You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 140 (4)

Chapter 140 (4)

Before being dragged out of the room, Tong Yao heard the girl’s mother ask the police whether having too many of these kinds of cases on record would affect the girl’s chances of going to college……

Tong Yao thought it was quite strange, what did she mean by too many of these cases?

Before she could figure it out, the glass door closed behind her and she couldn’t hear the discussion inside the office anymore……

Tong Yao, Lu Sicheng and Xiao Rui sat outside the office. Tong Yao looked at her finger which was wrapped in bandages. Lu Sicheng, seeing Tong Yao wasn’t saying anything, lifted his hand to touch her head. Xiao Rui asked: “Why don’t you say something? Do you feel sorry for that girl?”

“......” Tong Yao looked up to glance at Lu Sicheng and mumbled: “I’m also a girl.”

Lu Sicheng chuckled: “En. We only have this one girl as well.”

An hour had passed before they heard a clamor inside the office. Tong Yao could hear the girl’s frightening wail, accompanied by her mother shouting: “Detention! What detention! Five days? Not even a single day is acceptable! My daughter has classes to go to! Besides, she didn’t get detention the last time, why detention now! It’s the exact same thing as last time, it can’t be that you’ve taken a bribe from them-- --”

Tong Yao was startled by the sudden outburst before she comprehended what they were referring to. It turned out that the girl had done the exact same thing about half a year ago. She had sent a threatening letter to someone at the time. That time the matter was resolved after the police filed a report on her and the girl’s family paid some money to the person being threatened. The person who had been threatened was the one frightened to death. The girl on the other hand thought the whole thing wasn’t a big deal since she and her family didn’t pay much money to settle and she didn’t get detention because she was underaged……

As a result, she did the same thing again six months later.

But this time it was a different story.

> Article 12. If a person who had attained to the age of 14 but not to the age of 18 commits an act against the administration of public security, he shall be given a relatively light or mitigated penalty. Article 20. Under one of the following circumstances, a heavier penalty shall be imposed on a person: (4) The person has been subjected to penalty for this act against the administration of public security within the past six months. Article 42. A person who commits one of the following acts shall be detained for not more than five days or be fined not more than 500 yuan; and if the circumstances are relatively serious, he shall be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 10 days and may, in addition, be fined not more than 500 yuan: (1) writing letters of intimidation or threatening the personal safety of another person by other means……” Lu Sicheng said slowly: “For the first offense for someone underage, it’s only reeducation. But if there’s a record within six months, then it’ll be more serious. Well, how would I know she has a record before, right? It’s really not my fault.”

Lu Sicheng stretched his long legs, lazily sitting on the bench outside the policeman’s office.

Tong Yao took a look at him. His cell phone was still in his pocket. She paused for a moment before asking: “How would you know all this…… You memorized it from Baidu last night?”

Lu Sicheng gave her a glance: “I was a top student at China University of Political Science and Law before I became a professional player.”

Tong Yao was dumbfounded: “................................That’s impossible.”

Xiao Rui: “It’s true. When he came back to China to play professionally, he even went back to school to take his finals. When the others were playing training matches, he was sitting at the side studying, looking rather silly.” josei

Tong Yao: “......”

Lu Sicheng: “Aren’t I something?”

Tong Yao: “....................................................”

Lu Sicheng stood up. Wailing and howling could be heard inside the office saying “I don’t believe it” “you’re being bribed”, which was mixed with the policeman's angry scolding. Lu Sicheng pulled Tong Yao up: “Let’s go. The show’s over. Let’s go home.”

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