You're My Mate (BL)

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

51 Guest Has Arrived



It was getting darker; the sun had hidden in the western horizon. I looked out of the window. David was not in the yard; maybe he had decided to go into his room.

But honestly, until now, I don’t know where David’s room is, either on the 2nd floor or the 1st floor, because I didn’t ask him about it either.

Mr. Henderson and I are preparing dinner for an upcoming guest.

Mr. Henderson said his brother would be right there for dinner.

“Aren’t you tired?” Mr. Henderson asked me as he sprinkled some grated cheese on top of the brownie.

“No, I’d like to help you finish preparing dinner tonight,” I replied, smiling broadly at him.

“Okay then, I’m not forcing you to accompany me until the dinner is over, but if you insist, what can I do,” said Mr. Henderson while carrying some food into the dining room.


I salute them both; even though David doesn’t have a mother anymore, Mr. Henderson managed to take care of David so well that he can even cook all kinds of food without ordering it from the restaurant. The ideal man is always sought after by many women.

“Is the matter so serious that your Brother, you invited here to help guard,” I asked Mr. Henderson, a question I didn’t want to ask.

But because we were silent for quite some time, I finally decided to ask the question.

“It can be said like that; people with rare blood like you don’t always exist yearly. And not everyone can have rare blood like you.”

“And I can say that you are part of another supernatural being that has different abilities from the others.”

“And I think the rare blood within you is a rare blood that has been passed down for thousands of years.” Mr. Henderson explained while arranging the side dishes on the dining table.

“If a person with rare blood like me is a descendant, then does my mother or father have the same rare blood as that?” I asked curiously because maybe they both have rare blood.

“Unfortunately, they both don’t have it.” Mr. Henderson replied with a faint smile at me. josei

Don’t have it? Are those two not my parents? Because if it is indeed a rare blood like me, it must have parents who have the same rare blood. But Why is Mr. Henderson’s answer different from what I expected?

“I have a story for you About Someone who had rare blood before.”

Hearing what Mr. Henderson said, I immediately paid full attention to him because I wanted to know the origin of the rare blood.

“Decades ago, a man had this rare blood; he was named Nicholas Reiss. He was the same before as an ordinary human and had rare blood, but one night, there was Werewolf, the Alpha, who deliberately bit him. The new Werewolf.”

(Note: Nicholas Reiss is the MC in my other novel with the title, “The Alpha’s Destiny” This story has something to do with him)

“A person who has rare blood and becomes a supernatural being because a supernatural being created him, then that person will have extraordinary power. And his rare blood will be fought over by many other supernatural beings. Even I had heard the story of Nicholas becoming the leader of all supernatural beings in this world. He became the what for all supernatural beings that exist.”

“There is a peace organization that is in one place, but until now, I don’t know where it is; decades ago, all supernatural beings had good relations with other supernatural beings, But as the years go by, the relationship between supernatural beings is getting worse and worse. there is.” Mr. Henderson said, telling about a man named Nicholas.

Hearing the man’s name seems familiar to me, but I don’t know why either.

“Then does the man named Nicholas still exist today?” I asked Mr. Henderson curiously because who knows if I might meet the man named Nicholas in question one day.

Mr. Henderson was silent for a moment, then shook his head, “Unfortunately, there is a lot of news circulating that Nicholas has passed away!”

I was silent when I heard the news because it turned out that my wish to meet a man with the same rare blood as me would not come true. After all, Nicholas is rumored to have died.

But I still don’t believe the news; maybe for some reason, Nicholas himself reported that he had died; I hope so; maybe he is still alive and well and hiding somewhere.

For some reason, I suddenly thought about this possibility because it never hurts to give myself hope.

There was silence between us at this time; only the sound of the plates and spoons we were currently setting filled the dining room.

“They have arrived!” Mr. Henderson said, smiling widely, and then looked out the window from the kitchen, “you better take a shower first and get ready for dinner,” said Mr. Henderson added.

I nodded and immediately rushed to my room because I had to shower first to be fresher.

When I got to my room, I peeked out the window; I saw three people getting out of the Alphard car parked in Mr. Henderson’s yard.

Two men and one woman. I think it’s Mr. Henderson’s brother’s family.

I widened my eyes when I saw the figure of a man who had just gotten out of the car suddenly look at my bedroom window; I immediately hid.

My heart was beating so fast when I saw the sharp gaze of the man’s figure.

“Is he the one named Roland?” I mumbled while controlling my erratic breathing.

Because when the man looked at me, a sharp look with sinister killing intent flashed from his eyes.

It felt like my body was so weak when I got those sharp gazes; I immediately took a shower and changed parts to eliminate this fear.

After I finished showering and changing clothes, I chose an all-black outfit, the new clothes Mr. Henderson had bought.

The clothes I will wear tonight are less formal and casual, suitable for use during the day or at night.

Well, I guess I’m ready for the dinner that will start after this.

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