CH.420 Training Dhampirs
CH.420 Training Dhampirs
CH.420 Training Dhampirs
A few days later, it was a ‘move-in day’. For the dhampirs Lua picked to be her first students that came to live on campus. Previously her teaching was going to them, but now it is having them come to us.
For me that meant assigning rooms to the newcomers. It was simple, as Lua had mostly picked families whenever possible, so I’d just give them one of the larger guest rooms.
There were a few lone dhampirs as well, and for them I gave the option of either having a room of their own, or sharing a room with other solos.
In the end, out of the 46 dhampirs in this set, only 2 ended up being in a room of their own.
From then on, every day there would be a lesson on True Blood Magic. I naturally took part in the lessons, though I did get some looks from the other dhampirs. Largely because I generally don’t stay a dhampir outside of the lessons, so if they ever spotted me around HomeBase outside of the lessons, they’d smell the difference.
Yes, dhampirs can do that. It really isn’t hard. Their noses are quite good at picking up blood, sweat and other similar things.
Eventually one of the two ‘lone wolves’ ended up asking me about it, and I showed her my unique-racial skill by swapping races from human to dhampir to cat-folk to dragon hearted.
“... that is some skill.” She said in awe. “Wish I’d had something like that.”
“You can’t always have what you want to have. You just have to do the best with what you’ve got.” I told her, though honestly it felt a bit hypocritical. My skills are extremely overpowered, so I’ve never really had any issues. “And if you try hard enough, you will eventually find your own unique skill, whatever it will end up being.”
“... do you really think I can?”
“Of course. … and if you’d like, you can join the combat training we have, if you are looking to be a combatant.”
“... what if I want to be something simple like a maid or chef?”
“I can have someone teach you that as well.” I offered.
“... and what if I want to learn magic? Outside of Blood Magic?”
“Again, I can offer that.”
“... even if I don’t have a magical attribute?” She asked.
“I have a way around that problem, so yes.” I confirmed. “But even outside of that, there are magics you can use without an attribute.” I told her before I quickly casted a simple Space Magic spell. “I too am without an attribute. But that doesn’t stop me from using magic.”
“... I … thanks.”
“No problem. Just ask someone when you decide what you want to do. Or you can just do a bit of everything. Sure being a jack of all trades isn’t the best, but it isn’t bad either.”
I had similar conversations with some of the other dhampirs, but most of them either already knew what they wanted, or were children that wanted to try everything.
The most popular option was learning new combat techniques, be it magic or CQC.
Learning to fly was also a popular dream, after Lua and Ria showed off their wings. So learning Vampiric Body Modification from Ria and Winged Flight from Lua became a goal for a handful of them. Alice even helped with her Mana Flight, as it was an option for those that wanted to specialize in magic.
The next most popular thing was actually cooking. Specifically learning how to cook blood based dishes. It got to the point where I made an entire second kitchen that worked as a study space for those that wanted to learn to cook, because while the HomeBase kitchen is large, it isn’t really good for teaching multiple people.
The most interesting, in my opinion, was the sole dhampir that asked Wilma and Karl for lessons in blacksmithing and weapons making. He wanted to become a smith that could solo make blood iron, and maybe even vampiric steel, weapons.
Syra, the dhampir that was the first to ask me about things, ended up specializing in household chores and cooking, almost like she was trying to become a maid.
I do hope she ends up enjoying the future she picked.
But as things go, I don’t worry about all of that. I just practice Blood Magic, which I’m learning quickly by the way. It is way easier than Space or Time Magic. It is even easier than Spirit Magic.
And I also open packs, because I want to complete more sets before we get the info necessary to mega cure the other two Kingdoms, because I’m basically guaranteed to get more sets unlocked when that happens.
I already let Laura fully complete both and , but that still leaves three sets I haven’t fully completed.
I was missing a few cards from both, so I’ll go over the important ones Laura got.
From Strike of Neos, Gene-Warped Warwolf is naturally interesting. It is the first of the 2k LV.4 vanillas, so that is something.
Sage of Silence is fun, as she can use a technique similar to Lua’s Monarch of Magic. It isn’t quite as powerful as Lua’s variant, as Sage of Silence can only negate spells, while Lua can bring spells under her control, but they are similar.
Card Trader is also interesting. With it, I can basically trade in a card to get a different card of the same rarity from the same set.
So for example, I can trade in a super rare Aegis of Gaia from Strike of Neos, and I’ll get a different super rare from the same set in return.
So having access to some Card Traders will be a good help when Laura tries to full complete these sets, as Card Trader can help with the RNG.
From Force of the Breaker, the most important one is Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus. It is Crystal Beast I was missing, so now, when I get it, I can actually summon the Rainbow Dragon.
Others worth a note are Volcanic Rocket and Doomfire, Raiza the Storm Monarch and last, Rare Value.
So yeah. That is the situation with those sets. Let’s move onto what I actually want to do. Let’s get that Rainbow Dragon.
And for that, is the set.
Well, I got another Hunter Dragon, which as I’ve already mentioned, is the best equip for the Cyberdarks, so I’ll take it.
Well, as far as this set goes, Zombie Master is new. Yes I already have a few from the Zombie World structure deck, but this is the first from Tactical Evolution.
Okay. Doom Shaman. It is a Gemini, sadly, but its effect is alright. It is kind of like Geminiplant, I mean Gigaplant, but for Fiends.
So yeah. Not bad. Next pack.
Okay. Following up the Shaman is Vennominon. That is honestly amazing. I need him if I ever want to summon Vennominaga. And even without Vennominaga, Vennominon is a potentially very powerful monster as I can just fill the GY up with Reptiles.
Next pack.
And nothing new here. But still, for ten packs, not too bad. Two new super rares and one ultra rare.
But I want more! More packs. More chances for the big glowy dragon. So let’s que up like … 30 packs and speedrun open them instead.
… wow. For thirty packs, that is kind of bad. I mean, I guess it follows the odds of one higher rarity card in every 6 packs, but it is still disappointing.
Frost and Flame Dragon is a lot like Desert Twister. Too difficult to summon for its effect.
Gemini Summoner I already had.
Lucky Pied Piper is okay. It is a Gemini, yes, but at least its Gemini effect is good.
Can’t really say the same about Chthonian Emperor Dragon. Sure double attacking is a good effect, but not for a level 6 with 2400 attack which you have to Gemini summon.
And Mirror Gate is a fine trap. Not amazing, because you need to control an Elemental Hero, but it does work sometimes. … even if it really is just a worse Creature Swap.
So yeah. Because I didn’t get either Vennominaga or Rainbow Dragon, how about another 30 packs? Actually, don’t answer that because I decided I’ll just do it.
Okay. That is a lot better. A total of 9 high rarity cards.
Necro Gardna is decent. Banish it to negate an attack, not bad.
Aquarian Alessa is similar to Lucky Pied Piper, but the Piper’s effect is better.
Blazewing Butterfly is fine, the best part being that it can special summon a Gemini monster with any level, so you can summon a LV.6 Gemini with it, and the monster will have its Gemini effect.
… and the rest are repeats.
And still no Vennominaga or Rainbow Dragon, so with my unlimited power, I mean unlimited Pack tokens, I call forth thirty more packs.
… wow. I mean, I suppose getting 8 higher rarity cards is better than 6, but they are all repeats. The only good thing is that I got a secret rare Gemini Summoner.
And I know you might ask, why is that good?
Well, that is because I just got Card Trader. And guess what just so happens to be a secret rare in Tactical Evolution? Both Rainbow Dragon and Vennominaga.
So I quickly activated a copy of Card Trader and traded in my secret rare Gemini Summoner.
I then got a roulette with all 10 of the Tactical Evolution secret rare cards in it, and the roulette spun.
It first landed on Gemini Summoner, because F my luck, but it automatically respun, as Card Trader didn’t allow for the result to be the same card as what was traded in.
And on the second try, it landed on Cyberdark Impact!
See! I told you! Cyberdark Impact!, the card, isn’t in Cyberdark Impact, the set.
But this is a clear sign. Pack Opener, or at least Card Trader, wants me to summon Cyberdark Dragon, so I think I will.
… it’s just a shame I don’t have any fissures coming up, so I’ll have to summon it just for fun. But I think I have an idea of something I can test with the Cyberdarks, so I'll just visit that place and and have some fun with them.