You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: New Student



I gave Mr. Daniel a big smile when he allowed me to enter for free. Because if maybe another student made the same mistake as me, surely Mr. Daniel would punish him.

I don’t know why Mr. Daniel always distinguishes other students from me; sometimes, I think about it. But I try not to think like that.

I put my bag on the bench. I usually sit near the window. For some reason, I always like to find a seat near the window because, for me looking outside from inside the classroom is something unique.

By the way, I always sat alone and was in the very back seat. Doesn’t like sitting with others or others who might not like sitting with me.


But actually, I never thought about it.

I took out some colored pencils from the table and opened the drawing book to prepare for the lesson Mr. Daniel would give.

“Okay, since everything is complete, we will start today’s lesson right away.”

I glanced at where Mr. Daniel was when he said those words. Because after Mr. Daniel said those words, it was a sign that the art and culture lesson was about to start.

It’s time to release all the images in my head into a colorful ink stroke in my drawing book.

I smiled widely as I held my colored pencil and prepared to draw the image in my head.

“But before we start, allow me to introduce a new student!” Mr. Daniel said with enthusiasm.

I, who was already excited by holding my colored pencils, was immediately stopped as if all my imagination had been blown away and not in my head anymore.

Damn! Why does there have to be a pause like this? Should there be a new student in this class? Even though I think 19 students are enough, 19 is a good number for a class.

Because with 19, there will be one person who doesn’t have a partner to sit with. Yes, that’s me. But if there’s one more person in this class, I won’t be sitting on this bench alone.

‘Fuck! Damn it! Why does today feel so bad!’ I cursed in my heart as I put my colored pencil back on the table.

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked out the window. Very lazy to deal with new students. So I decided not to pay attention to anyone in front of the class.

“Come in, new students, introduce yourself!” Mr. Daniel said to the white-skinned man with tall, cherry red lips, light brown eyes, brown hair, athletic body, and broad chest who was walking closer to Mr. Daniel.

“Hello, everyone. Introduce my name, David Henderson. I just moved to this city. Hope to be more familiar in the future.” David said with a big smile.

All eyes are on the man currently standing on Mr. Daniel’s left. It was as if their eyes had all been hypnotized by the handsome man in front of them.

“David, you can sit with Leon in the backseat. That’s the only seat left,” said Mr. Daniel.

David just nodded his head and left Mr. Daniel.

I heard all the introductions were in front of the class, but I deliberately didn’t turn my face a little toward the boy. Just silently staring out the window without looking at him at all.

For some reason, I seem to be looking out the window, but I can notice something else around me. I believe that all my teacher friends in this class are amazed by the good looks of the new student.

But I purposely didn’t pay any attention to it.

I could hear the new student’s footsteps approaching me; I slowly tried to fix my perhaps impolite sitting and packed some of my things on the table.

I can hear that the new student is currently sitting on the bench to my right.

I also know that the new student is currently watching me.

As much as possible, I won’t even look at him because introductions, let alone making a relationship with new students, are something very annoying.


“Hi,” I answered spontaneously without me noticing.

I quickly turned my face away from him.

How can I answer his greeting? Even though I tried my best not to pay any attention to this new student.

But why, only with the greeting “hi” was I hypnotized and immediately responded with the salute “hi” as well.

My heart was beating so fast; it felt like my body didn’t want to compromise with me anymore. When I accidentally saw his face, it was the first time I saw such a handsome man sitting to my right.

I don’t know what makes him different, but this new student named David looks so different from the others.

“I’m David, you?”

“I’m Leon!”

I replied, smiling at him.

Shit! I opened my eyes wide, then turned my face away from David again.

What is wrong with me? Why does it feel like I can’t control my body well? Why every time he asks, and I always answer it. But in my heart, I don’t want to do that.

Oh God, is this man a magician? The one who casts his spell when he meets other people.

“Nice name. Will you take me on a tour of the school later?”

“Of course!”

Fuck! What happened to me? Again I turned my face back after I answered his question, and I decided to sit a little further away from him.

My hands are shaking, and it feels like cold sweat has been running down my face and body; I don’t know what’s going on with me or Why It seems I can’t control myself.

“Hey, are you okay?”

“Ah, yup, I’m fine. Just sweating, I think the weather is not friendly!” I answered again spontaneously to David.

After saying those words, I immediately turned my face back from David and looked at the drawing book.

My fingers gripped tightly on the colored pencils on the table, not knowing what was happening to me, why I didn’t seem to be able to control myself well when dealing with the man next to me.

“Ah, I see; this is for you.”

I slowly turned towards where David was, as he handed me a red boxed drink. I widened my eyes in surprise when he gave me my favorite drink.

“Oh, thank you,” I answered haltingly, then took the lychee-flavored drink he had just given me. josei

Fuck! Was he a magician?

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