You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 211 - 211 The First Meeting!

Chapter 211 - 211 The First Meeting!

211 The First Meeting!


Edward disappeared instantly after entering the portal. But when he entered the portal, it was as if he was trapped in a dimension.

Because several minutes had passed, Edward still couldn’t find a way out of the place that was currently taking him to another place.

“Where am I? Why is the place Leon is going to different from where I am now?” Edward panicked when he was currently in a place he didn’t know.

A large place has colors mixed around it. Edward’s body was currently floating in the air and was swaying everywhere. But did not find a way out of the place.

“What happened!” Edward shouted, trying hard to open the portal again to get out of that place.



The portal made by Leon previously led the three of them to a place. The three of them landed in a colorful flower garden courtyard.


The three of them looked around to determine whether that place was the Magic Castle they were headed for. josei

“Are we at the intended place?” Roland asked while looking around, as his current scenery was filled with colorful flowers in the garden.

“I don’t know either; we should be in such a magnificent room,” Leon answered when he remembered the first time he arrived at the Magic Castle. But at this time, he instead arrived at a flower garden.

Not long after, the sound of footsteps came from somewhere. The three of them immediately looked in the direction of the sound of feet.

When the three of them looked at the source of the voice, they raised their eyebrows simultaneously because they saw a transparent bubble that turned out to cover the flower garden.

Shortly after, two female figures appeared, passing through the transparent bubble.

The two of them were Laura and Lauren.

With big smiles on their faces, the two of them greeted Leon and the others warmly.

“Finally, you made it to this place!” Laura said while smiling and looking at Leon.

“Really? Then Why did the three of us even arrive at this colorful flower garden? Shouldn’t it be at the Magic Castle?” Leon asked, confused, while hugging Laura gently.

“Don’t worry; this is part of the Magic Castle. This colorful flower garden is right in front of the Magic Castle.” Lauren added while smiling, looking at Leon and the others who had just arrived at the venue.

“The transparent bubbles that you see are transparent bubbles that protect this colorful flower garden so that the colorful flowers in this garden can stay fresh and not wither!” Lauren explains the use of the transparent bubbles currently enveloping the venue.

After chatting in the colorful flower garden, they finally decided to enter the Magic Castle.

When the five of them came out of the colorful flower garden and passed through the transparent bubble.

A tingling feeling emerged when their bodies passed through the transparent bubble. They all must have felt that way. because that feeling will appear to anyone who passes through that transparent bubble.

Roland smiled broadly as he looked behind him after he passed through the transparent bubble.

He was amazed because it was his first time seeing something like that.

“How’s Davareon doing?” Leon asked while looking at Laura, who was currently on his left.

“She’s fine, she looks healthy, and you’ll be surprised when you see her!” Laura said with a smile as she said.

Laura and Lauren opened the front door of the Magic Castle, which was so big.

Eyes wide like ping pong balls, currently adorning Roland’s face because it was the first time he saw it.

“Wow! Roland thought while shaking his head as he slowly entered the Magic Castle.

The three of them were escorted by Laura and Lauren to where little Davareon was. Little Davareon has its place to play.

A room that becomes her room as well as a playground that Laura and Lauren will presently show.

“This is her room, don’t be surprised when you see it.” Laura smiled as she opened the door for them.

When the door opened, Leon and the others’ eyes immediately widened when they saw Davareon’s room, which had such a unique decoration. It has a garden theme and a green grass floor which feels soft and smooth when stepped on.

The five who entered the room looked so happy when they saw such a beautiful decoration. Like really real and alive.

But the attention of the five of them was immediately diverted when they saw a little girl wearing white clothes with shoulder-length brown hair; she was sitting and playing with a wolf doll beside her bed.

Leon smiled broadly and then immediately approached her.

“Davy,” Leon called her in a soft voice.

Making the girl immediately look back, she smiled broadly, then got up and ran towards where Leon was.

Davareon immediately hugged Leon tightly. She knew that Leon was her parent.

David, who saw that his daughter had grown up like a 2-year-old girl, immediately squatted down and gently hugged Leon and Davareon.

David and Leon did not expect their daughter’s growth to be so fast; now, their daughter is like a 2-year-old child who can walk.

Not only David and Leon, but Roland, who first saw Davareon, looked so amazed with a big smile.

“She’s so beautiful!” Roland said softly when he saw Davareon embracing her parents.

Laura and Lauren, who saw the moment, we’re also happy because they could witness this rare moment.

David and Leon slowly released their hugs to their daughter, then Leon decided to say, “My dear daughter, look at you. You’ve grown up,” said Leon while kissing Davareon’s forehead and cheek.

“You are really beautiful, my daughter,” David chimed in, which made Davareon blush when her parents praised her.

Even though she couldn’t speak fluently yet, with the expression Davareon gave, David and Leon knew that their daughter was so happy when she could meet them.

While being engrossed in letting go of Longing together, Davareon suddenly turned her head towards where Roland was. She then smiled warmly at Roland and drew closer to him.

Roland noticed that little Davareon was looking at him and walking towards him, slowly crouching down while smiling broadly at Davareon.

David and Leon let their daughter come to Roland; they smiled, looking at Davareon, who was walking slowly toward where Roland was.

“What do you think she will do to Roland?” David whispered to Leon, still looking at his daughter.

“I don’t know either, but surely it has a reason why it is suddenly approaching Roland!” Leon answered while smiling broadly, looking at Davareon and Roland facing each other.

When Davareon was right in front of Roland, she slowly moved her right hand and touched Roland’s left cheek.

Roland saw that he only allowed what Davareon would do to him. He was currently completely hypnotized by Davareon’s beauty.

It was as if only Davareon was currently inside Roland’s head.

When Davareon touched Roland’s left cheek, Roland immediately widened his eyes when he saw a flash of a memory.

Not a flash of memory but rather a flash of what will happen in the future.

When Davareon let go of the touch of her hand on Roland’s left cheek, Roland immediately looked at Davareon while shedding tears.

David and Leon, who saw this immediately, immediately approached the two of them for fear that something would happen when the two of them touched.

“What happened?” Leon asked Roland while lifting Davareon’s small body.

Leon asked David to keep Davareon away from Roland a bit.

The two looked panicked when they saw Roland silent, not answering Leon’s previous question. Laura and Lauren also immediately approached to confirm Roland’s condition.

“What happened to him?” Leon asked again when he saw Rolan just silent; then he looked at Laura and Lauren so they could quickly check on Roland.

Laura and Lauren immediately checked on Roland, silent as if he had become a statue.

As for things they didn’t know, Roland, silent as if he had become a statue, was currently being shown a glimpse of the future he would live in.

He saw a glimpse of the future that he was destined to be with a woman who was so beautiful. The woman has curly brown hair, red lips, brown eyes, and a smile that is so warm to him.

He saw that his life would be happy until death separated them both.

Of course, this future vision made Roland not expect this to happen.

He, who had returned to his senses, blinked a few times and then looked at Leon, David, Laura, and Lauren, who were currently in front of him.

But this time, his attention was diverted to Davareon, who was in a seat not far from the current five.

With tears rolling down his cheeks, Roland looked deeply at Davareon.

“What happened to you, Roland? You made us panic!” Leon asked, panicked.

“I just Imprinted her!” Roland said while looking at Davareon.

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