You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 213 - 213 Dinner Together!

Chapter 213 - 213 Dinner Together!

213 Dinner Together!

The tension in the living room finally subsided because Leon could accept the statement about what happened to Roland and his daughter.

Indeed, a fate that cannot be separated. If it is destined to be together, then only death can separate them.

When destiny has said so, anyone has no right to separate the two of them.

That’s what Leon is currently feeling, trying to think more maturely and accept what fate says.

Instead of cooling off the atmosphere, Leon finally decided to ask Roland to cook for dinner today.

He said that the food would be a ransom for Roland for imprinting his daughter so early, even though it was just a diversion because Leon wanted to taste Roland’s cooking again.

Roland happily agreed to Leon’s request; he immediately headed to the kitchen and prepared a sumptuous dinner for everyone in the Magic Castle.

Laura and Lauren felt sorry for Roland, so they both decided to help Roland prepare dinner.

“You two don’t have to help me; it will only trouble you later!” Leon said while cutting the ingredients currently in front of him.


Laura and Lauren smiled broadly as they prepared the plates and other ingredients for today’s dinner.

“Don’t hesitate; I’ve considered you part of this family!” Lauren said, which made Roland’s cheeks blush instantly.

He was so happy because he was well-welcome by Leon’s family.

With a fiery passion, Rolan serves all dishes with 5-star quality. He delivers the best dishes he has ever cooked before.

He is sure that anyone who enjoys food from him later will like it.

After almost 1 hour of cooking, all the dishes he made were finished.

Laura and Lauren helped Roland to serve the cooked dishes in the dining room in that place.

The dining room inside the Magic Castle has decorations like the dining room in a palace.

A rectangular marble dining table that stretches so long is in the dining room.

Roland served dinner like serving dinner for nobles.

After all the dinner dishes were Served in the dining room, Roland bowed his body before Laura and Lauren because the two of them had helped him with the dinner preparations.

“Thank you very much for the help,” Roland said politely while smiling broadly in front of the two of them.

Laura and Lauren just nodded their heads, then asked Roland to be able to call the others to immediately head to the dining room.

The three-headed to the living room to call the others to enjoy dinner together.

“Eum, dinner is ready; let’s enjoy dinner together!” Roland said nervously when he saw Leon’s family in the middle of the room. But his eyes at this time were diverted to see how the figure of a girl who was so beautiful.

Roland smiled broadly as his eyes and Davareon’s, locked into one.

It is as if an inner bond is so strong between the two of them.

But the moment was short-lived, as Leon picked Davareon up in his arms and led her to the dining room.

As Leon, carrying his daughter, passed by Roland, Leon shot a sharp glance at Roland.

“Watch out if your food isn’t good! You know the risks!” Leon said, then walked towards the dining room.

Hearing what Leon had just said, Roland smiled faintly as he turned his body around and said, “You guys will like it!”

He said those words with eyes looking at Davareon, who was in Leon’s arms.

“Good luck to you!” David said as he patted Roland on the back from behind and asked him to quickly head to the dining room.

After they all sat down neatly in the dining room, everyone’s eyes widened in admiration at the sight of the dinner dishes that Roland, Laura, and Lauren had prepared.

“Wow, whose nobles are going to eat this food?” Nicholas said while smiling broadly when he saw such a luxurious dinner in front of him.

“Hmmm, good. Alright, just to taste how your cooking tastes like!” Leon said while looking at the sumptuous dish in front of him. Even though his words looked flat and cold inside, his heart was thrashing impatiently to be able to enjoy the dish Roland cooked.

“Since we’ve all gathered in the dining room, it would be nice for us to start this dinner together immediately!” Lauren said as the oldest in the room.

After she said that, everyone in the dining room started enjoying dinner together.

When they tasted the dinner Roland made, their eyes widened instantly like ping pong balls because the food Roland cooked was truly delicious.

Even though they didn’t speak, Roland could tell by their expressions that they all enjoyed the food he made.

It made his heart bloom because he made everyone in the dining room enjoy his food.

He looked at Davareon, sitting in a special chair for her age.

Roland smiled broadly, then handed over the special food made just for Davareon.

He certainly knows what foods are consumed by children aged two years.

As Roland put down the bowl containing the food for Davareon, he smiled broadly as he said.

“This food I made especially for you; I hope you like it!” Roland said, which made Davareon smile widely. Even Davareon’s cheeks blushed instantly when she heard what Roland had just said.

Seeing that cute expression, of course, hypnotized Roland, “Wow, you are so adorable, Davy; please grow up fast so that we...” josei

“Woi! she’s still a baby, don’t talk to her like an adult!”

Before Roland could finish his sentence, Leon, from a distance, sprayed Roland with his words.

Roland immediately grimaced as he looked at Leon and nodded his head.

“I just want to cheer her up,” Roland answered with a big smile to Leon.

Everyone in the dining room laughed instantly when they heard what Roland said.

Dinner at the Magic Castle that day turned warm when all of them could experience such a beautiful moment that they rarely had.

Roland got so much time talking with Davareon, Even though Davareon didn’t answer any of Roland’s questions because she still couldn’t speak fluently.

Only the answers, “Yes, no, and Huh,” came from Davareon’s tiny lips.

“Roland, time for us to go home.”

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