You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 133 (1)

Chapter 133 (1)

Given that a new storm against ZGDX was brewing online, Lu Sicheng streamed after dinner the night of the skirmish.

Normally he wouldn’t stream since he wasn’t interested in streaming to begin with. He had done a few times before which were purely for fun to tease Tong Yao…… Now he didn’t have to do that in public anymore and so it had become quite rare to see him stream.

-- --He didn’t seem to care too much about his pay being deducted for missing the streaming quota.

However, at present, he had to stream when there was the public cry of “four of the five ZGDX players are animals, they joined hands to bully our poor Cheng Ge, weep, weep, weep” circulating online. The other four players were all waiting for him to do so-- -- When he got on, Lu Sicheng, facing four pairs of staring eyes, resentfully said: “What’s wrong with calling you all animals?”

Little Fatty moved his lips about to say something.

Just then, Lu Sicheng’s stream turned on and instantly received a comment saying “that Fatty even rolled his eyes at Cheng Ge during the game, so mean, he’s not qualified to be a fat person. All fat people are very kind.” Little Fatty changed his expression in the next second, his stare at Lu Sicheng was now filled with affection.josei

The stream channel filled with viewers after the stream started. Bullet comments filled the screen as Lu Sicheng was still adjusting his camera-- --

[Ahhhhhhh, Cheng Ge, you’re finally streaming.]

[My roommate wants to see Cheng Ge stream before he dies. Now he can be on his way in peace, thanks, Cheng Ge.]

[That damn Fatty’s behind you.]

[The way that Fatty’s looking at you makes me want to puke. Tell him to go away.]

[How can Fatty have a look in his eyes, hahahahaha, his eyes are only slits.]

The last comment made Little Fatty angrily walk away. Lu Sicheng straightened up after he finished adjusting the camera and logged on to the game queued up. Then he took a glance at the bullet comments. He said without any expression on his face: “Alright, I’ve come to stream now. Where’s the person who’s stirring up issues like crazy today on Weibo? You can come out now.”

Tong Yao: “......”

She could sense the exasperation coming from the person next to her. Tong Yao moved her chair towards Lu Sicheng when she heard Lu Sicheng continue: “Come out, I’ll personally show the way for you.”

Tong Yao: “......”

He was probably filled with pent-up anger and finally had found an outlet for it…… Tong Yao stretched her leg as long as she could to give Lu Sicheng a kick under the chair. She meant for him to be nicer since he wasn’t streaming to get into a fight-- -- However, Lu Sicheng looked down at the leg which had to fully extend in order to reach his leg and mercilessly said: “Why did you kick me? Take back your short leg.”

Tong Yao pulled her leg back with a red face, then pulled up her legs to sit on the chair crossed legged. She heard Lu Sicheng reply to bullet comments with complete honesty: “The shorty next to me just kicked me. Don’t know what she wants, probably thinks I’m too mean. Am I mean?”

Tong Yao: “......”

Tong Yao went on Lu Sicheng’s stream, the first thing she saw was all the bullet comments saying “not mean at all” “they way you talk is just fine with us” “she’s too fragile; this is mean?” “not mean at all”, all hypocritical comments……

Masochistic, all these people were masochistic, Tong Yao thought.

During the stream, Lu Sicheng explained what had happened to the team while playing the match at the same time-- -- It was the first time that Tong Yao had heard Lu Sicheng talk so much on stream. He started off with the game with YQCB, explaining why his team lost. He admitted that the line up of the second round was exactly the same as the skirmish against the Korean OP. He added that the skirmish was kept a secret and the one who disclosed it shouldn’t be someone from his own team, besides it was quite some time ago. He mentioned that the club had already looked into the responsibility of the organizer of the competition……

“We lost because there are areas that we didn’t perform well in. We’re making improvements and seeing some good results…… What areas that we aren’t doing well? Well, anyone who had watched the game should know how we lost the third round. We aren’t good at following orders…… Everyone has their own thoughts, which is quite normal. In any case, we lost the game, that’s that. It’s not like we haven’t lost any game before. I don’t know why you guys would make such a big deal out of it.”

Lu Sicheng sounded quite casual about the matter.

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