You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 63 (1)

Chapter 63 (1)

[ZGDX, smiling: Almost made a wrong move.]

[Ah Mao’s mom: ? ?]

[ZGDX, smiling: Just now, he was so mesmerizing that I almost lost self-control and tried confessing to him-- --Damn, what an idiot I am. Ever since I admitted to you that I have feelings for him, I can’t stop myself from being attracted, when he’s talking or not talking, smiling or being mean, even the way he drives the car……]josei

[ZGDX, smiling: I wish I was the steering wheel when I see his hands holding the steering wheel! ! ! !]

[Ah Mao’s mom: If I print out what you just declared, maybe the Lu Sicheng Fan Club will let you be its president. But before it happens, do you want to take some medicine? Cheng Ge is handsome alright, but you can’t lose yourself in it-- --What about your dream, your fight for respect for female professional players? Mulan!]

[ZGDX, smiling: With his good looks in front of me, I almost forgot my own analysis earlier.]

[Ah Mao’s mom: How did you stop yourself then?]

[ZGDX, smiling: …...He interrupted by asking me whether I wanted to listen to music, then he told me not to rush.]

[Ah Mao’s mom: Not to rush what?]

[ZGDX, smiling: I probably looked like I was in a hurry to find the right word to say at the time…...He told me not to rush because he could tell that I was anxious.]

[Ah Mao’s mom: Aw, but, what if he’s telling you not to rush your confession?]

[ZGDX, smiling: Then what? He’s telling me not to rush my confession? Does it mean that he’s letting me wait patiently till he confesses to me first? Yi, xixixixi, that doesn’t sound right!]

[Ah Mao’s mom: ? ? ? ? ? You can take it anyway you like. So optimistic, like an idiot.]

[ZGDX, smiling: I’m not an idiot.]

[Ah Mao’s mom: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re smart.]

[ZGDX, smiling: Just you wait. Maybe one day he will have a crush on me because of my superior gaming skill and charismatic personality. The day will come sooner or later and by that time, I’ll allow you to boast for three years about everything you know : ) ]

[Ah Mao’s mom: ………………...My sister, you’re way too optimistic, almost to the point of delusion. Your superior skill? You don’t recognize who you are now just because you beat him once. You better take your medicine.]

Tong Yao logged off Wechat with a giggle. Lu Sicheng gave her a glance: “If you keep giggling in my car, I’ll throw you out.”

Tong Yao looked at him sideways: “I can’t even giggle in the car.”

“Idotic animals are banned from my car.” Lu Sicheng said, then after thinking about it for a second: “Who are you talking to?”

Thought about the exchange with Jinyang just now, Tong Yao held her cell phone tightly, as if she feared Lu Sicheng might reach out to grab it. Her face blushed slightly-- --fortunately, it was dark enough in the car that Lu Sicheng couldn’t notice. Tong Yao hesitated for a while: “Are you making everything your own business?”

“It’s my obligation as the captain to mind my teammates' business.” As Lu Sicheng was talking, he suddenly frowned: “Look at your face, it has nervous written all over it. Was it Li Hengshuo? You’re still talking to Li Hengshuo? You can carry a good conversation with him even if you don’t speak the same language?”

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