You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

28 Protective Bracelet



I slowly opened my eyes as the pain in my head was still real.

“What happened?” I said quietly as I looked around me.

“Leon, you’re awake, be careful not to move too much first,” said someone who came closer to me.

When my vision was completely clear, I saw Mr. Patrick Henderson in front of me.

Wait, what happened? Why do I sleep on my stomach?

“Mr. Henderson, what happened?” I asked him quietly while trying not to move an inch because the slightest movement could make my back feel excruciating pain.

“Hmmm, maybe you don’t remember what happened. You’re already in a safe place, and it’s better not to move much because you injured your back badly from that incident,” said Mr. Henderson.


“David!!!” I screamed so loud





I blinked my eyes a few times as I briefly recalled the incident.

“David? Where’s David?” I asked quietly while looking at this room.

“Don’t worry, he’s fine; right now, he still needs time to himself,” replied Mr. Henderson.

I just listened quietly to his answer and decided not to find out more about David; maybe he needed some time alone.

“Ah yes, I will give an elixir to your wound; this medicine can only be given when you wake up from your fainting,”

“I ask you to be able to endure the pain that is tolerable,”

“Hmm, what kind of pain do you think?” I asked, a little worried.

“Like this-”


“ARGHHH!” I groaned as hard as possible as a painful stinging pain ran down my back.

I was tormented in that stinging pain for almost thirty minutes until, finally, the healing process carried out by Mr. Henderson was done.

“It’s done, and your wound is almost completely healed,” said Mr. Henderson smiling at me.

“Ah, thank you,” I replied as I slumped helplessly.

Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Henderson returned to the all-white room I was currently in.

“Are you feeling any better?” Ask Mr. Henderson.

“I think so,” I answered uncertainly.

“I will help you to be able to change your position slowly,” he said while holding my shoulder.

I could only obey, and with great difficulty, I finally sat up and leaned my back on the patient’s bed.

“Where are we?” I asked curiously.

“This is the safest place in town, about two hours from where you live,” he replied, picking up a small black box on the table.

My gaze shifted to the small black box that he was currently carrying.

“You have to wear this,” he said, taking a black bracelet out of the small black box.

“What for?” I asked curiously while extending my left hand.

Mr. Henderson smiled as he put on a black bracelet that had gray marble in the center. “This bracelet is useful for removing the scent of your Rare Blood, so you don’t have to worry anymore; there will be no supernatural beings who will know where you are,” replied Mr. Henderson explained.

“Is that true?” I asked, surprised.

“Yes, this bracelet has been given a magic spell,”

“Magic spell?” I can’t believe it.

“True, but there’s one condition you can’t break.”

I immediately fell silent for a moment when I heard the sentence, “What is it?” I asked while looking at Mr. Henderson carefully.

“You’re not allowed to kiss or have sex with anyone except David, but I don’t think you two would do that, would you?”

I immediately fell silent when I heard what Mr. Henderson said.

“Ah of cou-rse not, the-re’s no w-ay David and I wo-uld do that, hmmm, I’m Straig-ht I guess,” I answered haltingly as my throat went dry instantly.

“Haha, I was just joking,” said Mr. Henderson.

“But what about David? Did David have anything to do with this Bracelet?” I asked curiously.

“That’s right, David has something to do with your bracelet.”

“I mixed his aura and blood into the bracelet and sealed it so that when you use the bracelet, your Rare Blood Scent will not be smelled by other supernatural beings,” said Mr. Henderson.

I was silent, hearing what he said, trying to understand his explanation.

“Oh, You can’t take the bracelet off your hand once it’s worn.”

“Huh, then this Bracelet will stay with me? Forever?” I asked curiously.

Mr. Henderson shook his head, “No, the bracelet can come off when you kiss or have sex with someone else.” Answer Mr. Henderson.

It feels like I’m destined not to be able to feel the beauty of love and what love is like. Because with the explanation from Mr. Henderson indirectly forbids me to have contact with other people who try to approach me.

But fortunately, for now, I have no one to love.

My eyes widen for a second as I remember Robert.

I think he can be a problem in my life if he keeps chasing me and asking me to be his boyfriend. Huh.

“Do you have anything you want to ask?”

I immediately turned to Mr. Henderson and smiled, “I don’t think so; maybe if I have a question, I’ll ask you,” I replied with a faint smile at him. josei

“Okay then, I’ll be back to organize the things that are still in the living room,” replied Mr. Henderson smiling at me and leaving the room.

Huft it feels like these few days I can only be in bed.

“Hmmm, where’s David? Is he okay?” I mumbled while looking at the glass window in this room.

“Yup, I’m fine; thanks for worrying about me!”

My eyes widened instantly when suddenly the voice was behind my ear.

I looked to my left and was greeted by David with a big smile right in front of my face, “David, since when have you been in this room?” I asked flatly.

“Since just now, when you said my name, was the bracelet any good?” David asked while looking at the Bracelet on my left arm.

“Ah, yes, I like it,” I replied with a smile.

Hearing what I said, suddenly David looked directly at me, our eyes locked together, the atmosphere became silent for a moment, and there were only me and David who were currently looking at each other.

David brought his face closer to mine slowly; I realized, then turned my face just before David’s lips touched mine.

“Ah, I hmmm, can you ple-ase get me a d-rink? I’m thir-sty,” I stuttered to divert the conversation.

“Ah, of course,” David said, walking out of the room.

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