident that he could defeat the dragon with his new found power. These fireballs were launched and went straight to the hero.

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